PJ Media: In the Netherlands, Muslim refugees bully the non-Muslims

Invasion of Europe news……
Earlier today we posted news from Germany about Germans taking to the streets to proclaim their welcome of Muslim migrants to the country.  In the Netherlands it is an entirely different story.

Christian Union MP Joël Voordewind: …radical Muslims take over refugee centers and bully all those who hold different religious beliefs.

Here is Michael van der Galien writing at PJ Media (hat tip: Joanne).

A Pakistani Christian, who has fled to the Netherlands, has made a video of life in a refugee center and uploaded it to YouTube. The video has received national attention in the Netherlands because the refugee says he’s regularly bullied and threatened by other refugees, most of whom are Muslim.

He explains:

I am a refugee and live in the refugee center at Gilze en Rijen. There are a lot of Syrian Muslims here who fled the war in their own country. These Muslims have made life impossible for us [red.: for Christian refugees]. I fled from my own country because I thought I’d be safe and welcome here. But I still have to hide here. I contacted the government agency that deals with refugees, but they refuse to intervene. I’ve arrived at a point at which I don’t know what to do.

ChristianUnion MP Joël Voordewind commented after watching the video that this isn’t the first time Christian refugees have complained about Muslim refugees. It happens very often, he says, that radical Muslims take over refugee centers and bully all those who hold different religious beliefs. At the same time, however, they appeal to the Dutch government to get a residence permit, saying they aren’t safe in their own countries because of… wait for it: radical Islamic violence.


The video and appeal for help have caused a firestorm in the Netherlands, where increasingly more people are worried about the effects of mass-immigration from Muslim countries. Many of these immigrants call themselves refugees, but refuse to assimilate. They’re also, more often than not, fundamentalists themselves who have zero tolerance for people of other faiths.

Visit PJ Media for more and to watch the video.
We live in incredible times as we watch what I think will be the end of a Judeo/Christian Europe.
Think bullying couldn’t happen here?   Didn’t we hear that it happened in WELCOMING Twin Falls, Idaho recently?  Except it wasn’t Christians being harassed. It was Jews:

Harry Turner, an attorney, said he received a call from a refugee couple who’s Jewish and have been harassed in Twin Falls by Muslims.

Aackk!  I stole a line from MagicValley.com!
Go here for our ‘Invasion of Europe’ archive.

House Homeland Security Subcommittee to hold hearing tomorrow on Syrian refugee threat

Update June 24th:  The Center for Security Policy filed this report of the hearing.
This is a rescheduled hearing we had been waiting for, here, several weeks ago.

David Gartenstein-Ross of the Foundation for the Defense of Democracies will testify tomorrow. http://www.defenddemocracy.org/

Rep. Peter King (R-NY) will preside over the hearing in the Subcommittee on Counterterrorism and Intelligence.  Those testifying about the security risk involved with admitting thousands of Syrians with little documentation include:

Dr. Seth Jones
International Security and Defense Policy Center
RAND Corporation

Mr. Thomas Fuentes
FBI Assistant Director (Retired)

Dr. Daveed Gartenstein-Ross
Senior Fellow
Foundation for Defense of Democracies

It is disappointing that there is no present representative of the FBI as there was in an earlier hearing in February.   The FBI testified then that it was impossible to screen Syrians for security because there were no available records on who they really are.
Members of the Subcommittee are as follows.  If one of these is your representative in Washington, please contact him or her today and tomorrow and tell them no migration of Syrians (they are mostly Muslims) to your towns and cities should be permitted.
(To see where they have been resettled so far this year, go here. And, be sure to see our Youtube video here on the plan to admit 65,000 in the next 18 months or so!)
Members of the Subcommittee:


Peter T. King, New York, Chairman

Candice Miller, Michigan

Lou Barletta, Pennsylvania*

John Katko, New York

Will Hurd, Texas


Brian Higgins, New York, Ranking Member

William R. Keating, Massachusetts

Filemon Vela, Texas

* Barletta is an especially good immigration control advocate.

