117 Leftwing groups/refugee contractors oppose bill to BEGIN to reform refugee program

I haven’t said much about this bill re-introduced in Congress last week mostly because it doesn’t go far enough to really reform the UN/US Refugee Admissions Program.
In my view anything that leaves the United Nations choosing our refugees and the non-profit ‘religious’ (and secular) charities being paid by the head to place those third world people secretly into unsuspecting towns and cities doesn’t go far enough.

U.S. Reps. Raul Labrador, R-Idaho, and Bob Goodlatte, R-Va., reintroduced the Refugee Program Integrity Restoration Act on Thursday. Source: http://magicvalley.com/news/local/govt-and-politics/labrador-re-introduces-bill-limiting-refugee-program/article_0ac8aa8e-92e9-5e26-a081-1600491d5b93.html

The financial incentive (that per head payment) to unelected non-profit groups (who then lobby Congress) for more and more paying clients (aka refugees) must be completely abolished.
Halfway measures, as this bill represents, if it ever even got through Congress and to the President’s desk would take away any incentive for abolishing the Refugee Act of 1980 and rewriting the whole thing, so I’m not a believer in taking the ‘first steps’ as I am sure the advocates of this bill are calling it.
Read the text yourself, here, there are some bones thrown to states/communities to have some say in whether they will ‘welcome’ refugees or not, and there is some effort made to get at the fraud that we know is rampant overseas.
The only hope for real reform is if the Trump Administration has the guts to send a determination of ZERO (refugees) in September for FY18 with the proviso that Congress undertake total reform of our refugee admissions policy before any more are admitted!

President Trump or Congress won’t have guts unless you bombard them!

That is what the well-organized and well-financed Open Borders crowd does all the time! See here…..
Here is what the contractors*** and the Leftwing/social justice crowd are telling Congress about HR. 2826:

“….it would remove presidential authority to set the number of refugees who may enter the country per year.”

That last line of my screenshot (of a portion of the letter) made me laugh.  So, they are worried about the President losing his authority to set the CEILING—any President other than Donald Trump I presume! So far they have made it clear that Trump is not permitted to have that power!

Quick! tell the Supreme Court! They are admitting that the President  has the authority to set the number to be admitted to the US each year!

The letter continues…
Then here (below) are the groups that signed it.  If you are involved in any of these groups/churches etc. let them know what you think. 
Many of the federal contractors paid to place refugees in your towns are on this letter.  The Ethiopian Community Development Council is not here nor is World Relief. Episcopal Migration Ministries is represented by the Episcopal Church (we learned here the other day that they are one and the same).
Also not here is the US Conference of Catholic Bishops. I have noticed lately that they aren’t signing on to this type of joint political letter.  Maybe you have gotten to them through your parishes?
LOL! You can tell how far Left this list is by the fact that SEIU signed it!

This post is filed in my relatively new category ‘what you can do’ in response to so many readers asking the question.
You can bombard your member of Congress, your US Senators, and the White House about what you think should be done about the UN/US Refugee Admissions Program. Then tell your church leaders what you think if your church signed on to this letter in your name!
*** This is the list of the nine federal contractors being paid by the head to place refugees in towns across America. Those in red below signed this letter of opposition to the House Judiciary Committee.

A picture worth a thousand words, civil war coming to Europe?

When I heard the news about the attack on Muslims leaving a mosque in London early this morning, I wondered if it was all ratcheting up, and dare I say, wondered if a real civil war was coming to, not just the UK, but to Europe as well.  It seems it is just a matter of time!
See this image that Voice of Europe put on twitter yesterday:

As you know, Poland is refusing to take Muslim ‘refugees’ demanded of them by the EU, see here last week.
President Donald Trump will be in Poland on July 6th.
My complete ‘Invasion of Europe’ archive is here.

Stealth Invasion author: Trump must fight on refugee issue as he did on climate 'deal'

Our friend Leo Hohmann at World Net Daily tells us what he thinks of the Trump Administration’s weakness on the refugee issue.
From WNDRead it all, but here is the wrap-up:

Hohmann does not believe Trump is taking the refugee resettlement issue seriously enough. The veteran journalist warned in his book there is a historic demographic shift of Muslims out of the Middle East and Africa into Western Europe, Canada and the U.S. That shift is known as “civilization jihad,” and the resettlement of Muslim refugees in the West is one component of it.

“Stealth Invasion” is the ONLY full length book critical of US refugee policy.

“This is a situation where 1,500 foreign nationals are entering our country now every week,” Hohmann cautioned. “In many cases, when they come from chaotic, broken nations like Somalia, Iraq, Afghanistan and Syria, we have no idea who these people are and are simply accepting whatever story they give us about their so-called persecution. Yet, we allow Christians who are legitimately under a genocide in Iraq and Syria to languish there unprotected.

“Something must change, and soon, or there will be no more hint of Christianity in the Middle East, which is where the faith took root 2,000 years ago. Trump the candidate seemed to understand these troubling trends, but Trump the president seems confused, misdirected and ill-advised.”

Hohmann wishes Trump would fight the establishment on the refugee issue the same way he fought it on the climate change issue.

“I’d like to see the president approach the refugee issue with the same wisdom, energy and courage with which he approached the Paris climate-change deal,” the writer stated. “It took a lot of guts to defy the globalists and pull out of that bad deal, so we know President Trump has it in him to take on these entrenched, anti-American interests.”

More here.
Readers ask me all the time: what can I do?  Read ‘Stealth Invasion’ and contact the White House by clicking here.

