Houston Syrian American Council: Rep. McCaul and others with security concerns are just a bunch of Islamophobes

So what else is new.  This is a not an unexpected opinion piece posted at Al-Jazeera by the president of an advocacy group for Syrian rights in America.
It really isn’t worth mentioning except for two things in addition to the name calling.   The writer, Shiyam Galyon President of the Houston chapter of the Syrian American Council, says it is our ‘responsibility’ to bring in refugees!
For new readers, see recent post on House Homeland Security Chairman Michael McCaul (R-TX) and his committee’s concerns about Syrian refugees coming en masse (65,000!) to America.
Here is Galyon:

McCaul’s efforts to curtail the refugee resettlement program are part of a larger trend in Western countries that is exacerbating the Syrian refugee crisis by using anti-immigrant, Islamophobic sentiment to avoid resettlement responsibilities. In recent years, the program has raised its security standards and is considered successful by resettlement professionals.

Responsibilities!   It is our responsibility?  And, calling everyone with a differing view—Islamophobes—isn’t going to help her cause!

Then she tells us that her group has visited Rep. McCaul’s office in hopes of persuading him to not question the security issues related to allowing large numbers of refugees into the US who we previously learned could not be screened.

My organization, the Houston chapter of the Syrian American Council, took Syrian American constituents to meet with McCaul’s office in Katy, Texas, in January. We shared our anti-Assad and anti-ISIL sentiments and went on to explain how some members of the delegation initially came to America as refugees and ended up running successful businesses in Texas.

My purpose in mentioning this is that you, and others in the Houston area (McCaul’s district is there), who do have concerns, should be going in to Rep. McCaul’s office to support him and counter her group’s arguments (remember what Greenfield says, here).
The opinion piece at Al-Jazeera was written by Shiyam Galyon of the Houston Syrian America Council here.

Fox News special features Christian Iraqis entering US illegally across our southern border

Arabo and Obama
Mark Arabo, right with Obama in 2014 story. http://brennerbrief.com/the-truth-about-the-islamic-state-is-bad-enough/

For those of you who have contacted me to see what I know about Mark Arabo, the Iraqi Chaldean man helping Iraqi/Syrian Christians get across our southern border illegally with the help of Mexican coyotes, I don’t have much to say at the moment.
See Fox News special:  ‘Christians Find Refuge from Terror in Jordan.’
We do know that the normal channels for Syrian refugees to enter the US are clogged with mostly Sunni Muslim ‘refugees’ chosen by the UN, but I remain very suspicious of anyone working with Democrats to further more illegal activity at our borders and especially those expanding the use of asylum.
For new readers, once granted asylum, these migrants become legitimate refugees and as such receive all forms of welfare and eventually a green card and citizenship.

Arabo and others like him should be pressuring the Obama State Department to prioritize Christian refugees in the official Refugee Resettlement Program over the thousands and thousands of Iraqi and Syrian Muslims we presently admit, rather than break the law at the US border.

And, I’m too pressed for time to look up the numbers, but we have brought in roughly 30,000 Iraqi Christians since Obama took office in a stream of about 120,000 Iraqis (mostly Muslims) in the normal Refugee Admissions Program.  Did all of Arabo’s illegal border-crossers first try for that program?  Were they somehow rejected?  I would like to know!
We have been watching the ‘invasion of Europe’ for years now as mostly African and Middle Eastern phony asylum seekers break into Europe.  Is it about to happen here in a big way?  Could Islamic extremists simply pretend to be Christians? Is Arabo a NO borders activist with an angle?  We have a lot of questions!
We’ll see what else we can find out….

Bavaria, Germany: Arrival of Syrian refugees forces change in school dress code

Emergency housing for Syrian Muslims has been set up next to a high school in Pocking, Germany and school officials warn parents to not permit their girls to dress provocatively.  Changing the West to accommodate Islam?
From The Local (hat tip: Joanne):

Bavarian school
Google Maps image of the school. Why on earth would the German authorities put some refugee camp so close to this residential area? BTW, when this map opened on my computer, up popped an ad for Islamic Relief (a Muslim charity).

