Homeland Security Committee Chairman McCaul: ISIS has tried to infiltrate refugee stream to US

I’ve given up trying to keep up with all the breaking news on this critical issue, but here is one more thing we learned yesterday that needs to be archived here at RRW.
Leo Hohmann writing at World Net Daily tells us this:

Michael McCaul
Chairman McCaul: The Administration has information about ISIS and refugees that they are not telling you about.

Intelligence officials revealed that it’s no longer just a threat, but an actual occurrence – ISIS terrorists have tried to use the refugee program to enter the United States, but President Obama is keeping the information secret from the American public.

The bombshell was dropped by the head of the House Homeland Security Committee Monday during a speech at the National Defense University.

U.S. Rep. Michael McCaul, R-Texas, declined to go into detail about the disclosure, the Hill reported.

Rep. Michael McCaul, R-Texas, wrote President Obama warning that the Syrian refugee program could become a ‘back door for jihadists” to enter the U.S.

But the revelation will add ammunition to critics of the White House’s refugee plans who have warned that the program is vulnerable to infiltration by adherents of the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria, or ISIS.

“ISIS members in Syria have attempted to exploit it to get into the United States,” McCaul said during the speech.

“The U.S. government has information to indicate that individuals tied to terrorist groups in Syria have already attempted to gain access to our country through the U.S. refugee program.”

McCaul did not say who informed him and other lawmakers about the revelation, only describing the sources as “elements of the intelligence community,” according to the Hill.


McCaul described the source who informed him about the ISIS attempts to infiltrate as a brave patriot.


Clare Lopez, vice president of research and analysis for the Center for Security Policy in Washington, said it’s no surprise ISIS would use the refugee program to infiltrate America, because they promised to do so.


Lopez said a moratorium on all refugee resettlements from Muslim countries is the only answer at this point.

Ha! There is that M-word!
Continue reading here.  There is much more!

Action Alert!  It is not too late, go here and follow instructions to call Congress today!  Stopping the funding for refugee resettlement is the surest way to get the job done immediately!  Details can be worked out once the money is cut off!  If they can cut off the visas too, more power to them!

Senators Cruz and Paul use the "M" word! MORATORIUM! Trump follows

Be still my beating heart!  There it is, out there—the M-word!  Several of them in fact!  Moratorium on Muslim Migration!

Put this word in your vocabulary!

I started to write this post yesterday, then spent the day running out to the doctor (nothing is fast with doctors these days, have you noticed that) and as I’m trying to read news on my phone, the Cruz and Paul news was eclipsed by The Donald news when he jumped on the bandwagon.
However, all of the news reports I was reading and hearing claimed Donald Trump was alone in his call for a ban on Muslim migration to America.  He was actually the third Presidential candidate to make that call. Trump called it a “ban,” but that sounds like moratorium to me.
This is what I started to write about yesterday from Julia Hahn at Breitbart.   She has Senator Cruz uttering the word and I heard Senator Paul say it on Fox News yesterday morning!
trump paul cruz ap ap reuters
Separating themselves from the pack in a big way!

Presidential candidates Sens. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) and Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) are demanding a halt to immigration from Muslim nations with jihadist movements.

Their fellow contender, Sen. Marco Rubio, did not call for curbs to Muslim immigration in his live response to the President address on Fox News – a response promoted by Rubio’s campaign.

Cruz tweeted that if elected president, “I will shut down the broken immigration system that is letting jihadists into our country.” Cruz elaborated in a statement:

The President should place an immediate moratorium on refugees from countries with a significant al Qaeda or ISIS presence, such as Syria. I’ve introduced legislation to make this happen; it is not a desired step, but a necessary step for the security of the United States.

Similarly, Rand Paul tweeted, “While ‪@POTUS paid lip service to this fight, he plans to keep failed rules in place & allow tens of thousands of refugees to enter the US.”

“Immigration visas & refugees from countries with active terror networks must be halted while we determine how to better secure our borders,” Paul in a separate tweet. “His administration is focused on gun laws that won’t stop terrorists while pushing policies that will let more of them in the country,” Paul wrote.

Continue reading here.
Go here to see the ten Senators who might be counted on to support these calls.