I know many of you think that 65,000 Syrians admitted to the US before Obama leaves office is a pipe dream of the federal refugee contractors , the Senate Jihad Caucus, and the UN/US State Department, but it isn’t.  It could happen, so you must speak up often and loudly!

You know all that low-income housing they are building in middle class American towns, and we are told masses of trailers are being spotted in rural communities—well, what else could they need all that government housing for?  Just saying!
Obama is surely planning to go out with a final blow to America!  And, he knows Congress is a toothless tiger!  This could be it!

WND: Mayors in cahoots with Obama to sign up more immigrant voters

Leo Hohmann at World Net Daily has another good one today!
Regular readers know that Hohmann has been the leading reporter in the nation following and reporting on the Refugee Resettlement Program of the UN/US State Department as well as Obama’s New Americans strategy to diversify your towns and cities using the heavy hand of the federal government before he leaves office!

Boise, Idaho mayor Dave Bieter has made Boise a “Welcoming America” member city. http://www.welcomingamerica.org/get-involved/cities/

By the way, I keep hearing from readers across the country that they are seeing low income housing being planned in their otherwise middle class towns—this is all part of the Obama administration plan (using your tax dollars) to set your towns up for waves of new Democrat-voting migrants even after Obama has left office!
Here is Hohmann’s latest:

President Obama’s making a big push in the final months of his presidency to convert huge numbers of recent immigrants and refugees into “new Americans,” and the mayors of the nation’s cities are lining up to help him accomplish his goal.

They talk about the need for greater “diversity” and the economic benefits that immigrants bring.

But critics say the program is not as much about creating “new Americans” as it is about creating new “voters” who will help re-elect Democrats and institutionalize Obama’s policies on immigration, education and healthcare for years to come.

Obama’s White House Task Force on New Americans is leading the charge, signing up mayors in major cities to further the goal of encouraging recent immigrants and refugees to go through the process of becoming a citizen.

The mayors of New York and Boston have become the latest to join Obama’s diversity program.

Please keep reading, it is a tutorial on what is happening to many of you!  (Including you Idahoans!)
Be sure to read about the role ‘Welcoming America’ is playing.   We first heard about them here in 2013 when the Office of Refugee Resettlement used your tax dollars to give them a grant to tamp down any “resistance” from you (middle class tax-paying patriotic Americans)—you who might put up resistance when your “welcoming” mayor says “come on in” we have ‘services’ and low income housing for New Americans!
Endnote:  I’m still waiting for a wannabe blogger to write a blog and call it ‘Welcoming America Watch!’  There is no greater service you could provide America than taking an hour or so every day to track and report on these change-agents’ activities!  See “big smooch” from Obama to ‘Welcoming America’ founder David Lubell, here.

Something smells in Twin Falls, Idaho; what is going on with the refugee program there?

Update June 21:  Now it’s meatpackers to Boise, guess these big industries need cheap immigrant labor!

Some ideas on what concerned citizens must do to save Idaho are below!

Readers, yesterday I received a letter from an attorney telling me I had to take down the snips I had posted from a publication (MagicValley.com) from Twin Falls, Idaho.  The two posts are here and here.
In place of the snips I had used to illustrate my posts, I posted this:

Editor: The article has been removed at the request of an attorney for the newspaper which is clearly unhappy with any of their articles being partially posted here at RRW.

This is just further demonstration of how local newspapers are attempting to silence critics presumably because they are in the pockets of the federal government, the refugee contractors and the big businesses that need this cheap immigrant labor. Who is driving the cheap labor needs in Twin Falls?

