Too many foreigners in France!

70 % of respondents to a recent poll said there were too many immigrants in that country and 74% believe Islam is not compatible with French culture (no kidding!).

The report is from The Local via Brenda Walker at VDARE Please see what Walker says, and then here is The Local:

A survey in France published this week revealed 70 percent of the population believe there are too many foreigners living in the country and 74 percent believe Islam is not compatible with French society.

The survey, which was carried out by polling institute Ipsos and the Jean-Jaures Foundation, was published in left-leaning French newspaper Le Monde.

As well as having a distrust of Islam and a belief there are too many foreigners in the country, the poll also highlighted French misgivings on everything from globalization to Europe, the media and democracy.

But many of the more interesting results of the survey surround the controversial issues of immigration, religion and racism, which are frequently at the centre of political and public debate.

Some of the stand-out stats include:

·         According to the survey, only 29 percent of French people believe the “vast majority of immigrants who have settled in France are well-integrated”.

·         46 percent believe unemployment levels can only be cut by reducing immigration.

·         57 percent believe anti-white racism is quite common in France

·         77 percent believe religious fundamentalism in France is a concern.

·         62 percent  say they no longer feel at home in France.

There is more, read it all.

Fortunately the French have some young people not willing to go down without a fight.  By the way, Generation Identitaire had a youtube manifesto of sorts that has now been removed by Warner Brothers (?).

It is amazing to me, that we can see what is happening in Europe and somehow think it won’t happen here in the US!

WaPo reported on Somali refugee Christmas tree bomber

The article published last Friday is a very interesting one because the Associated Press reporter has really played up the dual personality angle about the would-be bomber Mohamed Osman Mohamud.     For me, there isn’t much of a mystery—permission is granted by the Islamic “faith” to use deception and lying for Allah.  It is as much a part of the “religion” as is praying five times a day.   And, is indeed a partial explanation why most Americans cannot see the goals of the Islamists among them.

It is hard to wrap our minds around the concept of Taqiyya*.  Our Judeo-Christian heritage teaches us that lying is sinful, not so for Muslim Jihadists.

Here is the  AP at the Washington Post on the Christmas tree bombing trial going on in Portland:

PORTLAND, Ore. — At some point just before 5:40 p.m. on Nov. 26, 2010, the illusion that Mohamed Osman Mohamud created was still intact.

He was still, according to prosecutors, an Islamic soldier in a war against the West, ready to kill and maim thousands at a busy Christmas tree-lighting ceremony. He was still, according to friends, a shy, suburban 19-year-old who had written and read a Kwanzaa poem about religious unity with two Christian college students three days before his arrest.

These conflicting lives were juggled, managed, even perfected.

Then, at 5:40 p.m., Mohamud pressed a button on a cellphone he thought would set off a bomb and FBI agents descended, tossing him in a police car while he shouted “Allahu Akhbar.” God is great.

Go to the WaPo if you want to read about all of the witnesses for the defense who describe Mohamud as a happy go-lucky college student.

Mohamud’s double-life revealed by prosecutors:

Just months earlier, prosecutors say he had authored an article in an English-language magazine called “Jihad Recollections” under the pen name Ibn al-Mubarak, advocating physical fitness for the mujahideen in places where they couldn’t find exercise equipment. He would go on to write three more stories for the publication, his work appearing alongside contributions from Osama bin Laden and other al-Qaida higher-ups.

And, then the end:

In the seconds before 5:40 p.m. on Nov. 26, the illusion of Mohamud’s dual lives was still intact.

At Portland’s Union Station, he pressed a button on a cellphone he thought would detonate a bomb. Sixteen blocks away, a cavalcade of city leadership was congratulating itself on another year at Portland’s Christmas tree lighting.

Nothing happened. Mohamud pressed the button again. Agents from the FBI took him into a waiting car as he kicked at them and shouted.  [shouted Allahu Akhbar!–ed]

Surprise! A refugee who didn’t assimilate!

Mohamed Osman Mohamud is from a refugee family, he must have been at most a young child when he came to the US.  He was given a privileged upbringing.  He was not poor and destitute, he didn’t need a job(!), yet he wanted to kill thousands of American men, women and CHILDREN for Allah.  Here is the New York Times said about the “confused” young man in 2010:

Mr. Mohamud, his younger sister and their parents had long lived in the Portland area, including in Beaverton, a suburb that has a small Somali population.

