CAIR Trumpets 31% Increase in Number of Mosques as US Muslim Population Expands

Immigration and birthrate (not conversions) are cited as the reasons for the expansion from 2010-2020. 

Of course, Biden, will be be helping that expansion as he promises to bring 125,000 refugees, many of them Muslims, to America beginning on October first—less than 4 months from now.

“The continued growth of American Muslim houses of worship and community centers also corresponds to the national increase in Muslim civic engagement and political organizing.”

(CAIR Executive Director Nihad Awad)


From the Council on American Islamic Relations:

CAIR Welcomes New Report on U.S. Mosques Showing 31% Increase in Mosque Establishments, Expanded Mosque Budgets

(WASHINGTON, D.C, 6/2/2021) – The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), the nation’s largest Muslim civil rights and advocacy organization, today welcomed a new report on U.S. mosques that shows a 31 percent increase in the number of Muslim houses of worship nationwide since 2010.


That is CAIR’s Nihad Awad (circled) being arrested in a demonstration that refugee contractor Church World Service helped organize against Donald Trump’s immigration policies in 2018.


“The increase in U.S. mosques, participants and budgets is a sign of a healthy democracy that upholds and guarantees the First Amendment to everyone, including American Muslims. We are pleased to be a co-sponsor of an important report that provides a snapshot of the current status of mosques around the nation and what needs to be done to improve the conditions and diversity of American Muslim communities,” said CAIR Executive Director Nihad Awad. “The continued growth of American Muslim houses of worship and community centers also corresponds to the national increase in Muslim civic engagement and political organizing.”


The Number of Mosques Continues to Grow: In 2020, the US Mosque Survey counted 2769 mosques, which is a 31% increase from the 2010 count of 2106 mosques. Undoubtedly, the primary driving force for the increase of mosques is the steady expansion of the population of Muslims in America due to immigration and birth rate.

Not so good news for CAIR! Conversions aren’t cutting it!

There are fewer African American Mosques and fewer Americans are converting to Islam, so they gotta keep the immigrants coming.

Sharp Decrease in African American Mosques and the Number of African American Attendees: In 2020, African American mosques comprised 13% of all mosques, but in 2010 African American mosques accounted for 23% of all mosques—a 43% decrease; in 2020, African American Muslims comprised 16% of all attendees in mosques, but in 2010 that figure was 23%—a 33% decrease.

Conversions Decreased:The number of converts to Islam in mosques declined dramatically, from 15.3 converts per mosque in 2010. The average number of converts in 2020 is 11.3. The primary reason is the decline in African American converts, especially in African American mosques.

More here.

In other CAIR news….

Even as Brigitte Gabriel of ACT for America has toned-down her rhetoric (some would say has shut up completely) and Frank Gaffney isn’t so visible anymore, they both still come in for attack as leading anti-Muslim boogeymen proving that Leftists never ever drop their attacks so there is no sense in being conciliatory in the slightest.

During the Obama administration, Gabriel and Gaffney were outspoken critics of refugee resettlement policy because as CAIR’s Awad confirms, their population and political power is expanding through immigration.

Of course CAIR (below) is just parroting their pals at the now discredited Southern Poverty Law Center.

From a CAIR Press Release:

CAIR Urges Council for National Policy to Sever Ties with Notorious Anti-Muslim Extremists

(WASHINGTON, D.C., 6/2/21) – The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), the nation’s largest Muslim civil rights and advocacy organization, today urged the Council for National Policy (CNP) to sever its apparent ties with notorious anti-Muslim extremists.

Documents published by the investigative research organization Documented appear to show anti-Muslim hate group leaders Brigitte Gabriel and Frank Gaffney actively involved in the Council for National Policy.

As reported by the Southern Poverty Law Center, the CNP is “a coalition of influential right-wing leaders, political operatives, conservative media figures, members of the religious right, free-market fundamentalists and donors. The coalition operates on multiple fronts and focuses on political strategy, media and grassroots organizing. The goal of the coalition is to advocate for right-wing and anti-rights policies that favor conservatives and the religious right.”

In 2016, Hatewatch published a 191-page membership directory that included more than 400 members. The directory shows CNP membership included anti-Muslim extremists Brigette Gabriel and Frank Gaffney among many other right-wing figures. It also showed “Radical Islam” and “Islamic Fascism” to be among the interests identified by several CNP members.

