Media on Chechens, manipulating the numbers and twisting the truth

Steve Sailer has a very good post on Chechens, here (read it), in which he directs us to a USA Today story on Chechen “refugee” numbers.

Here is how USA Today begins (emphasis mine, and when I use red I really mean it!):

Glen Howard looks like a nice guy, maybe I shouldn’t say he is lying. But no city in America gets to pick its refugees!

There are probably fewer than about 200 Chechen immigrants in the United States, and most of them are settled in the Boston area, as many U.S. cities have refused to accept asylum applicants from the war-torn area of southern Russia, says Glen Howard, president of the Jamestown Foundation.

Glen Howard is flat out lying!    First, we really don’t know how many Chechens are in the US (heck, clearly this family was moving back and forth to Russia), but more importantly I am unaware of any city in America given the opportunity to say “NO ” to any particular ethnic refugee group Indeed, this is one of the most serious complaints about refugee resettlement (which includes asylees)—states and cities are not consulted in the resettlement process, and once the migrant has a foot in the door, they can move anywhere.

The decision about which cities get refugees and from where is made mostly by unelected federal contractors (the volags) in collaboration with the State Department.  This is a Tenth Amendment States Rights issue that hardly any state has ever raised (except maybe Tennessee).    Only when there has been a complete breakdown in the city due to refugee overload is there ever a hiatus for a city once it’s been deemed “welcoming” by the resettlement industry.

***Update*** A reader this evening sent this comment in response to the above point:

Not only do states and cities not have a choice to say no, but when and if they try to, the federal government simply contracts with a private non-profit to bring them anyway.

Should there ever be any peep of objection by the “native population”, they are then accused of being unwelcoming.

USA Today continued with this:

About 70% of the Chechen immigrants are women, Howard says. Very few men are granted asylum because of U.S. anti-terrorism policies and because Russia often protests when ethnic Chechens try to settle in the U.S., he said. The U.S. admitted only 197 refugees from all of Russia in 2012.

This is how they twist the numbers.  There might have been only 197 from Russia proper in 2012, but that is meaningless!   Go to the Office of Refugee Resettlement Annual Report to Congress for 2009 (published three years late btw) and go to Appendix A.  Note that refugees are listed as from THE FORMER USSR!  (not just Russia).

From 1983 to 2009 we resettled 526,308 from THE FORMER USSR which includes Russia AND all of those countries that split off—all of the ‘stan’ Muslim countries.  Someone at the State Department might be able to tell us how many are Chechens, and indeed how many are Muslims!

In 2005 we resettled:  11,272

In 2006: 10,452

In 2007: 4,583

In 2008: 2,390

In 2009: 2,022

After that the numbers are hard to find (and I’ve got other things to do today!).  But, if the ORR wasn’t breaking the law by not providing annual reports to Congress for 2010, 2011 and 2012, we could easily find numbers.

And, then this!  We are expected to assume the US has only 200 Chechens when Austria has 30,000.  Last I checked you could come to the US easily from Europe once you were in the EU.

That contrasts with many European countries, especially Austria, where many Chechens who want to leave difficult conditions at home settle. Austria has about 30,000 Chechen immigrants, Howard said.

For additional edification, readers might want to search RRW for all the problems poor Austria is having with its large and ever-growing Muslim population.  Just type ‘Austria’ into our search function and see if you want that here!


It is time for a moratorium on Muslim immigration, or is it too late for us already?

There I’ve said it.  I know most respectable immigration control advocates won’t say it.  It is just too politically-incorrect for most people, but it has to be said.  Many are afraid of what CAIR will say (LOL! they have already come out to warn against backlash!), but most are just plain afraid to be called racist, xenophobic, bigoted boobs.

The Chechen Jihadists carry deadly bombs through happy American crowd in Boston on April 15,2013

I don’t know what the total number of Muslims we admit each year is (the State Department knows, but does not release that information), but it is substantial via our Refugee Resettlement Program which includes refugees the US State Department brings here, and those who come seeking asylum.

