Where do WE put a billion people?

The ‘WE’ of course being the great planners and social engineers of the universe, including the environmentalists and the human rights gang (the UN surely).
In a recent article in Nature, the authors say the world’s population will grow by 1 billion by 2030 and they are plotting where would it be best for the earth to put that next billion (if they were granted permission I suppose to move people around the globe—but wait! Isn’t that what the UN is already doing without permission?).
No surprise! Most of the population that will expand is in Africa and Asia so those people would presumably need to be moved.
Here is the story at the Daily Mail:

Academics Richard T.T. Forman and Jinguo Wu mapped out areas around the world where these additional people could live most sustainably.

[They] ruled out regions with already dense populations as well as areas with high water stress, extreme climates and unique species.


In Nature, the two professors called for ‘worldwide coordination’ to promote a balanced population in a way that would minimize the ‘already heavy ecological footprint on our finite Earth’.

So check it out.  Do you live in a population dump target zone? Yellow! And, to a lesser degree blue!
Sure looks like the excess population of the Middle East/North Africa would be moved elsewhere.  Did you ever wonder why there is complete silence on the subject of excessive population growth in Muslim countries?
UN family planning for Muslims!
No, you know the answer, these population police are afraid to tell Muslims that they need to stick to 2 children per family to save the planet! Ha! Ha! I would love to see the new Secretary General of the UN—Antonio Guterres—take on that project (UN family planning for Muslims!). Hey, if we send so much money to the UN maybe a Trump administration could demand that such a program be launched!
Although we haven’t said much about it lately, you might be interested in our ‘Climate refugees’ category because although I’m not a big conspiracy hunter it doesn’t take much to figure out that the great minds and social engineers are busy getting all this in place.  Maybe the Refugee Program is part of the overall plan to soften us up for kill.
2030 is not far away!

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