“The Council for National Policy can demonstrate its repudiation of Islamophobia by severing ties with anti-Muslim extremists like Brigette Gabriel and Frank Gaffney,” said CAIR Research and Advocacy coordinator Huzaifa Shahbaz. “Refusal to sever these ties would be a clear indication that CNP has no problem with those who promote anti-Muslim conspiracy theories.

More here.

Just so you know: the Islamic doctrine of jihad by migration is known as “Hijra.”

Conservative Review on Chattanooga and our LEGAL immigration system admitting potential jihadists

Here is a piece I missed from last Friday at Conservative Review written by one of the sharpest policy minds in the blogosphere, Daniel Horowitz.
From Chattanooga: The Effects of Our Suicidal Immigration Policy‘ (hat tip: Joanne):

After 9/11, when the bipartisan 9/11 Commission identified the obvious root cause of the attack as an immigration problem, we doubled down on stupidity. The U.S. has admitted roughly 1.6 million individuals from predominantly Muslim countries since 9/11 – twice the rate of immigration from that part of the world relative to the previous decade.

Trojan horse cover
Get it and read it!


According to a new poll commissioned by the Center for Security Policy, 51% of Muslims in America believe “Muslims in America should have the choice of being governed according to sharia.” Twenty-nine percent agree that violence against those who insult Mohammad is acceptable and 25% agree that violence against America can be justified as part of Global Jihad. Among males under the age of 45 that number rises to 36%. Twenty-nine percent of males under 45 believe that violence against America is justified in order to make Sharia the law of the land. With an estimated 3 million Muslims in this country (projected to triple by 2050), that could mean there are hundreds of thousands of radicalized ones.

The more precipitously Muslim immigrants are admitted to this country, the less likely they will assimilate and the more likely they will cluster in cities and cultivate a climate of Jihad. The numbers speak for themselves. This is by no means the majority of Muslims, but 25% support for Jihad is an awful lot of security risks, especially among young males.


One of the most imminent threats to our country is the broken refugee system.

Continue reading here and see three things Horowitz says Congress must do to keep us safe.
I suggest a fourth!  In addition to holding up the Syrian resettlement, we need a moratorium on all immigration from countries that hate us and it isn’t simply to avoid more terror attacks, it is to stop the HijraHijra is the insidious Islamic Doctrine of immigration—Mohammed told his followers to go forth and spread Islam across the world and they are doing it!  That (for me) is the existential threat facing America.  It may take them decades to achieve their goal, but they work on the migration jihad every single day as we simply talk about terrorism in the short term.
By the way, I was glad to see that Horowitz has screen shots from the State Department data base I mention frequently.

Andy McCarthy in defense of Gov. Bobby Jindal’s remarks about European no-go zones

Andy McCarthy

Former US Attorney, author and expert on Islam, Andy McCarthy on Saturday praised Louisiana Gov. Jindal for his remarks during a speech in the UK recently.  We told you about the controversy here.

Now, here is McCarthy at National Review Online entitled, What Bobby Jindal Gets about Islam — and Most People Still Don’t  (hat tip:  Judy):

“Footballs are deflating, the president is detached from reality, the Saudi king is deceased, and the sharia state next door, Yemen, is descending into bloody chaos. With mere anarchy loosed upon the world, it would be easy to miss the fact that, in England this week, Bobby Jindal gave as important and compelling a speech as has been delivered in years about America — our leadership role on the world stage, our preservation as a beacon of liberty.

In the birthplace of the Magna Carta, it has nonetheless become legally risky to speak with candor (even when quoting Churchill). Yet Louisiana’s Republican governor became that rarest of modern Anglo or American statesmen. Bobby Jindal told the truth about Islam, specifically about its large radical subset that attacks the West by violent jihad from without and sharia-supremacist subversion from within.”

Read more of what McCarthy said.  And then this is the line that everyone must heed while there is still time for America.

The world’s most influential Islamic supremacists have told us in no uncertain terms that they see Muslim immigration in the West as part of a conquest strategy.

Let me nag you again!—please readModern Day Trojan Horse: Al-Hijra, the Islamic Doctrine of Immigration, Accepting Freedom or Imposing Islam?’