Refugee admissions not ramped-up yet

On the eve of President Trump’s return from his successful world tour, the Department of State sent out an e-mail (according to the New York Times, see my post here) that said refugee admissions would ramp up from an average of 900 a week to 1,500 a week.  Of course that news sent spasms of joy through the federal refugee contractors which get a big chunk of their budget based on the numbers of refugees they resettle.

Sec. of State Tillerson and Trump need to get loyal people in place in the Bureau of Population Refugees and Migration. They do not have to wait on an Asst. Secretary for PRM to be confirmed to begin to get the “Deep State” reined-in.

Once again, this is one reason the UN/US Refugee Admissions Program must be scrapped—it is built on a contractor run set-up where the supposed ‘charities’ must each year base their budget planning on numbers of refugees admitted, nevermind whether the number is beneficial for America or not.
So, these contractors*** are always pushing for more and more refugees (aka paying clients).
I just checked the numbers this morning from this day a week ago, and it appears that the DOS didn’t even reach the 900 level, let alone 1,500.

The number admitted this week from June 11th to June 18th is 822.

That puts the total admitted so far this fiscal year at 48,256—not far off the 50,000 Trump said he wants.
See my post here explaining why 50,000 is not much of a reduction anyway.
Broken record alert!  Trump did not even have to make any statement about reducing the Obama CEILING of 110,000 for this fiscal year, he had the power to simply slow the flow.  He can legally bring in any number UNDER 110,000.

The 110,000 is a CEILING not a TARGET! He could have stopped on inauguration day when the number was 30,122.

That would have kept the CEILING issue out of the clutches of our rogue courts!  The contractors have been agitating for years to turn the CEILING in to a TARGET and I fear that the courts could make that happen for them.
*** For new readers, these are the nine federal refugee contractors that monopolize the admissions program (and lobby Congress for more and more refugees!).


70 MEN held in Australian offshore detention will soon be told if they are moving to Anytown, USA

It is truly insane.  You really must unload on the White House and on your members of Congress and Senators to stop this awful “deal” with Australia.
If you are new to RRW, see my post here last week and be sure to read Nayla Rush’s (CIS) detailed accounting of the insanity, here.
From Today Online:

SYDNEY – The United States will tell dozens of refugees held in an Australian-run offshore detention center whether they will be offered resettlement in America within six weeks, two detainees told Reuters on Friday.

The deadline marks the first concrete timetable for a U.S.-Australia refugee swap arrangement that sparked tensions between the strong allies after President Donald Trump described it as “a dumb deal” for America.

So whose brilliant idea was this? According to Nayla Rush at CIS, it was Anne Richard, Obama’s Asst. Sec. of State for PRM who said this: Richard told reporters she was approached by the Australian embassy in Washington, D.C.: “When the Australians first came to us my motivation was let’s do this, let’s make this happen, we have got to get these individuals to a better place.”

U.S. officials representing Homeland Security this week returned to Papua New Guinea’s Manus Island, home to one of two Australian-administered detention centers in the Pacific, to conduct medical examinations on 70 men.

Extreme vetting involved six hours of questioning (oh boy, that is rough)! Any chance they used lie detector tests?

The men last month completed “extreme vetting” interviews that lasted up to six hours, with in-depth questions on associates, family, friends and any interactions with the Islamic State militant group.

After completing the medical tests, refugees were told to expect a decision on their resettlement applications within six weeks, two of the Manus Island detainees told Reuters.


It is not clear how many of the 70 men vetted will be accepted for resettlement in the United States. The refugees include men from Pakistan, Afghanistan and Myanmar. [These from Myanmar, aka Burma, are likely Rohingya Muslims.—ed]


In exchange, Australia has pledged to take Central American refugees from a center in Costa Rica, where the United States has taken in a larger number of people in recent years. [A ‘deal’ implies that both sides get something. Again, why are any mostly economic migrants who got to Costa Rica our problem?—ed]

The swap is designed, in part, to help Australia close one of its offshore centers that is expensive to run and has been widely criticized by the United Nations and others over treatment of detainees.


Australia’s hardline immigration policy requires asylum seekers intercepted at sea trying to reach Australia to be sent for processing to camps at Manus and on the South Pacific island of Nauru. They are told they will never be settled in Australia.

So Australia has a hardline immigration policy and we bail them out???  And, to add insult to injury, you won’t be told if any of Australia’s illegal aliens (they are not refugees!) will be placed in your towns!
Illegal aliens (or legitimate refugees) who get to Australia are Australia’s problem, not ours!  Imagine a scenario where some Africans came across our southern border, asked for asylum (although there is no way of screening them) and we asked Australia to take them.  Would that ever happen? No!
And, remember this!  Australia needs us more than we need them!
Continue here.
President Trump’s first instinct to call this a “dumb deal” was right, the only thing dumber is to know that and go ahead with it anyway!
For my complete Australia archive, go here where this becomes post #204.
Photo:  Anne Richard was the Asst. Secretary of State for the Bureau of Population, Refugees and Migration (PRM) for Obama. She came to that job from the International Rescue Committee (I wrote about them yesterday, here). She represents the classic revolving door since she worked earlier in her career at the DOS, then went to the private contractor job, and then back to dole out refugees and your money to her contractor comrades.  Click here for my archive on Richard.
The Deep State is running PRM! (probably with the help of the Obama shadow government, including Richard, in DC).

One of Trump’s great failings is that he has put no one loyal to him in a leadership role in PRM, so they are outmaneuvering him on refugees!