Afghan Refugees Expected to Overrun Europe

From time to time, I try to keep my ‘Invasion of Europe’ archive supplied with fresh material.

Here is one for you.  An opinion writer at Modern Diplomacy says Europe must get ready for the next big wave of ‘refugees’ from the Middle East as the US is finally getting out of Afghanistan along with coalition forces that have been there for almost twenty years!

The writer, Hayat Bangash, says the West must rebuild Afghanistan or the terrorists will be back in force.

So what does Bangash think the US has been doing for nearly two decades as American taxpayers are weary of propping up dysfunctional Muslim countries.

By the way, it won’t just be Europe experiencing the next wave of migration, the US will (and already is!) bringing them in by the thousands!  See here. (It is a good thing I captured that data in 2019 because it is not available now.)

Many thousands more have come into the US since….

Special Immigrant Visa Holders Coming in by the Thousands from Afghanistan, but Iraqi Flow has Slowed

A well worn route from Afghanistan to the heart of Europe…..

And, of course northward into Austria, Germany, France and beyond!

From Modern Diplomacy:

Is Europe ready to handle Afghan refugees?

In anticipation of the looming uncertainty, Afghans are lining up at the handful of remaining embassies in Kabul. As American and European troops leave, many Afghans intend to flee their country before things get worse. If they get visas, well and good. If they don’t, most will nonetheless be leaving as refugees.

The refugee trail starts from Afghanistan, passes through Iran, Turkey and Greece to eventually culminate in mainland Europe. The journey takes months to complete and is made possible by a network of smugglers who pay as little regard to international law as they do to human life. By the time the surviving refugees reach Europe, most are sick, malnourished and devoid of worldly belongings.

While the world is still grappling with refugees from Syria, the next challenge will be accommodating those from Afghanistan. European nations will have to come up with ways to either keep Afghan refugees at their homes in Afghanistan or welcome and integrate them into the European society. Although the experience of doing so hasn’t been much successful in the case of Syrian refugees, what is haunting Afghans, too, is uncertainty.

Many of the current refugees from Afghanistan are educated. When starting on their journeys, they think of Europe as a kind of heaven. On reaching, however, they find their educational qualifications invalid and their residential status uncertain. This poses a grave obstacle in their path to integration. Many have to take up menial jobs, saturating the job market in the host countries and fueling a hostile attitude toward them.

The refugee influx was a major reason for Brexit and the rise of populist governments in Europe.

As Europeans saw a potential threat to their society and their way of life, they sought protection in politicians who perennially look inwards. The result is now a range of countries where conservative leaders are gaining a foothold. Anti-immigrant and nationalist sentiments are rising and there have even been organized protests against the refugees.


The solution to the impending crisis for Europe boils down to a single point: don’t forget to rebuild the countries that you bomb. Rebuilding attempts have been going on ever since the Taliban were ousted from Kabul but the successive regimes installed in their place could hardly move their country forward.

Afghan politicians have been trying to cover rampant corruption, ethnic nepotism and appeasement of warlords by placing the blame for the problems of their country on neighbors.


If European and American leaders do not come up with a form of Marshall Plan to raise the economic conditions of Afghanistan, it is only a matter of time that they will be coming back with their bombs to uproot the next wave of extremism.

So what about that definition of insanity—doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different outcome.  After nearly two decades, there is no American will to rebuild Afghanistan!  Let the French and Germans have a go at it!

Keep an Eye on Europe at Border Hawk

Since I haven’t posted much in recent months about the ‘Invasion of Europe’ you should from time to time check out Border Hawk news that does closely follow breaking stories there.

I know we are all concerned with our southern border and about what Harris/Biden are going to do to small town America, see my post from Thursday on Vermont, but Western Civilization is crumbling on the European continent and it’s important for you to follow its decline if for no other reason than to inspire you to get involved in stopping the slide here.

This is a photo of a statue called “the refugee ship” exhibited in Denmark to inspire Danes to welcome refugees.  Would this inspire you?   Apparently the Lutherans think it will.


Below is a screenshot of today’s news from Europe at Border Hawk:

Go to Border Hawk, I have it linked in my sidebar and click on some of those horrible stories (just in time for World Refugee Day tomorrow).

By the way, I can tell how many of you do bother to follow links I provide.  It helps me know what my readers find useful and if what I post is a good use of my time.

See my ‘Invasion of Europe’ archive by clicking here.  

I’ve been writing posts on Europe for over a decade.

Hungary: Walls Work as Muslim Migration to Europe Increases post-Chinese Virus Scourge

As the Chinese menace recedes, the invasion of Europe picks up its pace.

My invasion of Europe archive needs some attention and over the weekend Jihad Watch had an informative piece about my favorite country after America—Hungary.  (Poland comes in a close third!)

Hungarian Prime Minister Orban and our President.

Hungary says border fence worked, urges EU to refocus on migration as illegal Muslim migration attempts triple


Hungary has seen a sharp rise in illegal Muslim migrants trying to enter the country over the last year — triple the number than in the previous year. The government now wants to see a refocus on controlling illegal Muslim migration into the EU, since all attention has been focused on COVID.