Swimming pool near-riot adds one more reason why anti-immigrant tensions are rising in Germany

Diversity is strength, right?

Lately we’ve reported on the growing tension over the large numbers of illegal aliens (mostly from Muslim countries) coming into Germany and asking for asylum.   Here is just one recent post from last Friday about the growing anger and the resultant backlash.

Now the Daily Caller publishes an opinion piece about one possible reason for the growing tension—-the parallel societies being encouraged by Islamists.   You may have seen the story already, but it’s important to post it here as we chronicle the death throes of Europe (slowly being killed by multiculturalism).

And, since I probably won’t be able to post it due to time constraints, be sure to see this article (BBC) which says a large segment of the immigrant tide to Germany is made up of Chechens (famously hard-line Muslims).   Of course we remember that the Tsarnaevs (Boston Bombers) are Chechens.

Daily Caller (emphasis mine);

An aggressive response from heavily-armed police to an Arab family at a Berlin swimming pool has provided yet another vignette of the difficulties Western societies face coping with Muslim immigrants’ dramatically different mores. The incident provides a disturbing glimpse into the parallel societies of some Islamic communities in Europe, which find true integration into their adopted homelands incompatible with Muslim piety.

One of the Arabs is taken away in handcuffs.
Photo Berliner Zeitung

On July 27, medics attempted to treat an injured woman from an Arab family at the Columbiabad pool in Berlin’s Neukölln district, the local Berliner Zeitung (BZ) recently reported. The woman’s clan members present took offense at the male medics touching a female family member. The violation of Muslim norms prohibiting such touching by unrelated individuals offended the family’s honor, one witness reported. Tirades of insults followed and two family “heavyweights” began to punch the defenseless medics. Other family members also joined in the assault.

Pool security alerted the police, who arrived with ten patrol cars and police dogs, as pictured in BZ online. In addition to nightsticks, pictures also showed some of the officers wearing bulletproof vests, as Germany’s national tabloid Bild noted. Witnesses reported that only after using pepper spray were the police able to quell the angry family members. A picture taken after the pool riot showed the police leading a man away in handcuffs.

No integration?  Here is one solution—-stop Islamic immigration to Europe!

The hazards of bathing in Neukölln, among other frictions of multiculturalism, raise questions concerning how easily this socialization can occur. Strict rules against contact with unrelated women as well as female body coverings are paradigmatic for a culture seeking isolation from, and indeed dominance over, non-Muslims. Concerning Germany’s Turkish immigrant population, one intelligent German friend of mine commented to me in the mid-1990s that “they do not want to integrate.”

Any attempt at integrating Muslims into Western societies demands challenging some of these traditional norms and, as the Berlin police at Columbiabad demonstrated, sometimes outright coercion. The inherent problems in any such cultural rapprochement have thus prompted politicians like Holland’s Geert Wilders to demand restrictions upon an Islamic immigration deemed inherently difficult for Western societies to digest socio-politically. Irrespective of policy proposals, dealing with Islamic immigration in Europe and elsewhere will be no walk on the beach.


Al Jazeera picks Nashville to host one of its twelve American bureaus

The story comes to us from the Nashville Scene thanks to one of our many informants from Tennessee.

If you are a regular reader here at RRW, this won’t come as a surprise as Nashville (thanks to Catholic Charities) is a hub of activity for Muslim immigrants.  Often referred to as the Kurdish Capital of America it is also home to a growing Somali population.

For new readers curious about Nashville, note that it is so important to the Islamic Doctrine of Immigration that we have a whole category here (46 previous posts!) on the city and its immigrant issues.  (I believe Islamists especially want to stick-it to a city representing the Bible Belt of America).

The Nashville Scene sanitizes Al Jazeera (no surprise):

Nashville will be home to one of 12 Al Jazeera America hubs across the country, according to a bureau list from the network, obtained by Politico media reporter Dylan Byers.

You may remember, Al Jazeera — the news network owned by the government of Qatar — is coming to America after purchasing Al Gore’s Current TV at the end of last year. The network has often been highly controversial in the states, as many Americans associate it with airing Al Qaeda home videos on its Arabic-language station. More recently, though, it has gained credibility in journalistic circles, particularly after its coverage of the Arab Spring protests.   [Really now! Just a little spin—ed]

Go to Politico for the news and the list of the other eleven lucky cities.