Comment worth noting: In defense of World Relief

On February 10th we posted on a story from Boise, ID where a prospective volunteer for World Relief claimed she was asked to sign some document agreeing with the religious views of World Relief before she could volunteer to help refugees.  If you don’t know the post, perhaps you should read it, here, first before reading the following comment from Ralph Parker, a refugee volunteer in Atlanta.

Here is what Mr. Parker is reporting to us:

My local contact at World Relief-Atlanta confirms that there is no
policy to allow only Christian volunteers. No spiritual assessment form
is used and no questions of a religious nature is brought up. They are a
Christian agency and most employees are Christians as are volunteers.
Their Atlanta office has always been multicultural with people of many
religions employed. They employee Burmese, Bhutanese and Arabic
caseworkers. The only thing that is asked is that potential volunteers
read their mission and value statement. I am a non Christian and I would
sign their code of conduct. While they work in the examples of Jesus and
his grace, values represented are universal for most religions and to
those without religion based on a sense of moral values. I do not see
why any Non Christian would not sign this if they truly want to work
with refugees. The World Relief staff has been outstanding and many have
been on staff for years. It is not uncommon for them to visit during non
work hours. In my humble opinion, as far as Atlanta is concerned they
are above reproach and many refugees have told me they wished they were
with them.

I have no idea what their Boise office was asking the potential
volunteer to sign. It would be interesting to see it.

Comments worth noting: Leftists don’t uniformly support radical Islam

 We got a thoughtful comment from gds this morning on a post I wrote in January, The left and radical Islam: more than a convenient partnership?

The Left is not one set of values, anymore than is the Right. Many “Leftists” are equally troubled by the willingness of alleged progressive thinkers to acquiesce to Islamic theocratic dogma, mostly it comes down to gaining easy votes. As a secular agnostic Socialist, I feel no affinity what-so-ever for the anti-humanist nonsense inherent in Islam. In Britain, for example, gay rights campaigners are labeled “pink imperialists” by the parts of the Left that have embraced self-appointed community leaders as sharing a common cause. Leftists who speak out against the dangers of getting into bed with Islam are often accused of covert Zionism. Christopher Hitchen’s is a Lefty, he does not like Islam or the Left’s excuses for it. Nick Cohen is another one. There are a lot more. The point I’m trying to make is that as a Left-winger please feel free to disagree with my economic and social views, but do not fall into the trap of thinking that all Leftists support Islam. There is also a strain of “right-wing” social philosophy that sees value in Islamic notions of “piety” and social order. The English conservative philosopher Roger Scruton has often praised Islam. Me I think Islam is pile of festering 7Th century nastiness.

It’s certainly true that there are many leftists who understand the threat of radical Islam or are just turned off by its “anti-humanist nonsense.” Yet many of the organized movements of the left have embraced it — not the religion itself, or Sharia law, but its anti-American, anti-Israeli, anti-western ideology and agitation. Look on the campuses for leftist groups teaming up with the Muslim Student Association. The Muslims want to destroy Israel and western civilization; the leftists — who knows? In keeping with gds’s point that the left is diverse, some want to destroy Israel right away and others only want it to adopt policies that will end in its destruction in a while.  Some just want to destroy Israel and others want to destroy America as well. Look at the anti-war demonstrations during the Bush years. Ann and I attended a counter-rally a few years ago, and were struck by the leftist groups marching alongside radical Muslim ones with signs supporting Hamas.

So the point isn’t that all leftists want to team up with radical Muslims, and neither I nor Jim Simpson said that. Many are fellow travelers who aren’t aware of the alliance, or think they are just supporting human rights when they support radical Muslim groups and demands. Leftists like the commenter are not all that common, or if they are they are not speaking up very much. Christopher Hitchens is a rare bird as one who makes a lot of noise about it, and I appreciate him very much. And doesn’t the commenter reinforce my argument when he points out that Hitchens is demonized as a “Zionist” for speaking out against radical Islam? That is, for those who demonize him, a true leftist wants to destroy Israel.

And yes, there are some conservatives who stand up for Islam. But not for radical Islam. In addition to Roger Scruton, Dinesh D’Souza’s book from a few years ago claimed that the reason there are radical Muslims is that they are so offended by our degenerate culture.  His book had little influence; his thesis may have some truth when it comes to traditionally moderate Muslims who become easier prey to anti-American propaganda. But it is not central to the issue of the threat we face from militant Islamists whose minds will not be changed by anything we do or don’t do.

So this is an odd comparison to make, if the commenter wants to show the diversity of the left. The right is not very diverse on this issue, as Scruton and d’Souza are outliers. And in reality the left is not very diverse either, as those who condemn radical Islam (out loud) are outliers. Perhaps they are due a parenthetical phrase in a discussion of the left and Islam, and if so, I give it here: Not all leftists support radical Islam or even non-radical Islam. But most do.