The border fence was built using prison labor.

The influx of illegals has not stopped, and is now escalating even more as COVID recedes. Areas of the EU, especially the UK, Italy, Spain and Greece, have been easy-access target countries. Zoltan Kovacs, the Orban government’s long-serving Secretary of State for Public Diplomacy and Relations, stated:

By erecting a border fence along our borders with Serbia and Croatia – again, that’s not only our frontier, it’s an external border of Europe’s Schengen Area – Hungary showed the world in 2015 that it is possible to stop the influx of illegals on land. A few years later, under the leadership of former Interior Minister Matteo Salvini, Italy effectively put an end to migration at sea. Other member states, and most EU institutions, however, seem hell-bent on turning the other way and letting these immigrants in.

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban once said:

We don’t see these people as Muslim refugees. We see them as Muslim invaders…For example, to arrive from Syria in Hungary, you have to cross four countries, all of which are not as rich as Germany, but stable. So they are not running for their lives there already.

The vast majority of Muslim migrants still entering the EU are economic migrants jumping the queue. Migrants have been steadily flowing into Italy, and 8,000 Moroccan migrants swarmed into the Spanish enclave of Ceuta in the space of three days (6,000 in one day alone).

Build more shelters!  Sounds just like what Biden is doing.

Instead of supporting limits on mass migration, politicians from Angela Merkel’s party in Germany instead advised Spain and Italy to build more migrant centers.

Globalists continue to erode their countries’ democracies, neglect national security and demonstrate little regard for the rule of law as they continue to support open-door immigration.

More here.

Invasion of Europe Continues…..

I know we have our own invasion going on, but previously I wrote often about the invasion of Europe, in fact, I wrote about it for ten years. I was reminded this evening how important it is to keep up with European news.

You should from time to time, check out Borderhawk news for all immigration news, but it is vitally important to see what is happening in Europe as the great migration destroys western civilization there first.

(You may have noticed that Borderhawk is available at a link on RRW’s sidebar.)

Here is a screenshot of the European stories featured at Borderhawk right now.  Go to Borderhawk for the live links.


While you are having a look at news aggregation sites, see The Religion of Peace as well.

Sweden Will Not Take Refugees from Greek Camp Fire

Invasion of Europe news….

Well! Well! Have the Swedes finally had enough of the joys of diversity?

It seems that the land that Bernie loves is waking up to the horrors they have created by welcoming refugees from Africa and the Middle East who now refuse to settle down to being good little Swedes.

Before I get to the latest on a ‘canary in a coal mine’ country I have followed for at least ten years, be sure to check in from time to time at Borderhawk.

Right now we are so focused on the presidential contest here in America that we might be losing sight of the continued decline of Europe as migrants continue to storm its borders.

For specifically on Europe, here is some of what you can learn at Borderhawk today.


This story about Sweden caught my eye:

‘No more migrants’ – Sweden changes its asylum policy

Sweden, a country with one of the most liberal asylum policies in the world, is drastically changing its attitude towards migrants.


Although the country will provide material aid to Greece, it has decided not to accept any refugees from the burned Moria camp or other Greek islands, unlike Germany, which has agreed to take in 1,500. Sweden has thus joined Austria and the Visegrád Four countries of Hungary, Poland, Czechia, and Slovakia, which refuse to accept migrants from the camp, writes Czech news portal Novinky.

It is not clear whether the change of course in asylum policy concerns only the problem of relocating the 12,500 people from the destroyed Greek Moria camp, or whether Sweden is changing its approach to migration in general. The fact is, however, that the topic of migration dominated the 2018 Swedish elections, and Prime Minister Stefan Löfven is now under pressure. As Swedish media points out, his minority government coalition with the Green Party is the weakest in 70 years.

In 2015, Sweden recorded over 160,000 asylum applications, which was the highest number per capita in Europe. Sweden, along with Germany, was one of the most sought-after destinations for refugees. At the time, the country was proud of its liberal approach.

“My Europe does not build walls,” said Prime Minister Stefan Löfven at the time.

Oh, how the times have changed….

After five years, the country faces a dramatic increase in crime and failures in its integration efforts.

“If migration is so strong that integration is no longer successful, we risk further problems,” said Prime Minister Löfven last week.

Sweden struggles with the spread of gang-related crime in socially disadvantaged suburbs. For example, since the beginning of this year, 27 people have died during the shootings between criminal organizations. Almost all the victims were young men and members of migrant gangs, wrote the German newspaper Frankfurter Rundschau daily, which writes that the growth in clan violence has “shifted the discourse in the country”.

More here.

See my complete file on the Invasion of Europe, and my Sweden archive is here.

By the way, I began following Sweden more carefully years ago when one snippy little Open Borders commenter told me repeatedly that we should be like Sweden when it came to ‘welcoming’ refugees.  Hmmmm……