HIAS targeting Toledo with Muslim refugees

We alerted readers, in February 2014, that Toledo was being targeted as a new “welcoming” community for refugees and in particular refugees from the Middle East.  See our story!  The original ABC News story is gone (it’s a good thing I snipped some of it).  Pay particular attention to the flag graphic behind the TV news anchor.

American Flag with Allahu Akbar
Screen shot from the 2014 announcement that Toledo will take Iraqi refugees. Arabic writing on the flag: Allahu Akbar! Did ABC know what they were doing when they prepared this graphic?

Now, here is the update on Toledo thanks to a new blog called Welcoming America Watch Midwest (story posted at Creeping Sharia).  I was so excited to see this news—-not that Toledo is being colonized, but the news that someone else is writing a blog on refugees!   Here is a bit of the post, but please go read the rest of it!

I was about to start a post on the parent group of Global Detroit and all the other Welcoming initiatives when it came to our attention that Afghan and Syrian refugees are being resettled in Toledo, Ohio. We have known for awhile that the address of an apartment complex’s office called Kenwood Gardens is listed on the State Department refugee resettlement subcontractor list as address for the subcontractor US Together.


This neighborhood appears to have everything a family could need to function. At the link to US Together–Toledo’s Facebook, there’s photos of another apartment for Afghan refugees. There’s a mosque, shopping center with grocery, large apartment complex, refugee resettlement contractor stationed at the apartment office building–and to top it all off, a public charter school for the kids that has an Arabic theme (the schools–elementary and middle–moved from their original Secor Rd. location into an old synagogue adjacent to the apartments). And all this is within walking distance of a huge employer, the University of Toledo (not on the above map).

Continue reading here.
Guess what!  The subcontractor US Together is an affiliate of the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society which we know is busy resettling Muslims into American towns and cities.
This is from HIAS list of “partners:”

US Together (Columbus, Cleveland, and Toledo) – 614-310-3200

It was only 10 days ago or so we learned that HIAS thinks that the US should resettle 200,000 mostly Muslim Syrians!  Can you say death wish!

Howie Carr: Afghan Army deserter gets asylum in US, let the welfare goodies flow….

This is a quick post to update a story we first mentioned here.  Afgahan military officer, Arash, was originally denied asylum, but won an appeal and can now stay here, live off the US taxpayer, and eventually vote.

Carr: Arash now gets the “full Tsarnaev!”

Read all about Afghan Army deserter, Jan Arash, below in an opinion piece by Boston radio talk show host Howie Carr.  Here come the welfare goodies!  Hat tip: Joanne.
Boston Herald:

Afghan army deserter Jan Arash hit the jackpot last week — he’s been granted “asylum” in the U.S., which means he can now go on welfare, bring his entire family over from their Third World hellhole and put them on the dole, too, forever.

“He’s overjoyed,” said his lawyer.

And why wouldn’t he be?

This is what millions of Third Worlders aspire to — a permanent vacation at U.S. taxpayer expense. Call it the Tsarnaev lottery, only it’s not a lottery because there’s no element of chance. The illegals always win — and America loses.

You may recall that this yellow traitor to his country was one of three Afghan soldiers who came to Camp Edwards on Cape Cod last year, purportedly to study emergency planning. They quickly fled to Zachary’s Pub, a local strip club in Mashpee. It didn’t take more than one or two lap dances to decide to remain here in the Great Satan forever.

How you gonna keep ’em down on the jihad once they’ve seen Zachary’s? And once they find out that … everything’s on Uncle Sam, including the “back rubs”?

They deserted and took a cab to Niagara Falls — $1,600! Then they demanded asylum. One was allowed to stay in Canada, which is Canada’s problem. The other two, including Arash, were jailed after they claimed asylum on the grounds that they were afraid of the Taliban.

Continue reading, it gets better!
For new readers, the asylum process is also a part of the Refugee Act of 1980.  The difference between refugees and asylum seekers is that we fly the mostly UN-chosen refugees in and asylum seekers get in here on their own steam (overstay a Visa, enter illegally, or, like Arash, desert) and then claim asylum saying they will be persecuted if sent home.  Once granted asylum, the asylum seeker becomes a full-fledged refugee and eligible for myriad social services gratis the US taxpayer.
By the way, the vast majority of those flowing across US borders are economic migrants who are pretending to be legitimate asylum seekers.  The same holds true for Europe’s invaders.

