Minnesota gubernatorial candidate says he will withdraw state from refugee program

It is a good campaign message, but in reality will get MN no where.

How quickly people forget that in the last few years three other Republican governors made a big show out of withdrawing their states from the federal program (Texas, Kansas, New Jersey) and of course they still get refugees with Texas presently being the top ‘welcoming’ state in the nation.


Somali population in St. Cloud and elsewhere in MN is increasing.


As they did with those states, the US State Department will simply turn the whole resettlement plan for the state over to a non-profit (contractor) group to manage.  (The Tennessee case is on appeal and if by a miracle, TN wins, then that strategy could go up in flames for the feds.)

Don’t get me wrong, there are political considerations for Mr. Johnson as he is up against former governor Tim Pawlenty in the primary, it is definitely worth discussing in the campaign.  And, as governor there will be many things the state government could do to rein-in the program by reforming the state’s welfare system, etc.

Indeed, Pawlenty was a Republican establishment governor of the state during the expansion of refugee resettlement to St. Cloud and must have known what was happening.  I would say look to his campaign donors and see if he was being funded by big business (poultry!) interests looking for a steady supply of cheap labor to the St. Cloud area.  I presume Mr. Johnson has some good investigators at work to discover Pawlenty’s ties to the program while he was governor.  LOL! Any photos of Pawlenty snuggling with the Lutheran resettlement people?

Continue reading “Minnesota gubernatorial candidate says he will withdraw state from refugee program”

South Koreans do not want Muslim refugees, say their Prez should be more like Trump

I missed this story about ten days ago, but thanks to reader Joanne for sending it.jeju island


It is from Bloomberg, and isn’t a surprise to me.  Japan takes virtually no refugees because they see what is happening in Europe and the US, and because they want to maintain their own culture.

So, no surprise that this Asian country doesn’t want to roll out the ‘welcome’ mat either.

They aren’t refugees, they are able-bodied men say locals on tourist-friendly Jeju Island. 


‘Fake Refugees Get Out’: How South Koreans Are Channeling Trump

Continue reading “South Koreans do not want Muslim refugees, say their Prez should be more like Trump”

Sheffield, England: Somali mayor bans Donald Trump from the city

Frankly, I don’t know why President Trump is even going to the UK next week.

But, my first thoughts, when I saw this story about the Lord Mayor of Sheffield telling Trump he is not welcome in his city, were……

Sheffield mayor
So this is how Somalis behave when they get some power?

So this is how Somalis behave when they get in positions of some authority?

Does Magid Magid really expect us to take him seriously as a political leader?

And, is this type of behavior why they couldn’t keep Somalia from becoming a hellhole?

From Newshub:

Sheffield’s Lord Mayor Magid Magid bans Donald Trump from visiting the city


The popular Lord Mayor of an English city has banned Donald Trump ahead of the US President’s visit to the UK on July 13.

Continue reading “Sheffield, England: Somali mayor bans Donald Trump from the city”

Another story about refugees living in deplorable housing, this time in San Antonio, Texas

And, this time rather than the International Rescue Committee getting the blame (as they did in California), it is Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of San Antonio.
Catholic refugee agency worker:

The charity’s “model of resettlement has not really changed for 20, 30 years. They still basically do what they’re required to do, but they don’t do any more.”

Jose Antonio Fernandez
Jose Antonio Fernandez, CEO of Catholic Charities San Antonio says the agency received $7.5 million in 2016 from the federal government to help 1,900 refugees. What! Over $3,900 for every man woman and child!

Sounds like they are taking in more refugees than they can adequately provide for!!!
Not enough decent housing that is also cheap they wail.  But, I have noticed over the years that the answer is never that there might be too many refugees entering the US!
And, with rich agencies like Catholic Charities, maybe they could pony-up with some of their own private Christian-charity dollars rather than depending on the US taxpayer to supply them with more!
As I reported here, just yesterday, Texas is the number one refugee-welcoming state in the nation right now!
Sounds like Texas, and its stable of ‘charities’, are ‘welcoming’ more refugees than they can adequately provide for!!!
Continue reading “Another story about refugees living in deplorable housing, this time in San Antonio, Texas”

Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society: Send $$$ so we can continue to fight the Prez and work with Islamic Relief

I told you again about the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society (HIAS) here the other day.
They are one of nine federal contractors receiving millions of your tax dollars annually, AND they were a lead organization suing the Trump Administration over the travel ban.
Raising private money is a good thing, but….
Why should we be required to pay for more than half of their budget for their pet projects (including working to encourage more migrants to cross the US border) as outlined by their President and CEO in an appeal for funds today:
Screenshot (1325)

Screenshot (1327)_LI
In case you didn’t know, Mr. Hetfield makes an annual salary of over $300,000!  If private donors want to pay that salary that is their business, but taxpayers shouldn’t be on the hook for any of it!

Let them raise all of their funding from private donations!
Ask your members of Congress and US Senators over the upcoming break why you should have to pay one dime for their political activities! ($24.5 million of your tax dollars in 2016 alone!)