New IRC boss, David Miliband, says we must embrace “political Islamism”

The Financial Times had the story on Sunday, but since you need to subscribe just visit Pamela Geller at Atlas Shrugs for a more colorful telling.

Miliband to head up large US taxpayer-funded refugee resettlement contractor beginning in September.

Financial Times opening paragraph:

David Miliband, the former foreign secretary, has broken ranks with world leaders by describing the military intervention in Egypt as a “coup” and urging all sides to embrace “political Islamism” for the sake of democracy.

Geller on Miliband:

This is horrifying but revealing. So now we know what the left’s true agenda really is.

“Embracing political Islamism” is a fancy way of saying everyone must convert to Islam or accept the status of the dhimma under Islamic law.

David Milibrand urging all sides to embrace “political Islamism” for the sake of democracy is like urging all women to embrace prostitution for the sake of chastitiy. There is nothing democratic about political Islam. It is, far and away, the most brutal and extreme system of governance on the face of the earth.

The urbane savage Miliband explains that bringing “political Islam’ – into the democratic process is a good thing not a bad thing.” Tell that to the Christians and other religious minorities persecuted, subjugated and slaughtered under poltiical islam. Tell that to the women forced into marriage, honor killed, burka-clad. This submission to Islamic supremacism from a former foreign secretary is monstrous. And yet the enemedia reports it like it is a reasonable position. It’s akin to supporting Nazism under Hitler.

Read it all.

Miliband to the International Rescue Committee:

Miliband will soon be taking the reins of the second largest of the US State Department’s Refugee Resettlement contractors (the US Bishops are numero uno)—-the International Rescue Committee.   Statements like this blather on political Islam would indicate he has no interest in quietly shepherding the downtrodden, but will use the IRC as a bully pulpit.   It is a large organization scattered around the world as we have told readers here on many occasions.

The International Rescue Committee is a $431 million a year operation with more than half of its funding comes from the US taxpayer.  (Miliband will receive a salary of around $450,000 a year, doing well by doing good?).

Many have questioned exactly what the IRC is doing mucking around in other country’s affairs. Here , we reported on leadership awards given by the IRC in the past to John McCain, George Soros and Hamid Karzai, which tells us a lot about their mission.

Oh, and lest I forget, they are lobbying in support of the Gang of Eight amnesty bill too, here.

For our complete archive on Miliband and his new job, go here.

Tom Negri and ‘Welcoming America’ are planning to “change” Cleveland starting tonight

Negri, formerly the manager of the Loews Vanderbilt Hotel in Nashville is credited with changing Nashville from the Bible-belt mecca of Country Music into a community that welcomes Muslim diversity and low-skilled immigrant laborers (needed in the hotel industry!).   It amazes me how the media builds a myth around the politically-correct concept that everything is sweetness and light when a city becomes as diverse as Nashville.

Tom Negri, the man behind the growing Muslim population of Nashville. Photo Nashville Scene.

Here is a glowing tribute to Negri’s role in bringing Somalis, Kurds and others to Nashville.  But, here is one thing that isn’t mentioned in the tribute—Negri is opposed to free speech.  In 2009 I was registered to attend a conference about political Islam at the Loews Vanderbilt hotel and just days before the conference, then hotel manager Negri broke the contract with organizers.

He apparently couldn’t abide the idea that people might meet in his hotel with a point of view different from his.  Or, did he bow to pressure from the increasingly powerful Islamists in Nashville?   The conference went on in a pleasant welcoming hotel elsewhere in the city.

Check out our Nashville category (click here) for 52(!) previous posts on Nashville troubles and tensions with its immigrant population.

As we told you just last month, Negri is on the board of the propaganda outfit—Welcoming America.

Tonight ‘Welcoming America’ plans to begin changing Cleveland—bring in the immigrants to save the city!

From the Plain Dealer:

“They’ve been great for our community,” said Tom Negri, a Nashville business leader. “It just took a while for people to realize that.”

The group that helped convince middle Tennessee that new Americans represented progress is about to embrace a new challenge. Welcoming America is bringing its message to Cleveland, a city that has not witnessed an immigrant stream in 50 years.

Its top executives will be in town this week to join discussions and strategy sessions designed to foster a “welcome world” attitude on Ohio’s north coast.

‘Welcome to Shelbyville’—that damn film again!

David Lubell, the founder and executive director of Welcoming America, will address an audience Tuesday night at MetroHealth Medical Center and join a panel discussion that follows the screening of “Welcome to Shelbyville,” a documentary about cultural change in a small Tennessee town.

For new readers, we have traced the development of that propaganda film—‘Welcome to Shelbyville’—from the arrival of the Leftwing-funded filming team in Somali-disrupted Shelbyville, TN five years ago.  This is what I said, here,  in 2008:

Shelbyville BeWare BeCause, they are using your town!   They will gloss over the tensions and problems of the Tyson’s African employees and then show what great work the TIRRC and the Somali Community Center are doing to bring you all together in harmonious unity.  This is a politically motivated campaign.  Your film, your town, will then be used to shame other towns into silence.

