Comment worth noting: Reader says many Somalis are economic migrants not true refugees

Last night we had a comment from Ibrahim Omar commenting on the post from a few days ago where we reported that up to possibly 13,000 additional Somali “refugees” were in the pipeline to come to the US this year.  Here is what Mr. Omar said:

most Somalis in the list of us resettlement are not genuine asylum seekers but are economical refugees why do i say that, well half of them are Kenyan citizen taking advantage of the screening officers ignorance of differentiating Somalis and Kenyan Somali if need be i can. pin point for those who are among them thank you

Readers should know that “economic migrants” are NOT “refugees” according to the United Nations (and the US) which defines refugees (and asylum seekers) as those fearing persecution in their homeland.   In light of the fraud uncovered in 2008 regarding Somali family reunification, the only responsible thing for the State Department to do is to follow-up on Mr. Omar’s charge.

State Department, e-mail me at and I’ll put you in touch with Mr. Omar who has offered his services to help you sort it out.

Comment worth noting: Manchester and Cloward-Piven

Last night we heard from reader Thomas in response to the Manchester Somali story I posted yesterday.  He confirms for us that the Cloward-Piven strategy* to overload the welfare system with poor and angry people was well-established in radical leftwing circles 40 years ago!   Thank goodness we are all catching on, I just hope it’s not too late for us.

Thomas, thanks for the kind words (and don’t apologize, many of us who are the most vocal, and can see the truth, also came from the Left in our youth).  Readers, check out all the comments at the Union Leader.  So far this morning I don’t see Thomas’s, but be sure to follow the instructions to get to the full list of comments which have indeed been moved.

Thanks for the attention to my hometown of Manchester NH. I made a comment on this UL article and referenced your website, if that is all right. Someone there mentioned Cloward and Piven, and boy– that set me off! I first learned of them in the late 60s when I was pretty radical in certain Democrat student organizations while at NYU. (I am not proud of that, by the way, and I am truly trying to make amends for my past embracing of twisted social experiments). Somehow I don’t think my comment will be allowed to post at the UL, though.

I have been visiting your website much in the past year as refugee developments in the United States (specifically in my neighbor state of Maine) have peaked my curiosity. Here in the UK the refugee mess (shoveling tax money toward so-called refugees who very often scam the govt system) has spiralled out of control in the last 3 years and I see the U.S. is following suit. This horrifies me to no end.

I will be moving my family back to New Hampshire in about 10 weeks after my contract is up here. I will no longer be employed, as my department has been transferred to Asia. But that is another story; Perhaps I can be classified as a refugee from the UK?

Thanks Thomas, good luck in Manchester.   The way things are going in that “welcoming” city you will feel like you haven’t even left the UK!

* Please visit or revisit our discussion of Cloward-Piven in our Community destabilization category and when you read this post consider my assertion below:

When you read the Nation article, note that Cloward and Piven were very conscious of the concept of the ‘presumption of good intentions.’ In other words, they knew that this political strategy would go undetected for a very long time because it would be hidden from their average do-gooder minions by the presumption that this was all about aiding the downtrodden.


Comment worth noting: reader questions the numbers in Lutheran report

A couple of days ago, reader Mark, sent the comment below (to this post) questioning the numbers the Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Services(LIRS) included in a report that outlined their need for more of your tax dollars to resettle all the refugees they agreed to take.   I just now, in my previous post, pointed to LIRS most recent annual report and noted that almost all of their income is from the government (presumably federal government).  Mark says it’s 92% which is on par with many of the other so-called non-profits in the refugee business.

 So, where is their private contribution? This is supposed to be a public-private partnership!

Here is reader Mark, someone please explain the discrepancy he has pointed out.

It’s interesting that the task force [this is the federal task force headed by Samantha Power at the White House that just announced the pay raise for these agencies including Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Services] recommended $1800 per refugee (for the first 90 days, via State Dept’s R&P program) just as the volags requested. Apparently no questions asked.

See LIR’s cost analysis of refugee resettlement ‘The Real Cost of Welcome, A financial analysis of local refugee reception’, see:

This analysis claimed that LIRS and their resettlement agency affiliates were paying 61% of the costs to resettle refugees ($3228 out of the $5,291 for the true cost of each refugee resettled, up to their 90th day in the US), and the State Dept was only paying 16% ($850 per capita for refugees for FY2008 out of $5,291 per refugee), and some other mysterious federal funds paying 23%, thus the feds paying 16% + 23% = 39%.

So where did LIRS and their resettlement agencies get the money to supposedly pay 61% of the costs of refugee resettlement in the first 90 days – the so-called highly valuable “private“ contribution? The LIRS 2008 annual report shows that they got 92% of their money from the US government. If we look at one of their affiliate refugee resettlement agencies that participated in the cost analysis study, e.g. Lutheran Family Services of Colorado (LFS), we see that LFS also got 92% of it’s money from the US government in 2008. In other words, the resettlement agencies didn’t have the private funds to supposedly pay 61% of the costs of resettlement. The cost-analysis is bogus.

Other problems with the cost analysis report — LIRS did not use a random sample; their affiliates were able to hand-select the refugee cases they wanted to report on. Also, costs for refugees who out-migrated to other cities and states were left out. Were they out-migrating due to some lack of support from the resettlement agencies? If so, the costs per refugee were skewed in favor of refugees that the agencies spent more money on. Also, the resettlement agencies included in costs such things as free, donated labor of volunteers (the “cost” assigned was $17.50 per hour). Free, donated stuff from community members was also listed as a “cost”. Also, costs for services included such things as helping refugees open banks accounts (this is rarely if ever done) and time for taking refugees to shop for clothes (they don‘t; they just give them a few donated used clothes, and not even the few minimum-required clothes required by the State Dept. contracts).