Mr. Mohamud’s family fled Somalia in the early 1990s, and his father, Osman Barre, a well-educated engineer, worked to establish them in Oregon.

“Osman was very sophisticated,” said Chris Oace, a former refugee worker for Ecumenical Ministries of Oregon who helped the family resettle here in the early 1990s. “Some refugees are afraid of having Christian churches help them. But it wasn’t an issue with his family at all.”

So much for that melting pot mumbo jumbo we hear so much about from the naive defenders of bringing in third world Muslims and dropping them off in your town.

For new readers:  All of our references to the ‘Christmas tree bomber’ are here.

* See Taqiyya’ s use in rules of war discussion here:

Taqiyya offers two basic uses. The better known revolves around dissembling over one’s religious identity when in fear of persecution. Such has been the historical usage of taqiyya among Shi’i communities whenever and wherever their Sunni rivals have outnumbered and thus threatened them. Conversely, Sunni Muslims, far from suffering persecution have, whenever capability allowed, waged jihad against the realm of unbelief; and it is here that they have deployed taqiyya—not as dissimulation but as active deceit. In fact, deceit, which is doctrinally grounded in Islam, is often depicted as being equal—sometimes superior—to other universal military virtues, such as courage, fortitude, or self-sacrifice.

Sweden: Muslim immigrant youths say young Swedes are so wimpy….

.…and that is why they attack them.

The Muslim Issue, in a post today on Sweden, appears to be talking about the same report Fjordman cited here in December.

Here is The Muslim Issue on the increasingly brazen attacks by Muslim aggressors on Swedish citizens (reminds me of those Somali youths in Lewiston, Maine):

Swedes have always addressed issues with psychological theories and weepy stories, which doesn’t work with Muslims at all. Therefore the crimes only get more brutal, the attacks more common.

Sweden has turned into the dumbest country on earth, for flooding their country with an immigrant group that should be banned and deported completely.

Then here are some snippets from the translated version of this news story about the controversial sociological study of Muslim youths and why they commit crimes.

The young robbers were interviewed by Petra Åkesson for her thesis in sociology.

Robbing is making war!

I was lucky that I recorded the answers I got because they were so remarkable that I had to listen several times to really understand what they said. “When we’re out on the town and mugs so we warriors, we are at war with the Swedes,” was a recurring arguments.

Muslim youth:

“For me, the Swedes to lie down on the ground and kiss my feet.”

Watching the death throes of Swedish society:

During the interviews, talking about young Swedes [as] wimpy, scared and stupid.

So what is the conclusion to this report?  It is NOT stopping immigration.  It is NOT severely cracking down on crime.  Apparently it is NOT Swedish young people growing a spine (like some French young people).  The answer is JOBS—-give these poor Muslim youths jobs!  They just want stuff!  I kid you not!

There is more, read it all!

For new readers:  we have a lot on Sweden in our archives, here, because as much as I hate that old “canary in a coal mine” phrase, it is my prediction that Sweden is our first soon-to-be asphyxiated European bird (some are arguing that the UK will go down first).   A country simply cannot have uncontrolled immigration combined with a welfare state.  Leaving out the violent Muslim youths for a moment there will sooner or later not be enough workers to pay for the ‘social services’ of the ‘needy.’

NAACP, SEIU and CASA de Maryland launch war on American workers and taxpayers tomorrow

Editors note:  This is cross-posted from Potomac Tea Party Report.

The civil rights of American taxpayers and our Nation’s sovereignty will be assaulted tomorrow in the opening salvo of the amnesty battle of 2013 as a cabal of pro-amnesty organizations hold a press conference in Washington (ice storm predicted for tomorrow?)

If you were involved in the successful fight against the Kennedy/McCain/Bush amnesty in 2007, it’s time to go to battle for justice for job-seeking Americans and for taxpayers.

Here is their call to war at CASA de Maryland‘s website, but apparently orchestrated by SEIU:

Press Conference – Jan. 28, 2013 – 11 a.m. EST

Civil, Immigrants and Labor Rights Groups to Issue a Call to Action for Commonsense Immigration Reform

WASHINGTON, DC — Leaders of civil society groups including civil rights and labor leaders will hold a news conference to call on President Obama and Congress to act on commonsense immigration reform in 2013. The news conference will be held as the White House and key legislators prepare to unveil proposals to create a long-term solution to the current immigration crisis. President Obama is expected to outline his immigration policy during the State of the Union Address on February 12, and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada has made immigration reform the Senate’s top priority this year.