And, as for the latter, remember that not all of those coming across our borders in the dark of night are Mexicans looking for landscaping and nanny jobs—OTMs (Other than Mexicans) account for thousands each year.   The Gang of Eight bill now before the US Senate would allow those from Islamic countries to get on the path to citizenship.

National War College Report

Yesterday, as news unfolded from Boston, I couldn’t help but think about State Department official David Robinson’s report to the National War College in 2000 in which he tells us the sorry tale of  Clinton/Gore demanding that we airlift thousands of Kosovars to the US to show that there was a need for the Balkan war.  You see a war wouldn’t be a real one without “refugees.”

A short time later we hauled many of them back to Kosovo, here.

Cheering the decision for an airlift were the federal refugee contractors (euphemistically called Voluntary Agencies—Volags for short) who get paid by the head (by you!) to resettle the refugees.

That report opened my eyes to the realization that we were using the refugee program for political reasons unrelated to the plight of the poor and suffering camp-dwelling people you are accustomed to seeing as the poster children for the program.

The Boston bomber brothers are just two of those belonging to a particular Muslim ethnic group we are moving into your towns and cities for some other foreign policy reason unrelated to their supposed suffering.

US State Department hearing

Last year, at the State Department hearing on how many refugees to bring in FY2013, I listed ten reasons we needed a moratorium on the whole program.  That testimony is here.   Numbers 3 and 7 relate to my point here this morning:

3)   Terrorist organizations (mostly Islamic) are using the program that still clearly has many failings in the security screening system.  Indeed consideration should be given to halting the resettlement of Muslims altogether.  Also, the UN should have no role in choosing refugees for the US.


7)   Congress needs to specifically disallow the use of the refugee program for other purposes of the US Government, especially using certain refugee populations to address unrelated foreign policy objectives—Uzbeks, Kosovars, Meshketians and Bhutanese (Nepalese) people come to mind. [editors note: Bhutanese are not Muslims]

Regarding #7, we have chronicled on many occasions over the last five plus years problems with refugee groups we resettled for questionable foreign policy reasons. Now we can add Chechens!  Was our government helping out a foreign government (Russia!) by bringing them here in apparently large numbers? 

Naive people involved in refugee resettlement have this crazy notion that America is a magic melting pot whose power is so great that Islamists will give up their Koranic admonition to wage jihad in exchange for the good life—a job, a house, a car and other material goodies.

Let’s list just a few “refugee” ethnic groups that have created problems here in addition to Chechens:

Kurds, Somalis, Ethiopians, Uzbeks, Bosnians, Iraqis, Albanians—we have written about them here at one point or another having created problems for the communities to which they were distributed.   Look for more Muslims to be resettled from Syria, Afghanistan, and Burma (Rohingya!).

Don’t forget!  Once the seed community is established the original settlers can apply to bring their family members with the help of the Volags (who are paid to do the paperwork processing).

Send a message to the US State Department

The next hearing on how many (and which refugees) to bring to America in FY2014 is in May.  Go here to see how you can send in testimony.  You do not have to be an expert on the program and testimony can be short (civil please)!

And, don’t forget!  Al-Hijra, the Islamic Doctrine of Immigration, buy it and read it!

Follow me on twitter!  I’m new at it, but am hooked and having a blast.  AnnC @RefugeeWatcher

Are Boston terrorists refugees? (updated!) (update! Politico says yes)

Update April 20th:  It is time for a moratorium on Muslim immigration.  Media twisting the truth, here.

Update #12:  Radio talk show host Howie Carr was on O’Reilly tonight and pretty clearly described the benefits refugees receive from the US taxpayer.

He wondered why the citizens of Massachusetts didn’t get a say about whether they wanted Chechens resettled there—good question!  O’Reilly lamented and repeated again at the end of the show that the “US was very generous to this family” and this is the repayment we got.