Action Alert!  It is not too late, go here and follow instructions to call Congress today!  Stopping the funding for refugee resettlement is the surest way to get the job done immediately!  Details can be worked out once the money is cut off!  If they can cut off the visas too, more power to them!

Michigan Action Alert for today (and this critical week for all of us!)

The Michigan ‘pocket of resistance’ has put out this action alert for their members.
Please use it as a model for your state as we enter this critical week in Congress.  They must hear from you!  (I’m told kudos to the Georgia resisters for helping craft the alert.)

Ryan and McConnell 2
You will find out this week if Speaker Ryan and Senate Majority Leader McConnell put your safety first! We have no obligation to invite unvetted third worlders to your towns to live off of your hard work (your tax dollars).


In the wake of the horrific terror attacks in San Bernardino and Paris, the FBI said it lacks the funds to stay ahead of the escalating terror threats right here in America. So why would we want to divert any of our tax dollars, which should be directed to reinforcing our nation’s security and intelligence apparatus to protect our families and our nation, to opening the gates to refugees from terror-supporting nations whom we CAN NOT vet and whose ranks ISIS and other terror organizations target to infiltrate?

This Monday (today!) and Tuesday, we must flood the offices of our US Representatives and Senators with calls (US Capitol Switchboard: 202-224-3121) urging them to vigorously oppose Refugee Resettlement Funding contained in the Omnibus Spending Bill that will be voted on by 12-11-15!

Then make 4 more calls to insist the same:

1. Speaker Paul Ryan/Phone: 202.225.3031
2. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell/Phone: 202.224.2541
3. Rep. Hal Rogers, Chair, Appropriations Committee/Phone: 202.225.4601
4. Sen. Thad Cochran, Chair, Senate Appropriations /Phone: 202.224.7257


Read Sen. Jeff Sessions’ statement on this: www.sessions.senate.gov/public/index.cfm/2015/12/sessions-omnibus-expected-to-fund-obama-s-entire-immigration-agenda

US Rep. Candice Miller of MI, Vice Chair of the Homeland Security Committee, said:

“I support Governor Snyder’s decision to suspend efforts to relocate Syrian refugees to Michigan, and have cautioned against the Administration’s decision to increase the number being admitted into the U.S. …terrorist organizations like ISIS are looking for any and every opportunity to exploit a nation’s hospitality to carry out their barbaric attacks against the innocent. Anyone who says we can adequately and safely vet these refugees is wrong because there is no database in Syria and no way to identify who’s who.”


If you don’t want unvettable refugees from terror-supporting countries in your neighborhood, you must raise your voices NOW. The immigration industry is a powerful lobby and private resettlement contractors have the authority to send refugees to any town, city, neighborhood or location without public notification and local consent.


We have been telling you over the last week or so (here, here and here) that those (mostly the ‘religious Left’) who want to bring in massive numbers of Muslim migrants and other refugees are pulling out all the stops to pressure Congress (yesterday we learned that even the Quakers are against you).  They have never (in 35 years!) been so challenged!  You must counter them!
Next week there will be much to do locally and statewide, but this week, you must make this a priority!

Daily Kos: Let's "scoop up" 2 million Syrians, bring them to America and teach them stuff

Let’s start out Monday morning with a chuckle.  This is “Liberal Thinking” at the far Left Daily Kos.
“Liberal” doesn’t think we are too bright, but he/she demonstrates a woeful lack of understanding about how the federal Refugee Admissions Program works, how our federal government is structured, what are the factions in the Syrian civil war; and “Liberal” has forgotten that it is their guy—Barack Hussein Obama—who is commander in chief.
The war “Liberal” says Republicans don’t know how to win is OBAMA’S WAR.

In this Dec. 3, 20156 photo, President Barack Obama sits with FBI director James Comey in the Oval Office of the White House in Washington, before making a statement on the mass shooting in San Bernandino, Calif. The U.S. government’s ability to review and analyze five years’ worth of telephone records for the married couple blamed in the deadly shootings in California lapsed when the National Security Agency’s controversial mass surveillance program was formally shut down, four days before the deadly California shootings. Under a court order, those historical calling records at the NSA are now off-limits to agents running the FBI terrorism investigation even with a warrant. (AP Photo/Evan Vucci)
Hey, “Liberal Thinking,” do you see that skinny guy on the left? That is your guy. He is a Democrat.  As commander in chief, this is his war which entered a “new phase” last week as the enemy is now among us and has begun to kill us. FBI director Comey (the grown-up on the right) has just told Obama the cold hard truth. (AP Photo/Evan Vucci)

A must read so you have some understanding of what the kids at Kos are thinking.
From “Liberal Thinking” at the Daily Kos (Emphasis is theirs):

Republican leaders are some of the least humanitarian and cruelest people in the country. But I’ve come to believe they are also some of the thickest. You can see this in the strategic implications of keeping Syrian refugees out of the country.