PA Rep. Barletta worried about Syrian refugees, tells local audience

I have a ton of catching up to do after being out in California for a week.  So, let’s see if I can post on a bunch of topics and not say too much!
Pennsylvania Republican Congressman Lou Barletta chose to talk about the threat posed by Syrian refugees entering the US to a local audience in Hazelton, PA.  Barletta is on the House Homeland Security Committee that heard testimony, here, the week before last.

Rep Lou Barletta

Here is some of what he had to say from the Times-Leader:

HAZLETON — The city’s native son returned Wednesday to talk about threats at home.

U.S. Rep. Lou Barletta, R-Hazleton, said he enjoys coming home and he got to renew friendships with about 50 members of the Hazleton Rotary Club at Genetti’s on Route 309.


The issue of illegal immigration brought Barletta to the national stage. When he was mayor of Hazleton, Barletta felt his city faced a serious financial dilemma because of illegal immigrants residing in the city but not paying taxes.

Barletta contended that his city’s population doubled while its tax revenue stayed the same.


Barletta said he has expressed concern about Syrian refugees being admitted to the U.S. At a recent House Homeland Security Committee hearing he quizzed experts on the extent of U.S. intelligence gathering capabilities while the State Department considers admitting up to 2,000 Syrian refugees in the coming year.  [For new readers, there is a push on to admit 65,000 Syrians before Obama leaves office—ed]

At that hearing, Barletta noted that Syria is a hotbed for terrorism, and he questioned witnesses at the hearing regarding America’s ability to properly vet those under consideration for refugee status and relocation to the the United States.

Barletta said the United States has to take a serious stand on the issue. He also said any U.S. citizen who goes to Syria to train with ISIS should not be allowed back into the country.

“They are traitors,” he said. “And traitors should not be allowed to come back into this country.”

By the way, most of those going to train with ISIS are immigrants we ‘welcomed’ to America at one point in time.
There is more.
I’m posting this to remind readers that your Member of Congress is home in the district for the 4th of July holiday and it is a good time to discuss refugee resettlement with them.  Every little way you can throw a shoe in the machinery of this government is useful!
Pennsylvania is rapidly becoming a leading refugee resettlement state.

Why are Jewish groups "scampering" to save Muslim refugees?

Good question isn’t it!  It is a question I’ve wondered about for 8 years, ever since I first heard of HIAS and Muslim refugees.

President and CEO of HIAS, Mark Hetfield, pulls down a salary and related income package of about $300,000 a year to save Muslim refugees among others.

But, now that I know more, it is not too complicated to answer—they are doing it because they are politically-correct hard Leftists working to change America, and they are doing it for the money they receive from the US taxpayer to resettle Muslims in America.
I’m speaking specifically here of the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society (HIAS), one of the groups mentioned in this editorial in the Jewish Voice entitled: HIAS & ADL Spend Jewish $$ to Bring Muslims to the US?
Regular readers know that HIAS is one of nine major federal resettlement contractors colonizing and changing your towns and cities.
We also learned last December that HIAS has dropped the word “Hebrew” from its name!  Go figure!
From the Jewish Voice (emphasis is mine):

It’s almost too embarrassing to tell the story about the Jewish organization, Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society (HIAS) and its new job of resettling Syrian/Muslim refugees into this country. And how many of us have ever heard of the umbrella group of this endeavor, calling itself the Jewish Coalition for Syrian Refugees in Jordan which includes under its umbrella, other such name brand charities as: ADL, the AJC, JCPA, Jewish Federations of North America, to name but just a few?

Before we dig deeper into this lunacy, just how many Jews are there to be resettled from the nations of Syria and Jordan? How many fingers do you have on your left hand? So, without being geniuses, we conclude that the “refugees” being aided and abetted to immigrate to this country are…Muslims.*** And major American Jewish charities are stumbling over themselves to be the rescuers of these Jew haters. And Jew haters they are. We hear no words of love for Jews emanating from any major figure or leader from among the Muslim controlled lands in that area of the world. In addition, we must ask, “How are these people being screened to rule out terrorists being welcomed to this country?” If our southern border security is any indication of our ability to weed out undesirables, we are in big trouble.


So to all of the Jewish groups scampering to save the lives of Jew hating Muslims, please come to your senses and do what such groups back in the 1930’s failed to do. And that is to concentrate on using your good offices, power, clout and Jewish funding to focus on the needs of the Jewish populations that need assistance. And do so before it’s too late!