Here is our archive of dozens of posts in which that propaganda film is mentioned. If you read nothing else, be sure to read this post on the truth about the film.  My prediction of 2008, that the film would be used to “shame” communities has turned out to be accurate!

Back to Cleveland and community organizers ‘Welcoming America’ getting ready to target Cleveland tonight:

Training sessions on Wednesday could mark the first step toward Cleveland or Cuyahoga County or both joining the growing roster of “welcoming communities.” These are cities and counties that welcome immigrants with official proclamations and then work to assimilate them, making it more likely that immigrants will come to stay.

“It takes time for different sectors of the community to come around to this,” said Lubell, a Philadelphia native recognized nationally as a leader in immigrant welcome efforts. “We’re not in a rush. We want to meet the community where it is and help get them to a new place of greater prosperity.”

Cleveland readers must go out to this event tonight!

Representatives of ethnic communities have been invited to Tuesday’s reception, which begins at 5:30 p.m. in MetroHealth’s Rammelkamp Atrium and is open to the public.

Academic: We will have to find new territory to move whole populations of climate refugees….

….and to insist they have “collective governance” to maintain their cultures.

Professor Shuppert of Queens University Belfast. Maybe he could bring a few climate refugees to his home? Photo from his facebook page.

I can’t believe that anyone is spending time writing an academic paper like this one based on the phoney climate change (first called global warming!) science.  Professor Fabian Shuppert of Queens University Belfast is doing just that.

Haven’t people moved throughout time based on changes in climate and changing environmental factors?  Seems like one big fat excuse for the ‘great minds’ to re-order world governance to me.

His treatise reads like a Socialist wet dream!

You can read his entire 22-page draft, here,  but below are just a few snippets to pique your interest.

It is titled: Governing climate refugees: Self-determination, cultural integrity and finding new territory.  He is talking about moving whole Nations!


Global climate change is going to lead to the displacement of millions of human beings.


The aim of this paper is to focus on a particularly drastic and challenging case of climate refugees, namely the forced migration of a complete nation, and to present a possible governance solution, which plays off both ethical and political considerations.

 The question I want to focus on is if the people of an entire nation have to relocate,where should they go and on the basis of which rights? In so doing, the paper hopes to offer a somewhat realistic picture of how the international community with its diverse array of political, economic and ethical viewpoints might react to the complex challenge of governing entire collectives of climate refugees.


The paper is divided into three sections. Section one sets out the preliminaries by explaining what kind of migrants the paper talks about and why the case of entire collectives needing a new place to live is a particularly interesting and challenging one,the solution to which might also help in devising appropriate governance in response to other cases of climate refugees. Section two takes a look at different rights all climate refugees might have, such as the right to (individual) free movement and the right to collective self-determination, arguing that future climate refugee governance should be based on collective rights, in conjunction with the protection of every refugee’s individual basic human rights.

Section three offers an account of a possible response to the problem set out in section one in light of the rights discussed in section two, while taking the issue of political interests into account. While the projected solution might not satisfy ideal ethical theory it hopefully offers a convincing account of a rights-based response in a non-ideal world.

So where do we move them?  Shuppert says there is lots of unused land, we must just convince the owners to “hand it over” to the refugees!

Finding territory in general is actually not such a big problem. While there is hardly any un-owned land, there certainly exists plenty of land on which nobody lives and which thus could theoretically be used as a new home for climate refugees. However, the task of finding uninhabited land which is good enough in order to sustain its new population, with the necessary features to satisfy the cultural life world condition is much more difficult. Moreover, and that seems to be possibly the largest obstacle, the current owner of the land would still have to agree to hand over the territory to the climate refugees.

Hey, good luck with that!  Come to think of it, there is a lot of unused land in Saudi Arabia!

For new readers, see our climate refugees category by clicking here.

Concord, NH: Former refugee sentenced to ten years in genocide case, then will be deported

Can you believe it, she lied to get into the US as a refugee!  I’m just shocked!

This is the case (perhaps the end of the many cases) of Beatrice Munyenyezi a refugee from Rwanda resettled in NH who it turns out was involved in the Hutu slaughter of Tutsis in her native Rwanda.


Here are our previous reports on the case(s).  Although its not mentioned in today’s story, this was reported in the article I posted on in April 2012 (trial cost millions!):

Two witnesses testified she killed people, including a nun, shooting the nun herself after ordering her to be raped.

And here is the latest news on the sentencing from the Huffington Post (hat tip: Michael):

CONCORD, N.H. — A federal judge on Monday sentenced a New Hampshire woman to the maximum 10 years in prison for lying about her role in the 1994 Rwanda genocide, saying the United States cannot be a haven for those who slaughter out of hatred and ignorance.

