A 28-year-old “man” has been arrested in a violent kidnapping case, luckily the woman fought back and escaped.
Atif Ado in court on June 25th: http://www.spokesman.com/stories/2018/jun/26/bail-set-at-100000-for-man-accused-of-kidnap-near-/
Ann Coulter once said that the way news stories are written about crime cases involving migrants and refugees one needs a “secret decoder ring” to figure out what nationality the alleged attacker is and what might be his or her immigration status.
Reader Linda sent me the story from Spokane and this morning I had a few minutes to search news stories about the arrest of Atif Ado. Continue reading “Spokane, Washington: Secret decoder ring needed in kidnap case”→
The Trump Administration has been an unrelenting 17 month assault against America’s values as a nation welcoming of immigrants and refugees.
(Mark Hetfield, CEO of the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society)
You all know what happened in the Supreme Court yesterday. In a nutshell, the court affirmed that the President of the US has the power to limit immigration.
However, the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society one of the primary groups that sued the Administration from day one about the so-called Muslim ban isn’t giving up and is urging its followers to participate in anti-Trump rallies coordinated by Linda Sarsour’s group MPower!
That is HIAS ‘Refugees Welcome’ banner as they protested with the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) against the President in January of this year. https://refugeeresettlementwatch.org/2018/01/28/church-world-service-and-hias-join-cair-to-protest-at-white-house/
Pew Research is trying to figure out attitudes in Europe about immigration I suspect to gauge the political mood of the electorate. Pew on the hunt for Europe’s nationalists…..
I predict that Sweden, the country with the least nationalist spirit, goes down first!
I was amused to see that the survey did not ask questions in Hungary, Poland, the Czech Republic etc. where they might have found large numbers of respondents blow up the survey with high scores. Including those countries (with huge contrasting pro-nationalism scores) surely also would have encouraged more bravery in Western Europe. Pew wouldn’t want that!
Because I have to move on, I’m just going to give you the bare bones news here, but please look at the survey questions. Glaringly missing, I thought, were any questions along the lines of:
I am not willing to support the welfare needs (housing, healthcare etc) of an ever-increasing number of migrants.
Tomorrow, June 20th, is World Refugee Day created by the United Nations in the year 2000.
Each year since, it has served as a media hook for reports and glowing stories about refugee contributions to America. (The Left is so good at creating propaganda opportunities!) But, for Lewiston, Maine this week, the word ‘refugee’ is not a happy word.
Last week someone asked me to have a look at the numbers of Somalis admitted to the US since 9/11. Minnesota is the most ‘welcoming’ state!
It so happens that the US State Department site, Refugee Processing Center(Wrapsnet) has the data very nicely organized since 2002, so the request was pretty easy to accomplish. However, prior to that year, one must pour over ORR Annual Reports to pull the numbers together. In 2008, I wrote this post(updated too) and showed you what I found at those Annual Reports. Here are the Somali refugee admissions from 1983-2002. Remember! These are only the direct refugee admissions and do not include Temporary Protected Status holders, successful asylum seekers who appeared at our borders, illegal entrants, or the family members brought in throughout the years.
And, if you are thinking this doesn’t seem high enough, remember there have been 35 years of population growth! Continue reading “How many Somali refugees has the US admitted since 1983?”→