There is much more, read it all by clicking here.
*** The vast majority of refugees being resettled from Afghanistan, Iraq and now Syria are Muslims.  We have reported on those numbers many times on these pages, but I have no time this morning to find those posts.
Before I get a bunch of anti-Semitic comments, just a reminder that the Catholic Bishops, Lutherans, Episcopalians, some mainline Protestant churches and some Evangelicals are also taking cold, hard cash (your cash!) to resettle Muslims in America too!  I have never heard of one of them saying—we want to save the Christians and Jews FIRST!
Photo: You can check my numbers on HIAS by going to a recent Form990, here.  They received (in rounded numbers) income of $26 million and $16 million of that came from government grants (you).  They have 5 other employees in the 6-figure salary range.

Idaho citizens concerned with Syrian refugee resettlement plan get organized

This is an update of all of our earlier news on Twin Falls, Idaho and the refugee resettlement contractor’s controversial plan there to resettle Syrian refugees in Magic Valley in FY2016 which begins on October 1 of this year.

Refugee program changing rural America by changing the people! Magic Valley, Idaho.

Here is the news about a citizens’ group forming to try to close the refugee center in Twin Falls.

It is amazing to me that Reuters and others, who are reporting on this controversy, say that Syrians are not in the mix of refugees expected to add to the thousands already in Idaho when there are many stories, including this one with the headline: ‘CSI refugee center expects influx of Syrians‘ from the biased MagicValley.com (which I am not allowed to snip from!).
None of the national coverage of this controversy I’ve seen has mentioned House Homeland Security Committee Chairman Rep. Michael McCaul’s warning either.  Don’t these reporters know how to google?

From Reuters (hat tip: Joanne):

SALMON, Idaho (Reuters) – A long-standing refugee welcoming center in conservative Idaho has found itself at the center of a campaign by adversaries seeking to force it closed, citing fears that the immigrants it hosts could include Islamist extremists.

The backlash comes amid an uptick in anti-Islamic protests and advertising campaigns in the United States, including a high profile May rally outside an Arizona mosque that saw more than 200 protesters, some armed, berate Islam and its Prophet Mohammad.

The ‘Magic Valley’ region of southern Idaho. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magic_Valley

The newly formed Idaho group, whose 100 members plan a door-to-door information drive*** in July to win support for closing the refugee center in Twin Falls, said it was concerned the center will welcome Syrians displaced from that country’s civil war who may not have been adequately screened by the U.S. government for security risks.

“Bringing in Syrians, who are predominantly of Muslim background, may be opening the door to terrorists pretending to be refugees,” said Rick Martin, head of the so-called Committee to End the CSI (College of Southern Idaho) Refugee Center in nearby Buhl, a conservative agricultural area.


But center director Zeze Rwasama said his group had no immediate plans to serve Syrian refugees, adding that he did not know the origins of the refugees it will serve for the upcoming fiscal year.

Read it all.
No mention from Reuters that the House Homeland Security Committee chairman, Rep. Michael McCaul, has called the Syrian refugee resettlement plan by the United Nations (for 65,000 Syrians!) a potential “jihadi pipeline” to America.
Mr. Rwasama has a very good idea of which refugees they will “serve” this coming fiscal year because at this very moment they are working on their R & P Abstract for FY2016 which will list the nationalities of those expected to come to Twin Falls beginning in October.
The contractors everywhere (like CSI which is under the umbrella of the US Committee for Refugees and Immigrants) have been instructed by their lobbying arm in Washington (the Refugee Council USA) to keep secret their FY2016 plans.

Local elected officials should demand to see the plans for FY2016 and Mr. Martin’s group should insist they do!

In addition to the security concerns and the veil of secrecy surrounding refugee resettlement, Mr. Martin and his group should also look into the enormous cost of the refugee program being shifted from the federal government to the state of Idaho.  Idaho taxpayers are on the hook for education, health care, housing etc. for the impoverished refugees being brought there at the behest of the UN and US State Department.
And, while they are at it, find out which large employers are driving the resettlement in order to tap into a steady supply of cheap (captive!) labor.
*** By the way, I like this door-to-door drive idea necessary in most places where the media is biased in favor of more immigration/diversity and thus unwilling to fairly explain American citizen concerns.