So the NSC’s ‘interagency task force’ just seems to have rubber-stamped the private refugee resettlement agencies’ increased public funding requests. They just got a cool extra $72 million a year with no questions asked. The government’s checks and balances that are supposed to review this funding were completely ignored. The question is, will refugees continue to be neglected by the resettlement agencies, and what excuses will the agencies use when they get caught now that they got this yet additional windfall from the taxpayers?

By the way, not included in any of this cost analysis was the largest part of the federal contribution for refugee resettlement — the money from HHS’s Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) for the refugees first eight months. Whoops! Nor was all the other government contributions – ongoing welfare payments – food stamps, TANF, other cash assistance, section 8, WIC, energy assistance, etc.

Comment worth noting: refugee agencies to get more federal funding

Update January 24th:  Would freeze on discretionary spending affect the money flow to this plan?

In the first week of January we posted on one more of those stories about refugees not making it in the present rotten economy—the story was from Kansas City.  In the news article we posted there was this intriguing line:

Last summer, the National Security Council appointed an interagency task force to come up with recommendations, due in February, on how to revamp the resettlement system.

I was optimistic that maybe, just maybe, some real reform would come out of this.  Maybe it still will, but we have just learned from commenter Iamevolved that the R & P money that the US State Department gives to resettlement agencies to take care of refugees in the first 30 days will be doubled!   Here is Iamevolved commenting at the Houston post, a post that incidentally created a lot of discussion.

Effective 1/1/2010 the per capita funding for the refugee resettlement program was raised from $900 to $1,800.

So, what does that mean?   Up until now, refugee resettlement agencies got $900 per head for each refugee they resettle and they split it roughly in half with the refugee.  The agency could keep its half for its office overhead and staff funding.  Now, the Obama Administration is going to magically double it (don’t they need Congressional action, or is this from Obama’s private “stash?”)   So, what else is new!  I thought that maybe since the National Security Council was involved there might be some other issues addressed.  I sure hope it isn’t just one more Obama bailout —of the refugee contractors this time.

Nesting services!   For new readers here is a little information at an older annual report on exactly what R & P means.

Most of the persons eligible for ORR’s refugee program benefits and services are refugees resettled through the Department of State’s refugee allocation system under the annual ceiling for refugee admissions. Upon arrival, refugees are provided initial services through a program of grants, called reception and placement cooperative agreements, made by the Department of State to qualifying agencies  [‘qualifying agencies’ are the The Top Ten federal contractors here].

These grantee agencies are responsible for providing initial “nesting” services covering basic food, clothing, shelter, orientation, and referral for the first 30 days.

So what happens after 30 days?  More importantly what happens after eight months and the refugee still has no job?

If we learn more we will keep you posted.  Don’t hold your breath though that they might slow the flow of refugees during this recession.

Comments worth noting: resettlement agencies get cut of airfare loan repayments

Your tax dollars:

Here are a pair of comments that are worth highlighting because most people just learning about refugee resettlement don’t know that refugees receive loans for their airfare to the US and then must repay the loans.  All of the repayment does not go back to the taxpayer though; the refugee agency gets to keep a cut of the money they collect.   So every time you see a news story about the pittance the agencies get from the government remember there are myriad sources of other money they receive—grants and contracts for all sorts of programs and even a cut of the airfare loans.

I would like to find a government link that explains how this works, but haven’t been able to, so if someone knows of a State Department, International Organization for Migration, or Office of Refugee Resettlement official explanation, please send it.

In a public meeting in Hagerstown in September of 2007, a State Department representative told the audience that if the refugee agencies didn’t collect the loan money, they would have to hire a collection agency, so why not let the local resettlement agency get a piece of the pie (that’s me saying ‘piece of the pie’, not the State Department). 

The general taxpaying public is always interested to learn this information.

Here then are the two comments I want to highlight at the Houston story that are among those generating lots of discussion.

Nicolinahawaii said:

oh wow. I didn’t know they pocket 25% of the funds. Hmm.. that does change things.

Dar_Al-Harb responded:

Yes, and, as usual, it is even worse than that.

One example: The following letter is a recent attempt from the Controller’s Office of the Episcopal Church to collect on a $5,000 travel bill from a Somali Bantu family of 8, in the country for about a year. The father has a part-time, near minimum wage job and is the only family member with a job.

“The deferment granted to you expired…. However you did not resume payments as agreed. We, the travel loan staff, are dedicated to assist you as much as possible. In turn, we expect your honest cooperation… Unless we hear from you in the next 3 weeks, your account until now reported as ‘good’ will be reported as ‘delinquent’ to TransUnion, a national credit bureau. Your failure to contact us and honor your obligation will affect your credit rating. To protect your credit, please resume payments by sending regular and monthly installments…”

These threatening letters, in English with the heading “Protect Your Credit”, now arrive regularly from the Episcopal Church for this illiterate family—which prior to arrival in the U.S. may never have even seen a clock or operated a door knob, let alone worried about a credit rating.

To pick just one of the many ironies in this story:

First of all, Episcopal Migration Ministries (EMM), the contracting arm of the church, is part of a lobbying consortium which lobbies (from offices partly paid for by the US taxpayer) for enforcement of Executive Order 13166, requiring all federally funded services to be provided in the language of the service recipient.

Secondly, The U.S. government pays EMM to translate its brochures into the Bantu’s language.

Therefore, the Episcopal Church’s English-only dunning letters may be in violation of civil rights law, not to speak of human decency and common sense. And, of course, hypocritical.

Note that the Episcopal Church is dunning these refugees for its own benefit. If the refugees pay, the Church gets its cut. If they do not pay, the taxpayer gets to eat the whole bill.

Readers may be interested in this post last week about the Episcopal church having money problems and an investigator suggesting they are using refugee funds to stay in the black.