Update #11:  Two good posts at VDARE discuss the issue of asylum for the terror family. Asylum and refugee status are two sides of the same coin.

In the case of asylum, they get in with a visa or come illegally across our borders and ask for asylum.  With the refugee program we pick them up abroad and fly them here.   Both programs are part of the Refugee Resettlement Act of 1980. Federale (at VDARE) notes that the supposed persecution refugees and asylum seekers claim is often a lie because so often we see supposedly fearful “refugees” going “home” sometimes just to visit.  Here is Sailer with a report that conflicts with our Update #10, where he quotes an official saying they were asylees.   The important point is that we gave these Jihadists an opportunity for a good life, but the Islamic imperative trumps our goodies.

Update #10:  A commenter tells us that it’s a chain migration refugee case (sometimes called family reunification) usually done through resettlement contractors like Catholic Charities.  Will look for a link:

Not a rumor, sister of father on Canadian TV said she did refugee paperwork for mom and dad in 2002, they got it. Then under refugee family reconcilement, got 2 sons, the jihadists, and two daughters into US.

Update #9:  You can tell the US State Department how you feel about certain refugee admissions for FY2014, click here for instructions.

Update #8:  Daniel Greenfield at Frontpage: we have a few lessons to learn!

There are numerous lessons to take away from the Marathon Massacre, but one of these is that it’s time to rethink our immigration policy, especially when it comes to refugees.

By the way, it has a name (learn about it)—al Hijra, the Islamic Doctrine of Immigration.

Update #7: Is this why Mom and Dad went back to Russia?  Mom arrested for shoplifting here at Vlad Tepes.

Update #6:  Senator Grassley at today’s immigration hearing in US Senate says when we find out how these killers got into the US it will expose the weakness in our immigration system—yes indeed!


Given the events of this week, it’s important for us to understand the gaps and loopholes in our immigration system,” Mr. Grassley said in his opening statement. “While we don’t yet know the immigration status of people who have terrorized the communities in Massachusetts, when we find out it will help shed light on the weaknesses of our system.”

And don’t forget these are not the first terrorists to get into the US through the refugee program, remember the Iraqi refugee terrorists in Kentucky.

Update #5:  Charming Dad in Russia says, ‘kill my kid and all hell will break loose!’ (Jihad Watch).  So why did we take his kids as refugees ten years ago, why was Dad left behind?

(Update:  I am now hearing that the whole family did come as refugees but the Dad and maybe the mother went back home—this after we paid some resettlement agency a lot of money to get them settled in Massachusetts!)

Update #4:  So how do twenty-something “refugees” get Mercedes? (Russian mob?) From the Daily Caller:

“Tamerlan stops to answer a phone call while walking from his Mercedes to the Wai Kru Mixed Martial Arts center, where he practices boxing.”

Update #3: World Net Daily has more details on refugee terrorist brothers.

Update #2:  Yes, it appears the brothers came to the US under the auspices of the US State Department’s Refugee Resettlement Program.  Here is Politico quoting an uncle:

Tsarni (Uncle) said he did not know that Tamerlan Tsarnaev had been killed. When he was informed by a reporter, he said the older Tsarnaev “absolutely deserved” it and that he’s “not sympathizing.” But he added that the two suspects got their start in America “as refugees.”

For new readers:  Each year the Refugee Resettlement Program admits on average lately around 70,000 refugees a year, many from Muslim countries and territories.  Our Russian resettlement has been huge.

Some reports indicate that at least the older brother may have come to the US in 2000.  So I checked the annual reports and we admitted 555,916 from the Soviet Union (or former Soviet Union) from 1975-2000.  In the year 2000 we brought in 14,576 from the former Soviet Union in that year alone.  In 2001, it was 14,869.  And in 2002, 9,978  Russians or those from former Soviet Union countries were given permanent residency status.  How many Chechens—only the US State Department can say for sure.