The press conference also will include the announcement of a mobilization campaign across the U.S. to grow support for common sense immigration reform.


Benjamin Todd Jealous, President and CEO, NAACP  [hey Ben, so you want to further depress employment for your people?—ed]

Mary Kay Henry, President, Service Employees International Union

Mee Moua, President and Executive Director, Asian American Justice Center

Sr. Simone Campbell, Executive Director of NETWORK

FIRM Leader (TBD)

Héctor J. Figueroa, President, 32BJ SEIU

Verónica Saravía, CASA de Maryland Youth Leader


Monday, Jan. 28, 2013 – 11:00 a.m. EST


National Press Club – 529 14th St. NW, 13th Fl., Zenger Room, Washington

CALL IN (Listen only line): 800 738 1032 or +1 212 231 2900
RSVP: Beatriz Lopez,, 202-730-7221

Beware Obama/Rubio/Ryan approach. 

If you are thinking amnesty only involves those friendly Mexicans at your local McDonalds, think again.  We have hundreds of thousands of foreign nationals on Temporary Protected Status from places like Somalia, Syria and El Salvador to name a few; and people like Honduran criminal Roberto Galo (I wrote about him here), will all be given a shot at US citizenship.  And, don’t forget we have thousands and thousands of visa-overstays from everywhere including Saudi Arabia, Uzbekistan, Libya, Egypt and the list goes on.  They will ALL be lining up to stay permanently and eventually gain citizenship.

See that Galo post also for details on Obama/Rubio/Ryan.  The bottom line is that in this “comprehensive immigration reform” there will be no meaningful border control and once the amnesty is granted for those already here, the spigot will open and the third world will flow across our borders.  There will be no social justice, no peace, for law abiding Americans. 

The Left is importing needy people [refugees too!] who will become Democrat voters.

Call your Senators and Representatives in Washington, early and often.  Call Sen. Marco Rubio’s and Rep. Paul Ryan’s offices too!  Tell them NO amnesty and NO deals with an untrustworthy President!   Just because we are weary of this continuous assault (year after year!) on our Nation’s sovereignty that doesn’t mean we give up!  Their goal is to wear us down, that is what the Left does!

For readers of RRW:  As you meet the leaders (not the naive volunteers) of resettlement agencies working in your town or city, you will see that they are mostly Leftists.  The ones that work for “church” contractors are all part of the “religious Left.”  They have a political agenda that goes beyond their humanitarian patina.

Texas: Somali food stamp fraudster sentenced to prison; sent your money to Somalia

Just redistributing your infidel wealth to the third world—what is wrong with that!

From the Star Telegram (hat tip: Gary):

FORT WORTH _ An Arlington convenience store owner was sentenced Friday to 57 months in federal prison for committing food stamp fraud, wire fraud, and running an unlicensed money transmitting business.

Ali Ugas Mohamud, who owned the Tawakal Grocery Store at 2440 South Collins Street, must also pay more than $1.4 million in restitution, $98,000 of which is due immediately, U.S. District Judge John McBryde ordered, according to a press release by the U.S. Attorney’s office.

According to court documents, Mohamud had applied for and was granted authorization in February 2004 for his store to participate in the food stamp program, the United States Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program or SNAP.

Beginning in 2009, however, Mohamud began occasionally exchanging food stamp benefits for cash or wired money to other individuals in Somalia using food stamp benefits, court documents state.

As part of his scheme, he also wired thousands of dollars from Affiliated Computer Services, Inc.,  which manages Lone Star cards for retailers, to his bank in Arlington between September 2008 and Februrary 2010.

Mohamud had pleaded guilty in October to seven counts of food stamp fraud, five counts of wire fraud and one count of conducting an unlicensed money transmitting business. McBryde sentenced him to 13 concurrent sentences of 57 months in federal prison on each count.

Here is the US Attorney’s office press release from last October when he was found guilty—this case must have slipped by me!

Believe me, this blog isn’t Somali Immigrant Watch even if it seems like it sometimes!

For new readers, our immigrant food stamp fraud archive is here.