Ft. Dix Six (now five) trial began yesterday in NJ

I have a bunch of news piled up because I was so distracted by the Washington/Wall St. debacle of the last few days, I’ll try to get these stories up today.  The first is that the Ft. Dix Five trial began in NJ yesterday.  We have covered this issue in several previous posts here because one of the accused is a former refugee from Bill Clinton’s Bosnian War.   All are Muslim immigrants (at least three are illegal aliens).

It was paintball and jihad, Dunkin’ Donuts and Osama bin Laden — terrorism come to suburbia.  

And if the plot had been carried out, prosecutors say, the bodies of U.S. Army personnel would have been strewn across the fields of the Fort Dix military base.

Jury selection begins tomorrow for the trial of five foreign-born Muslims from the Philadelphia area charged with planning a jihad-inspired attack on the South Jersey military complex.

The government’s case is built primarily around secretly recorded conversations made by two cooperating witnesses who befriended the defendants. Those conversations, prosecutors say, detail “plans to attack Fort Dix and kill American soldiers” and include “discussions of the supposed justifications for such attacks rooted in radical jihadist ideology.”

Read on here.

Mortgage Monsters meet the Immigration Invasion

That is the title of a 2004 (yes! 2004, that’s right 2004)) article by Thomas Allen at VDARE.  When I read this just now, hours after Congress thankfully voted NO on the big bailout, I got angrier then I’ve been for a week about all this stuff going down in Washington.  If Mr. Allen, just a regular American citizen, had seen the writing on the wall in 2004, yes, 2004, then why the big surprise by the entire Washington/Wall Street establishment.

How did we get into this “crisis?”    Immigration stupid! 

This is how Allen begins his prophetic article: 

George W. Bush boasted in his radio address last weekend about how his Administration is boosting homeownership among what he called “minorities.” He even concluded with a heart-warming account of his meeting with an Hispanic single mom,” who gratefully told him the fact that she and her “girls” could afford a home, with the help of a federal homeownership program, was “a miracle.”

 It’s not a miracle, of course. It’s just a massive subsidy from the American taxpayer—through Government-Sponsored Entities (GSEs in Washington jargon) whose possible instability, as a matter of fact, is attracting increasing concern in financial circles. And it’s a subsidy that, to a remarkably unreported degree, goes to immigrants.

The government-sponsored entities are the Federal National Mortgage Association (Fannie Mae) and the Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation (Freddie Mac). Together with another GSE, the Federal Home Loan Banks (FHLBs), they directly or indirectly stand behind $4 trillion in mortgages—three-quarters of the single-family mortgages in the U.S.

Read it all here.   I’m going to go be sick….

…..and I’m filing this in our CRIMES category.

We are in deep trouble: two must-read articles

Two articles brought to my attention yesterday confirm to me that we are at a crisis point in American history and indeed world history.   I warn you, they are both depressing, but don’t let them send you to bed with a bottle of your favorite adult beverage, use them to inspire you to work harder to save the country and our form of government—the one we know and love.  

What connection do they have to refugees you ask.  Immigration generally and the swamping of western civilization and democracy by immigrants especially those from Muslim countries who refuse to assimilate and place huge demands on our welfare system are integral to victory for the radical left, and it is integral to the establishment of Sharia law.    The proponents of Sharia law and of socialism have joined hands to defeat democracy and capitalism and great strides have been made toward that end in recent months.

[By the way,  I saw this personally at a demonstration in Washington last year.  I remember being shocked when it sunk in to me that the Muslim American Society was actually co-sponsoring the anti-war demonstration of the communist group ANSWER.  And, I wondered too which of those would win out once they had wiped us out—the half naked atheists or the fundamental Islamists—in this classic case of joining forces to conquer a common enemy, democracy.    It’s no contest really, once the proponents of Sharia Law have a firm foothold, they will annihilate the decadent communist anarchists of the far left, with the same passion they brutally threw the Soviet Union out of Afghanistan.  Radical Muslims hate atheists even more than Christians or Jews, if that is possible.] 

But I digress, back to these two important articles.  The first is from the American Thinker by James Simpson entitled “Barack Obama and the Strategy of Manufactured Crisis.”    In it the author describes the strategy of the radical left with Obama as a key player in pushing socialism deeper into the fabric of our government.  This awful bailout plan we are witnessing today is used as an example.

The other article is really a speech by Dutch legislator Geert Wilders the director of Fitna.   The speech, given in New York last week, says America will be the last man standing as Europe may already be too far gone.  Swamped by Muslim immigrants, the continent may be beyond saving and America will be the last bastion of democracy and western civilization.  Read Wilders speech at Jihad Watch.   See him on the Glenn Beck show here and note he calls Muslim immigrants to Europe “colonizers.”

And then get to work!

British Tories reject sharia courts

Hurray for the Conservative Party of Britain — the Tories.  The Telegraph (UK) reports:

A Conservative government would ban sharia courts and impose a tough crackdown on Islamic extremism, the shadow security minister has said.  [A shadow minister is the person in the party out of power who will take that position if the party gains power.] Pauline Neville-Jones, a former head of the Joint Intelligence Committee, said: “We are not going to have any status for sharia courts. Absolutely not.”  

Earlier this month it emerged that the Government had quietly allowed rulings of five sharia courts across Britain to be enforceable through the county courts or High Court.