*Also for new readers and researchers, here are the major federal refugee resettlement contractors.  One of these agencies knows who these guys are.   For Boston resettlement, I would put my money on the International Rescue Committee or the International Institute of New England (a subcontractor of USCRI).  Update:  Also check with Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Services.

Update!  Blogger Timothy Burke at Deadspin is reporting that the older (now dead) brother is a refugee:

Authorities are now confirming the two suspects sought in Monday’s Boston Marathon bombing are two Russian-born Chechen brothers, Tamerlan and Dzhokhar A. Tsarnaev. Tamerlan, the older brother, is dead. Here’s what we know about him.

It’s not much, and most of it’s derived from a photo gallery. We know Tamerlan Tsarnaev was 26 and a competitive boxer for a club named Team Lowell, who won the Rocky Marciano Trophy for being New England Golden Gloves heavyweight champion in 2010. He did this while taking time off from school at Bunker Hill Community College, where he studied in hopes of being an engineer. He’s been boxing in the U.S. since at least 2004, and his uncle told WBZ in Boston that he arrived in the United States in 2000 under refugee status.

This is a rumor!  Please don’t run off saying they are!   

From the editor:  It is not a rumor any more!  I’ve confused some readers. This was the first post I wrote this a.m. but minutes later I began the updates above.  Most recent updates are at the top of this post (so read from bottom up for the  correct order!)

However, we have been admitting “persecuted” Russians for years and according to reports these two are legal permanent residents (not student visa holders).

If you see any reference to the Chechens as asylees or refugees PLEASE let me know!

Again, this is a rumor!!!!   NOT a rumor!

Somali refugees changing the face of Minneapolis

Causcus attendees who wanted to be elected to the Ward 6 convention raised their hands. No women? Photo: Jeff Wheeler – Star Tribune

Here is the story from the Minneapolis Star Tribune, thanks to Debra (emphasis mine):

The changing face of Minneapolis stood out Tuesday night as thousands of voters met in their neighborhoods to decide who will represent the DFL Party at its conventions this summer.

The meetings are the first test of strength in the race to determine who will succeed Mayor R.T. Rybak, and an early indicator of which City Council races are the most competitive. All 13 council seats are up for grabs, with three entirely open because their occupants are running for mayor.

At neighborhood centers and schools across the city, residents volunteered to be delegates at the city conventions that determine DFL endorsements. Campaigns will spend the next several months trying to sway them, though many expect that the DFL will not endorse anyone in the mayoral race.  [DFL (Democratic-farmer-labor party) is the socialist-leaning party in Minnesota—ed]


Some of the dozens of caucuses had large numbers of East African residents, who voiced enthusiasm for being part of the democratic process. Many candidates gave their speeches in Somali. And motions were made to recess briefly to observe Muslim prayers. Here’s a look at some of the precincts with the most delegates:

‘Take responsibility’

Hundreds of East African immigrants gathered at the Sixth Ward’s third precinct caucus hailed Tuesday’s caucuses as a great day for them to participate in American democracy and possibly elect one of their own to the City Council. The south Minneapolis ward, which some estimate is about 40 percent East African, follows Franklin Avenue and reaches into Cedar-Riverside.

Be sure to read the whole Star Tribune story and note the shocking photo showing the women sitting on one side of the room and the men on the otherShariah Law comes to America!   You can thank federal refugee contractors: Lutheran Social Services, Catholic Charities, and World Relief Minnesota for bringing the Sunni Muslims to Minnesota (here).

For new readers:  When you type ‘Somalis Minneapolis’ into our search function you will find dozens and dozens of posts spanning five years on the problems there.   If you plan to write testimony for the State Department hearing next month, you might use some of those posts as factual sources (they were all written from published news accounts).

Bhutanese refugees kill themselves because of lack of jobs; let’s import more immigrant labor!