A school in Bavaria has sent a letter home to parents warning them not to let their daughters wear revealing blouses or short skirts, because emergency accommodation for refugees has been set up next to the gym.

A week ago emergency accommodation for 200 Syrian refugees was erected right next to the gym of Wilhelm-Diess-Gymnasium in Pocking, Bavaria, Die Welt reports.

The gym has been closed as a result, and PE lessons have been relocated to a nearby primary school, but the school is still worried about the refugees interacting with students.

So worried in fact that the headteacher recently sent out a letter to parents to give reassurance about extra security measures.

“For the refugees, access to the school gardens and buildings is strictly forbidden. The same goes for the school grounds during the day. The number of teachers on duty during breaks has been increased,” read the letter from headteacher Martin Thalhammer.

The letter goes on to give students instructions on how to deal with the situation:

“The Syrian citizens are mainly Muslims and speak Arabic. The refugees are marked by their own culture. Because our school is directly next to where they are staying, modest clothing should be adhered to, in order to avoid discrepancies. Revealing tops or blouses, short shorts or miniskirts could lead to misunderstandings.”


“When Muslim teenage boys go to open air swimming pools, they are overwhelmed when they see girls in bikinis,” he said.

Could there be something positive about all of this? 

Maybe this next generation of western young people will understand how threatening an Islamic supremacist ideology is to their freedom.  In fact, yesterday’s news that ISIS killed 4 gay men by throwing them from rooftops should convince some Leftists that maybe the enemy of my enemy is not my friend!

Germany is promising the UNHCR that they will take 30,000 Syrians very soon.
Our ‘Invasion of Europe’ series is here.

Montana Alert! Group wants to bring in Syrian refugees to replace your aging population

Although, Montana is not like Wyoming which has never had a refugee program (only a smattering of refugees have been resettled in ‘Big Sky Country’ over the last several years), but that could soon change.
Based on the comments to an opinion piece at the Helena Independent Record, the citizens there have no clue what “welcoming” Syrians is all about.  LOL!  They even think that since they don’t have mosques they might get all Christian Syrians.  NO THEY WON’T!   Over 90% of the Syrians being admitted to the US right now are Sunni Muslims!   Guess what!  The mosques will follow!  And, so will the unfunded mandates as the feds pass the cost of the resettlement and care of the refugees on to the state of Montana.
From the Independent Record (author Stephen Maly).  Emphasis is mine:

Montana S. Maly
Stephen Maly of World Montana wants to bring Syrian refugees to Montana!

What if Montana had a program to take in a select few of these folks? What if a coalition of nonprofits and volunteers worked with federal and state agencies to establish an immigrant and refugee resettlement entity of our own? What if, over the course of the next few years, the residents of Helena and other communities in Montana were to encounter a Syrian-owned and operated restaurant, bakery, medical clinic or some other small business in their midst? I believe that would be a good thing.


Montana as a whole has perhaps the least diverse population in the United States, with fewer foreign born citizens per capita than any other state. At the same time, our state is one of the fastest aging. That’s going to be a problem in the decades ahead, as we are going to demand more health care services. New businesses are going to need educated and skilled workers. These demographic patterns are occurring just as we are entering a period of entrepreneurial dynamism and related prosperity in Montana. We are going to have to import relatively young workers. What if we brought some in from Syria?


