Kentucky Somali says the UN picked Louisville as his resettlement destination

Hmmmm! This is from a short article at The Catholic Record in Kentucky.  It’s about how difficult it was for a new employee with Migration and Refugee Services in Louisville to learn the ropes about the resettlement process. I can relate since I’m still learning the system after writing about it for nearly 11 years, … Continue reading Kentucky Somali says the UN picked Louisville as his resettlement destination

Sudanese refugee shot and killed in Louisville; why are we colonizing America with people like this?

Update June 17th:  He had wanted to go home to Africa, here. You’ve probably already seen the news here at WND , but thanks to reader Robin for sending this AP story posted at the Daily Journal about the Sudanese refugee shot by police on Saturday as he attacked an officer with a flag pole. … Continue reading Sudanese refugee shot and killed in Louisville; why are we colonizing America with people like this?

First Syrian refugees arriving in Louisville, KY; helped with grant from Islamic charity

Just as we have been discussing the testimony this past week by the FBI to the House Homeland Security Committee and how difficult it is to vet the thousands of Syrians in the UN’s pipeline to America, news is coming that the first Syrians are arriving. This information about a Muslim charity giving grants for … Continue reading First Syrian refugees arriving in Louisville, KY; helped with grant from Islamic charity

Catholic Charities raking in government bucks in Louisville, KY

When I saw this article entitled, ‘Sponsor a refugee family for holiday giving,’ I thought to myself, that’s nice they are asking Catholics to give Christmas (oops! “holiday”) gifts to refugees by “sponsoring” a family.  Of course, I immediately thought why don’t they ask churches, groups and individuals to sponsor a family for a year! … Continue reading Catholic Charities raking in government bucks in Louisville, KY

Louisville, KY: Get your healthy refugee-grown veggies….

….after all, you, the taxpayers of America paid $65,000 to grow them!  And, you can use food stamps to buy them too!  Sounds like a perfect model for Obama’s redistribution of wealth doesn’t it!  Your money grows the vegetables and your money buys them.  Michelle Obama says, …”it’s a model for the world.”   But, but … Continue reading Louisville, KY: Get your healthy refugee-grown veggies….