We’ve reported previously on the high suicide rate in the Bhutanese population in the US, but to be honest, they killed themselves in camps at about the same high rate (or so this researcher says) as here in America.

Nevertheless, this latest news on the statistic highlights the refugees’ lack of employment in the US as one factor.

Bhutanese refugees were originally from Nepal and could have been resettled there, but instead the US pledged to take 60,000 of them and disperse them around America.  They were not in danger in their ancestral homeland.

So, let’s get this straight, Islamist Grover Norquist has joined forces with the likes of the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society (and the rest of the federal contractors, it’s just that HIAS has been the most in the news on amnesty) to push for more legal immigrant labor.

I’ve said on many previous occasions that the US State Department and federal contractors are really headhunters for the meatpacker and hotel industry among others (disguised as humanitarians)!

Amnesty for illegal aliens and increased immigrant worker visas is being largely driven by big business interests in need of plentiful cheap labor ably represented by Norquist.

So if we need more immigrant labor—why are refugees unemployed? 

From (emphasis mine):

 There have been 16 cases of suicide among Bhutanese refugees residing in the US as of February 2012, according to a report.

The report commissioned by the federal Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) has shown an increasing rate of suicide among the refugees. It noted that the Bhutanese resettlement process coincided with the global financial recession, ‘making the typical refugee problem of unemployment especially bad.’

The global suicide rate per 100,000 people—how suicide rates are calculated—is 16, and the rate for the general US population is 12.4, says the report.

The Bhutanese suicide rate is much higher—20.3 among US-resettled ones and 20.7 in the refugee camp population in Nepal.


The rate of depression among the Bhutanese refugees surveyed was 21 percent, nearly three times that of the general US population (6.7 percent). In addition to depression, risk factors for suicide included not being the family’s provider, feelings of limited social support, and having family conflict after resettlement.

Post-migration difficulties that the victims faced offer clues about their possible motivations, Preiss wrote.

Most are unable to communicate with their host communities, while many were also plagued by worries about the family back home and the difficulty of maintaining cultural and religious traditions, she added.“Most of the victims were unemployed, while a few had previous mental health diagnoses and mental health conditions were probably significantly under-diagnosed in the camps where medical care was basic at best.”

Iraqis want stuff, we want jobs!

“Money, money, money,” Som Nath Subedi offers as an explanation, according to Preiss’ article. Subedi, a Bhutanese case manager in Portland, Oregon and one of the first community leaders to highlight the suicide s, says the intense poverty of the Bhutanese refugee population may be a factor. “Iraqis, when they get here, they start looking for a house or a car,” he says.

“We start looking for a job, how to pay rent, how to get bills paid,” Preiss quoted Subedi as saying.

The solution is—more immigrant laborers?

A brief history of how we came to get 60,000 plus, largely Hindu refugees from Nepal

The King of Bhutan wanted Bhutan for his own people.  The refugees we call Bhutanese are really Nepalese people who for generations had migrated into Bhutan.  They were then pushed out of Bhutan by the Bhutanese government and back to Nepal and put in UN refugee camps where they were cared-for for twenty plus years.  In 2007, the State Department and the UN began scattering them around the world inspite of the fact that many had to be strong-armed to give up their cultural roots.

You might liken this to the situation with the Palestinians where we in the West have paid billions of dollars to keep the Palestinians right there in camps for more than 50 years!  But, for some still unknown reason no significant pressure was put on Bhutan or Nepal (countries that we should have some financial power over) to take these people in.

So, in 2007, then Bush Asst. Secretary for Population, Refugees and Migration Ellen Sauerbrey opened the door for us to take 60,000 from camps and spread them around the US.  We have now exceeded 60,000 and are on our way to 70,000.

For our whole archive on Bhutanese refugees go here.   In addition to the suicide problem, the Bhutanese have been victims of crimes and the most egregious one of late was the death of a Bhutanese refugee at the hands of abortion doctor Kermit Gosnell, here.