I know there are people who will be skeptical about this proposition. They will worry about the risks of opening our doors to anyone from the Middle East. They might think it’s just fine to have a remarkably homogeneous population. They might figure that Montana would not be a good fit for Syrians, culturally or otherwise. Looking at the experience of other jurisdictions in the West, the risks and costs of ushering in carefully vetted refugees can be managed and mitigated. Foreign Service professionals have effective means of filtering out malcontents and miscreants. According to a State Department brief, ”refugees are subject to an intense security screening process involving federal intelligence, law enforcement, defense, and homeland security agencies.”  [Perhaps Mr. Maly is completely in the dark and doesn’t know that the FBI has testified that they cannot screen the Syrians!—ed]

Our landscape is well suited to just about anyone from anywhere, really. People adapt. It might be impractical to start with Syrian Muslims. Unlike Detroit and San Diego, which both have sizeable Syrian expatriate communities, we don’t have mosques or halal markets. No matter, there are hundreds of thousands of Syrian Christians and others who will qualify as refugees.

There is a lot more, read on.  If you have had negative experience with the refugee program where you live, please take time to comment at the Independent Record.  And, there is contact information for Maly if you want to tell him politely why he is misguided.  You should be grateful to him for so publicly asking how citizens feel about the idea.

I guess Mr. Maly didn’t get the message that you are supposed to keep refugee resettlement plans secret until the refugees have already begun to arrive.   Remember this March 2014 story about Lutheran Social Service of Rocky Mountains being angry that their plans for Wyoming were leaked prematurely.

Folks in Montana better get organized starting with research on who exactly is behind WorldMontana!   Lefties or big businesses looking for cheap labor?  Are local government ‘leaders’ or Chamber of Commerce types involved?  Gee, any meatpackers or yogurt-makers on the way to Montana?

Watch for it: As Muslim population grows, so too do demands for Halal slaughter/inspection!

Editor:  This is a guest column from a Texas reader/activist who would like to join with other Texans to begin to push back against the federal government’s program of seeding Texas with Muslim refugees.  It is addressed to Texans!  (Filed in our category for guest posts and comments, here). 
When I travel, people ask for examples of what civilization jihad is, halal slaughter is an example.
From Texan Gary Henderson:

RRW Texas suggests that you check your local food stores, (all of them, even those mom and pop convenience stores that are not in prison for food stamp fraud), to see if they sell products certified by the Halal scam. If so, what do they pay for that “privilege”.

We already have the finest food inspection apparatus in the world, and we pay for that with our tax money. What possible reason would cause us to pay additionally for the inferior Halal killing machine.

Where is PETA when you need them? http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/outcry-after-undercover-film-exposes-brutality-of-halal-industry-10019467.html

Let the Muslims pay for that.

It is rumored that Halal slaughterhouses often buy meat from non-Halal slaughterhouses and re-sell it as Halal!  Imagine trickery, deception and manipulation and you have Halal certification, all made possible by our federal governments infatuation with the Muslim Brotherhood.

The worldwide Halal racket leaders estimate that they will eventually realize more than one trillion dollars in income, annually, for their efforts. And food products are just one source, cosmetics and other hard goods are also part of the scam.

In Texas, (we receive more immigrants than any other state), pay particular attention to the new Muslim startup areas that are importing Syrians and others to every corner of our fine state. They represent great opportunities for local merchants of every type, and the tax money we pay for these new communities has converted overnight many Texas conservative retailers, “good old boys” who have done business in their towns for generations, into “turn-the-other-cheek” liberals when they see the financial rewards possible for simply changing their stripes.

Keep me advised of the results of your investigations. You can be anonymous if you like or I’ll openly give you credit for your pioneering spirit. As Texans, we need to pay more attention to exposing those forces who are contributing to the demise of our great state and country.

The Days Are Dwindling Down.

Gary Henderson – Founding member, Texas Border Volunteers, Infidel Defense Alliance, Christian Defense Coalition, rrwtx@mindsversusmatters.com

To understand the horrific practice of Halal slaughter, do some research on the internet. See also this gruesome piece at the UK Independent.
Want to join others like Gary in Texas, then please sign up as an activist at the Center for Security Policy’s new activist data base.
Note to our Dallas area reader worried about a Muslim cemetery planned for her town, get in touch with Gary and join others in your state.  You can’t do this alone!
By the way, at one point a reader planned to write a blog on Halal slaughter and the meat industry in America—it is time!