We reported on September 15 that the  Labour government is now allowing Muslims their own courts that use sharia law for civil cases. The Conservative Party is out of power, so its policies have no official standing. They’re already way up in the polls; I’ll bet this will put them farther ahead.  The article continues:

Speaking the day after Dominic Grieve, the shadow home secretary, said Britain had “done something terrible to ourselves” by encouraging multiculturalism, Lady Neville-Jones said that the Conservatives would make the case for more “integration” among all British people, whatever their backgrounds.

She said: “We want unity and opportunity, despite difference, through integration.”

She accused the Government of leading the country down the “blind alley of multiculturalism, which has deliberately gone down the road of separation for its own sake.”

Lady Neville-Jones said there was also a clear divide between the Tories and Labour on the question of how to deal with the spread of extremism among some young Muslims.

There sure is. The Tories would extend the list of banned extremist groups and try to reform the European Convention on Human Rights so they could deport preachers who incite violence against Britain. (Love those tolerant Europeans — of course it’s a human right to incite violence.) Labour would keep going down the road to dhimmitude.

This is a terrific development. Britain’s multiculturalism is far more stifling than ours, and ours is bad enough. There are many more Muslims and they are more militant, and the insane version of multiculturalism has been festering for a longer time there. I remember three decades ago a news story that a borough of London had banned black garbage bags because that would offend black people by implying they were like garbage. If the Tories can mobilize the sensible portion of the British people, who I understand still exist, especially in the north, this will be an important blow for western civilization.

Calling the State Department: You have another volag screwing up

Update October 2nd:  Lutheran Social Services gets defensive.


 ….and, another Iraqi refugee family angry.    In the last 15 months, since we began writing Refugee Resettlement Watch, I have lost track of the number of stories I’ve read about the volags (supposedly voluntary agencies) that are contracted by the US State Department to resettle refugees and are not fulfilling their contracts.  

Like it or not, these agencies, many of them church groups such as this Lutheran outfit in New Hampshire are paid by you to take care of refugees for the first few months they are in the US.   They are required to supply the refugees with basic needs to set up their new homes, and over and over again they are screwing up (sorry to use that language but it infuriates me!).   If we are going to bring refugees by the tens of thousands to the US, then we better be prepared to take care of them. 

And, on top of it all, this story of refugee abuse from the Concord Monitor involves Iraqis—those very same people that every bleeding heart on the left in the US has been hollering about, “Bring more Iraqis now, you bad Bush Administration!”

Yes, bring them so they can get the things they need from a dumpster!

Rasim Mueen and Sendes Abd Zead watch the Dumpster outside their Parkview Place apartment for things they can use. The couple, both 32, have collected a stained pillow and faded blankets that they’ve washed in the bathtub and hung to dry on a cord strung across the apartment’s one bedroom. They’ve found stuffed animals for their 6-year-old son, Dear Rasim, to play with, and a shower curtain cut into a circle to serve as a tablecloth.

The Iraqi family has lived in New Hampshire for nearly a month. They came to Concord as refugees, settled here by Lutheran Social Services, a federal refugee resettlement contractor. But they feel they have had little help.

“We are human, and we come here to get a better life, not to pull the things we need from the trash,” Abd Zead, 32, said through a translator.

The Iraqi family is very unhappy and their story goes on. 

Earlier this month, Mueen and Abd Zead saw a woman at the 7-Eleven near their home wearing a headscarf like Abd Zead. They asked her if she spoke Arabic and if she could help them. The woman was Mona Ibrahim, who came to Concord as a refugee in late 2006 with her husband, Tirhaga Gobara. The Sudanese couple understood how the Iraqi family felt. They too had felt lost and, at times, abandoned, after arriving. They went weeks without food stamps and had to rely on other refugees for help, they said.

It doesn’t make Mueen feel better to know that others have been through what they are going through, or to know that other Iraqi families recently settled here are struggling along with them. The way refugees are treated is wrong, he said.

“Lutheran Social Services, they think we are not human,” Mueen said.

Mueen said the couple have seen little of Lutheran staff and, while they have food stamps, they have received no money or guidance on obtaining a job.

“Twenty-five days, they don’t have $1 in 25 days,” Gobara said, translating for Mueen. 

I’m sure many of our readers are saying, they shouldn’t get any money, our grandparents didn’t when they came.  However, Lutheran Social Services has signed a contract with the government to provide them with some cash and expenses for the first few months until they find a job or go on some other forms of welfare in this highly touted public/private partnership!

Then it turns out that these do-gooder groups are squabbling with each other.

Some groups have had a history of tense relations as they compete over grant money, volunteers’ time or dueling philosophies of how to help. Volunteers with the Concord Multicultural Project and some refugees complain about Lutheran Social Services not adequately preparing refugees for life in the United States or being unwilling to work with outside groups. However, many also say that simply pointing fingers at Lutheran, which is limited by its federal funding and specific mission, is unfair.

Well if the federal funding is limited, go out and raise money privately or stop bringing refugees.

Remember what that wise boy in Arizona said a couple of weeks ago—it’s better to have 10 satisfied Iraqi refugees then 100 angry ones.    The Concord Iraqi summed up, just as the Long Island Iraqi did the other day:

“United States is like a dream,” Abd Zead said. “We come here to get a good education, good health . . . but all of that dream is broken now.”

By the way,  where is AP reporter Matthew Lee now?   Every month like clockwork he, at the behest of his handlers in the NGO lobbyist world, yapped about how we needed to bring more Iraqis to the US, how about a little follow-up Mr. Lee?