Comment worth noting: We Somalis or Muslims will inherit America whether you like it or not

Here is a comment from reader Abdi that we received last night to a post I wrote in January, here, about how the UN was sending us 6000 Somalis from a camp in Uganda where they weren’t getting along with other African inhabitants of the camp.

They couldn’t be any clearer.

well, We Somali’s or Muslims will inherit America wether you like it or not this ‘America” is NO MAN’S LAND. Its God’s land and you can not do anything about it. cant you see how empty America is have you been to South, North Dakota or all uper midwes? is American Families having a lot of children? there good Americans who want to share their wealth with the refugees. i am a Somalian refugee i have 2 jobs i pay taxes i am happy to share it with the poor peaple. i ask a credit from God almight i dont weine about i thank God for what he gave me.
my advise to all you
Just Thank God for what you have and share your penny with poor and God will pay you back just be patient.

Comments worth noting: It’s clear that you are anti-immigrant

Yesterday I posted on the ‘rumor’ that a new volag was being created by the US State Department—Kurdish Human Rights Watch.

We received two comments about this that were posted on a differant post (this one).  So that readers don’t overlook them, here they are below:

From reader “Handren:”

It’s clear that you are anti-immigrant, but my question is where did you come from, who are your ancestors? Are you a Native American? Since they are the only natural inhabitants of this land before immigrants came.

Now aside from that, in this country as you are aware, people need organizations such as the Kurdish Human Rights Watch to provide them with assistance to provide the American system.* They need to understand where to go to look for a job, where to go to find safe housing and where does one go to get additional education, where do you go for culturally and linguistically appropriate health services. That is where the wonderful and helpful staff of the Kurdish Human Rights Watch, come in, wherever they may be, in Virginia, California, Michigan, Tennessee, Washington state and I happen to know of their additional offices in Texas and Portland that due to the bad economy had to be closed down.

Many people including non-immigrants or non-refugees recieve services from KHRW, they do it gladly because they are compassionate and caring people. They have housed American families and their children in their housing program, helped companies working in Iraq (free of charge) provided assistance to the military and other government entities in Iraq and in the US.

I can’t say enough about them, I can’t emphasize how important their work is, you may hate immigrants and refugees but organizations like the Kurdish Human Rights Watch saves lives. Enough with the hatred, enough with the immigrant and refugee bashing. Get a life, love someone!

* To teach them how to get all their welfare benefits and become politically active?   And, we the taxpayer should pay for that?

Reader “Angello Costa” said this:

Mustafa Al-Karadaghi was the founder of KHRW. No name was changed. This is a great organization that has provided assistance to all kinds of individuals and families in 7 different states. This is also an organization that cares. Many of their clients are non-Kurds, non-refugees and non-immigrants, but low-income individuals (including African American and Caucasians) who live in Fairfax County, California, Texas, Seattle, Michigan, Portland, Maryland, and Tennessee [See Kurdish gangs in Nashville, here-ed]. They have done so with little funding and bidding on contracts, and winning fair and square contracts to provide these services. Nothing was given to them. They won like any other non-profit who bids on an open announcement.

Angelo, it is still not clear, if no name has been changed who is Dr. Pary Karadaghi?  A relative of Mustafa?

Let me be clear.  I have nothing against a group of Kurdish immigrants organizing themselves.  But, from the standpoint of fiscally conservative government policy my objection is to ANY NON-PROFIT GROUP THAT LIVES OFF TAXPAYERS (OTHER PEOPLE’S) MONEY!   LOL! Judy would say I’m shouting, using all capital letters, yes, I am!


Comment worth noting because we have to laugh sometimes

Yesterday we received this comment to my post on Australia from reader ‘Ciccio.’    For longtime readers, you know that we have constantly criticised Arab governments, especially the Saudi government, for having no Muslim charity toward their co-religionist refugees (Palestinians being prime examples!).  Ciccio has found they do have compassion afterall!


You keep accusing the Muslim countries of not doing anything for their own, I can now prove you wrong. They do not wish to see their own persecuted and are more than willing to see them repatriated to their homeland when they are no longer welcome in their country of adoption. One would have thought that Australia would have learned about import of non-indigenous from past lessons but it seems politicians never learn.

Here is the link that Ciccio provides to make his/her point.   Saudis do have compassion—for camels!

In January Arab News reported on some Saudis who initiated an Internet campaign calling for the transportation of Australian camels to the Kingdom.

The campaign followed an announcement by the Australian government that it would use helicopters and marksmen to corral and kill 6,000 feral camels in a small northern town.

Days later Australians welcomed the proposal to send their wild camels to Saudi Arabia instead of shooting them.

 Then this:

Glasson however said in an interview with a local news agency that the main objective of the culling program is to reduce the growing numbers in some areas and reduce environmental pollution.

She also pointed to the fact that gases emitted by the camels are equivalent to the polluted smoke coming out of nearly 300,000 cars.

Since we know we are all one big happy interconnected world, this begs the question, won’t the camels be producing just as much gas in Saudi Arabia as they did in Australia?