Will they make 'Austria great again?' (will they be able to SAVE Austria is the question)

Invasion of Europe news…..
The European political world got a real shake-up a few days ago when the so-called “far-right” won a significant victory in the Presidential contest there.  You’ve surely all read about it —how the “anti-immigrant” forces have been energized and for the first time since WWII neither major Austrian political party will be in the final contest.
What does this portend for Election 2016 if the Obama Administration puts in high gear its massive surge of Syrians to America this summer?  Hmmmm?
From the Express:

Norbert Hofer, the candidate for Austria’s right-wing Freedom Party (FPÖ), won 36.4 per cent of the vote, and will face an independent candidate in the final vote next month.

Glocks for
The Glock family for your family. Austrian Freedom Party candidate Hofer carries one on the campaign trail. https://www.pinterest.com/pin/315392780125799840/

It was the Freedom Party’s best result in a national election and comes after a campaign that focused on the impact of the migrant crisis.

More than 100,000 refugees have arrived in Austria since last summer.

The migrant crisis has divided the country and, in a major U-turn, the government, who initially backed German chancellor Angela Merkel’s open-door policy, shut Austria’s borders.

FPÖ leader Heinz-Christian Strache said: “This is the beginning of a new political era. Today political history is being written in Austria.”


Pro-gun Hofer, who has been seen carrying his Glock pistol on the campaign trail, has repeatedly criticised the Austrian government’s “soft” handling of the migrant crisis.

Gun ownership has been on the rise in Austria, a trend Hofer has branded a natural reaction to the migrant crisis.

There is much, much more, here (in case there is anyone out there who hasn’t heard this incredible news already!).
Our ‘Invasion of Europe’ archive is here.  And, search RRW for Austria.  I’m running out of time, but you should know that the US State Department processes thousands of refugees in Austria for resettlement to your towns and cities.

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