Rwanda native Beatrice Munyenyezi declined her right to address the court after U.S. District Judge Steven McAuliffe imposed her sentence.

Munyenyezi, 43, was convicted in February of entering the United States and securing citizenship by lying about her role as a commander of one of the notorious roadblocks where Tutsis were singled out for slaughter. She also denied affiliation with any political party, despite her husband’s leadership role in the extremist Hutu militia party.

“She was not a mere spectator,” McAuliffe said. “I find this defendant was actively involved, actively participated, in the mass killing of men, women and children simply because they were Tutsis.”

McAuliffe acknowledged she has led a crime-free and productive life since her arrival in New Hampshire in 1998 but said it was a life lived under false pretenses.  [Really!  Read on below!—ed]


McAuliffe said she effectively stole a citizenship slot away from a deserving refugee, possibly one who also had daughters and was a victim of violence and persecution. Munyenyezi took the oath of citizenship a decade ago in the very same courthouse where she was sentenced. McAuliffe stripped her of that citizenship when she was convicted.

Why should US taxpayers take care of her in prison for ten years if she is going to be deported—just deport her now!

Federal prosecutors had sought the maximum prison sentence, saying she’s as guilty as if she wielded the machete herself.


Once Munyenyezi serves her prison sentence, she could be deported to Rwanda – a fate her lawyers said would be tantamount to a death sentence.

She flat-out lied!

Prosecutors maintained that she was a liar who “gamed” the immigration system to fraudulently obtain the “golden ticket” of citizenship. She swore on immigration and naturalization forms that she persecuted no one, had no affiliation with any political party and even cast herself as a victim of the genocide by saying family members “disappeared.”

They didn’t disappear in the way you might think.

Munyenyezi’s husband, Arsene Shalom Ntahobali and his mother were convicted of genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes of violence and are serving life sentences.  [Presumably in Rwanda and not at US taxpayer expense!—ed]


Munyenyezi’s sister was convicted last summer in Boston on charges of fraudulently obtaining a visa to enter the United States by lying about her own Hutu political party affiliations.

The judge did say (above) that Munyenyezi  had a “productive life” in the US.  How productive?

Before long, she had a $13-an-hour job working for the city’s housing authority. Her children were enrolled in Catholic school and she attended college and earned an associate’s degree. She financed a comfortable lifestyle through mortgages, loans and credit cards – only to file for bankruptcy in 2008 and have about $400,000 in debt discharged.

The next time someone assures you that refugees are thoroughly screened before entering the US, don’t believe it!  And, ask them exactly why is it the responsibility of America to get involved in these civil wars in the first place by bringing some of the participants to your towns and cities!  Or, have we run out of destitute Americans who need help?

Photo: Beatrice walked free (temporarily) from the Court House in 2012. To her left is her sister who was convicted of immigration fraud. The woman ‘of the cloth’ in pink is not identified. Concord Monitor photo.

Are asylum seekers illegal immigrants? Malta publication tries to regain control of the language

LOL! I’m thinking they used the wrong photo to illustrate their point—this guy looks a little rough to be “vulnerable.” Don’t you think?

Frankly, I can’t tell if the Malta Independent has published a news article or an opinion piece with this title: Are asylum seekers illegal immigrants?

What alien entering a country such as Malta would enter with any other story than he/she was seeking asylum?  They are not stupid.  So, I say they are illegal aliens until proven otherwise.

There must be a lot of people who agree with me and thus the Open Borders word-police are trying to regain control of the language with this below.

From the Malta Independent:

 Asylum seekers who arrive in Malta by boat are neither engaging in illegal activity, nor are they immigrants. [Aliens then?—ed]

The UN Refugee Convention (to which Malta is a signatory) recognises that refugees have a right to enter a country for the purposes of seeking asylum, irrespective of how they arrive or whether they hold valid travel or identity documents.  

The Convention, to which Malta is legally bound, stipulates that what would usually be considered as illegal actions, such as entering a country without a visa, should not be treated as illegal if a person is seeking asylum.

This means that it is incorrect to refer to asylum seekers who arrive without authorisation as “illegal”, as they in fact have a right to enter the country to seek asylum.

In line with Malta’s obligations under the Convention, Malta permits unauthorised entry into the country for the purposes of seeking asylum. Asylum seekers do not break any Maltese laws simply by arriving on boats or without authorisation.   [Let’s see—five paragraphs say the very same thing in each one, do you dummies get the message now?—ed]

Such allowances are made because it is not always safe or practicable for asylum seekers to obtain travel documents or travel through authorised channels.

For new readers, here is our archive on Malta.  We follow the illegal alien issue there regularly because the US State Department has brought thousands of illegal alien men, like the one in the photo, to your towns and cities as “refugees” in a perversion of international refugee law.