The refugees are people who’ve been abused by the Syrian government (Asad famously gassed them) and driven away by ISIS and other rebel groups. They are already predisposed to hate those people. Our best strategy would be to scoop up every one we can persuade to come to the U.S. and give them a place to sit out the war. The war will end and eventually they will go back. We have an enormous opportunity to affect Syrian society after they return.

So, it isn’t just humanitarian to accept the refugees. It’s also smart national security policy.
There are perhaps two million refugees we could bring to the United States. This is possibly 20% of the Syrian population. What will these people believe when they return to Syria?

We could spend a moderate amount of effort teaching them how to run a secular society. We should help them learn how we view human rights and due process. We should help them set up public institutions they can take back with them. [And, the kids at Kos are going to teach Sunni Muslims this?—ed]

There are more suggestions of things we could teach them, including how to cope with global warming.  Then “Liberal” wraps up with this:

But unfortunately much of our federal government is run by Republicans, who don’t know very much about how to run a government. As I’ve said before, Republicans don’t know money. (They want to privatize Social Security, for example. And they are still promoting trickle-down economics, even after it’s been show to be an abject failure.) But it’s deeper and more disturbing than that. They don’t even know how to win a war.

Vote in the poll!

Now, I want you to go visit the story and vote in the poll at the end!  For a blog getting (so they say) hundreds of thousands of hits a day, only 23 have voted so far (as of this writing).  Should we bring in all the Syrians who want to come? Surprise! The choice “no, they are too dangerous” is winning by a wide margin.

Action Alert:  Call your members of the House and Senate at 202-224-3121 and ask them to vigorously oppose the Refugee Resettlement funding contained in the Omnibus Spending Bill that will be voted on by 12-11-15!  Don’t stop calling  (we will keep you posted as we learn more about when the vote might occur).

Important radio program tomorrow a.m. on Wilson-Fish states lawsuit!

Broadcast from Nashville, Tennessee, but can be heard on-line.

We told you about the hunt for a brave governor willing to defend the Constitution here last Thursday.  The hunt continues.

States like Tennessee, Alabama, Kentucky and others, CAN stop refugee resettlement in their states.

ERin Mersino

In case you haven’t seen the article, Breitbart reported last week, that the Thomas Moore Law Center has been working since June on a lawsuit to challenge the constitutionality of the federal refugee program as it is being implemented in states like Tennessee, Kentucky, Alabama and others.

Erin Mersino, senior trial lawyer from the public interest firm, the Thomas Moore Law Center will talk about this on the Ralph Bristol radio show, Monday December 7th at 9:05 A.M. EST/ 8:05 CST.

The Thomas More Law Center defends and promotes America’s Judeo-Christian heritage and moral values, including the religious freedom of Christians, time-honored family values, and the sanctity of human life. It supports a strong national defense and an independent and sovereign United States of America. The Law Center accomplishes its mission through litigation, education, and related activities. It does not charge for its services.

They will represent your state at no charge.

You can listen to the Ralph Bristol show and learn more about how the lawyers at the Thomas Moore Law Center are prepared to stand up to the federal government and defend your states’ rights.

Listen online to the show: http://pro.wwtn-fm.tritonflex.com/page.php?page_id=151 or tune in to WWTN, 99.7 FM.

Meanwhile, according to Michael Patrick Leahy at Breitbart, it looks like Tennessee Republican Governor Bill Haslam is not going to be that brave man.
Is yours a Wilson-Fish alternative state?  Why not see if radio programs in others of these states would do an interview with the Thomas More Law Center (if I can be so bold as to offer them!).  You need to build grassroots pressure on governors of these states (it only takes one) to be the plaintiff in this all important Constitutional test!

North Dakota
South Dakota