Hot Air: Asst. Secretary for refugees worked at Goldman Sachs???

Michelle Malkins’ Hot Air blog is reporting in a post about Obama fatcats that Eric Schwartz was an Obama big bundler who worked at Goldman Sachs.

Eric Schwartz, who raised over $100,000 for Change, is now Assistant Secretary of State for Population, Refugees, and Migration. He worked for Goldman Sachs.

I’m wondering if it is a different Eric Schwartz.  If it’s the same Eric P. Schwartz who worked for George Soros group, US Connect Fund, I don’t see the Goldman Sachs fund manager job in his resume.  And, here, note the Goldman Sachs Schwartz is Eric S. Schwartz.  Could a knowledgeable reader help set the record straight.  I’m guessing that Hot Air has its facts wrong.

I know I promised to tell you more about Eric P. Schwartz connections to Soros and the Tides Foundation, here, but I just haven’t gotten around to it (although I have the links ready to do that).  He is also a compatriot of Sandy Berger (you know the Clinton National Security Advisor who stole documents from the Libarary of Congress and earned the nickname Sandy Burglar!).

Here is Eric P. Schwartz official State Department bio.

CAIR complains about CPAC Anti-Jihad conference

This is so typical and so telling.  I told you the other day about the special session at the Conservative Political Action Committee annual conference in DC this week about how free speech is being muzzled around the world and in the US by Islamic supremacists.  So, it should be no surprise that the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) is now complaining about, what else, free speech in an attempt to kill the Freedom Defense Initiative event!

Read all about it at Atlas Shrugs, here.

Surely the controversy will bring out even more attendees than might initially have signed up!

Partners Against Hate is a federal initiative

Recently I told you about the Center for the Prevention of Hate Violence from Portland, ME  and how it was going to be traveling to four cities to help get citizens’ minds right about the huge immigrant populations in their midst.  The four cities are Boise, ID, Ft. Wayne, IN, Manchester, NH and Frederick, MD.   

They plan to bring the supposed success story of Lewiston, ME to each city and say, ‘you see, this city can get along with its mostly Somali immigrants, so why can’t you get along with your immigrants?’

I wanted to know who was funding this project to obviously play the race card and badger cities.

Since Frederick, MD is nearby and since so far Frederick has not had a big refugee problem (that we know of!), I wondered why they targeted Frederick.  I do think it’s all part of the plan to kill the 287g program which allows the local sheriff to participate in the deportation of illegal aliens arrested there.  Frederick is the only county in Maryland to undertake that program and open borders advocates want to kill it in Frederick before it catches on in other Maryland counties.

So, if these so-called non-profits like the Far Left Center for the Prevention of Hate Violence wants to run around the country telling other cities how to stop being so hateful (and by the way, Portland, ME has a big immigrant against immigrant crime problem) and they do it with private money, well, this is a free country and they are free to do so.  

To be very clear, the initiative is not aimed at keeping hate violence under control between ethnic immigrant groups!   As a matter of fact, I might not be so suspicious of their agenda if they announced they were going to sort out the ethnic tension going on in places like Grand Island, NE where the Somalis have pitted themselves against other immigrant groups in that city.

Here is the kicker!

According to the Partners Against Hate website  (and here) a friend sent me yesterday, the whole political initiative is coming from the US Justice Department.   The Center for the Prevention of Hate Violence obviously has a federal grant or contract funded by you—the taxpayer—to promote the message that the four cities chosen are racist and hateful places.

And, by the way, there isn’t even a Form 990 for the Partners Against Hate, but it appears they receive money from a quasi-government agency the Leadership Conference on Civil Rights Education Fund (Form 990, here).

No wonder our country is broke!  The average citizen or Tea Party activist has no clue how much of their money is laundered through myriad supposed non-profits that are  nothing more than tentacles of big government promoting a Far Left agenda!

P.S.  When they arrive in Frederick to hold public meetings, I plan to be in attendance with the whole truth about Lewiston, ME.  Anyone, in those three other cities who is interested, contact me, and we can coordinate making sure the citizens of Boise, Ft. Wayne and Manchester get the whole story about Lewiston and the Center for the Prevention of Hate Violence’s home town—Portland, ME.

Center for Immigration Studies Report: H-2B visa holders take American jobs and refugee jobs

Well, they don’t specifically say “refugee” jobs, but they do report that other legal immigrants are getting booted out of traditional so-called “dirty work” jobs by the millions of H-2B visa holders admitted to the US each year.   Check out this new report released today by CIS.

Americans don’t want to mow your lawn. They don’t want to serve you your lobster roll sandwich during your summer holiday in Maine. They won’t drive the trucks that bring food to the grocery store you shop in, or chop down the trees that produce the paper you use, or perform at the circus you attend every summer. You’ll also need the helping hand of a “temporary, seasonal” guestworker to help you get on the chair lift in Vail, and to learn how to ski or snowboard. Nor will Americans guard your swim club’s pool, shovel the snow in your driveway, operate the rides at the amusement park you take your kids to, tidy up the hotel room you sleep in, or process the seafood you eat. Americans can’t even be counted on to coach sports, or work construction jobs. American workers have grown soft, young people don’t want to work, and the unemployed don’t want to do much of anything strenuous these days.

These are the kind of flawed assumptions that have led to the creation and rapid growth of the H-2B visa program, which has resulted in more half a million jobs being filled by foreign guestworkers over the last five years, rather than Americans and immigrants already in the United States.


The goal of this report is to shed light on the poor conditions that H-2B guestworkers often toil in; to expose the damage that this program does to the most vulnerable sector of American workers: the poorly educated, students, minorities, and legal immigrants; to examine the recruiters who find workers and the employers who hire them; and to scrutinize the government’s role in sanctioning and managing the H-2B bureaucracy.

Read the whole report.  Considering that estimates of the unemployed refugee population in the US are about 50% unemployed, shouldn’t advocates of refugee resettlement be causing a ruckus over this information?

Two Obama Administration documents about refugees you should know about

The first document we told you about here is a submission to Congress when Obama set the ceiling for refugee admissions for FY2010.  Read my earlier post and then check out the document here.

The second document, hat tip Susan, is a 2010 report to Congress also from the State Department about Refugee Assistance and Emergency Migration funding, here.

Note, this post is archived in our ‘where to find information’ category.