You should know that the standard requirement of bloggers is that they may snip a modest portion of a published story and then attribute it (with links) to the original source (which I did).  The letter from the attorney (Benjamin J. Cluff, Coleman, Ritchie & Cluff) for The Times-News and Magicvalley.com was thus a pretty heavy-handed way to silence a critic of the Refugee Resettlement Program of the UN/US State Department’s distribution of third worlders to US towns and cities like Twin Falls, ID.

CSI refugees
College of Southern Idaho Refugee Programs: Changing America by changing the people!

Now my interest has been piqued! 

I thought Twin Falls was just one more small city with do-gooders driving the resettlement of refugees.  Now I don’t think so.
Someone is driving the resettlement in Twin Falls.  Is it some huge industry in need of cheap labor like Chobani, the yogurt maker who built the world’s largest yogurt plant there in 2012? 
Chobani’s Turkish founder, Hamdi Ulukaya, is a huge ‘friend’ of refugees and is pouring a vast fortune into helping refugees (hopefully worldwide and not promoting their shipment to America!).  According to wikipedia:

“On December 17, 2012 Chobani opened one of the world’s largest yogurt-processing plants in Twin Falls, Idaho.”

We know from years of writing about it that meatpackers work with resettlement contractors to get them cheap labor, do yogurt makers do the same?
Or, is it a plan being driven by the White House to colonize rural Idaho with ‘diversity’ (or both?). Note that new mosques are popping up!   I don’t know the answer yet, but I want Idaho citizen activists to continue digging!  Who wants to change Twin Falls?  Find out!
I can tell you what it is not!  It is not a warm and fuzzy humanitarian desire to give the good life to thousands of impoverished third worlders in lovely Idaho.   That is just the cover for a much more diabolical plan.  Local ‘church’ people and others thinking they are doing good works are being used.
What really got my interest this morning, prompting me to write this post, is that one of those two posts cited by the heavy-handed lawyer letter, this one, has gone through the roof overnight as hundreds of readers are clicking on it.  Why?

So what is next? 

Concerned citizens in Southern Idaho who want to maintain their Idaho (American!) culture must now get the facts, publicize them, and step up their community organizing.   Here are some of my recommendations in a list that is by no means meant to be all-inclusive:

* First, find out what big industry (industries?) in need of cheap immigrant labor is driving the resettlement?

* Then you must learn everything you can about the resettlement of refugees in Idaho (a Wilson-Fish state).  Go here to your state coordinator’s website.  Ask Director Jan Reeves for your state plan (Reeves is an Obama ‘champion of change’).

* Then find out who is responsible for resettling the refugees, not just in Twin Falls but throughout the state of Idaho.  You know who it is in Twin Falls.  It is the College of Southern Idaho Refugee Programs, here.

Note that they are an affiliate of the US Committee for Refugees and Immigrants (USCRI) which means they get their federal payola through USCRI and USCRI sends the refugees to them (after selecting them with the US State Department).  We have written many posts on USCRI and its leader Lavinia Limon who was Clinton’s director of the Office of Refugee Resettlement and as such represents the perfect example of the government/contractor revolving door.  Last I looked the private non-profit USCRI was 99% funded by the US taxpayer.

I could not find a Form990 for the CSI Refugee Programs.  You need to dig out their financial docs!

* Next ask the CSI Refugee Programs for its FY2015 Abstract.   The R & P Abstracts are the documents sent by the subcontractor to its contractor and ultimately to the US State Department.  We have been told that all resettlement contractors have been instructed not to give them out!  Try anyway!

* Although your local government will say the refugee program is out of their hands, you must now pressure the mayor, the council or the county commission (not sure what the local government structure is in Idaho) to get involved and fess-up about what role they played in “welcoming” refugees to Twin Falls.  All local government officials are supposed to have been consulted every year.

* Find out if there is an upcoming “stakeholders” meeting somewhere in Twin Falls about now as the resettlement contractor is preparing its R & P Abstract for FY2016—how many refugees Twin Falls will get, from where, and what amenities the town has to offer the refugees.  For an example of a ‘stakeholder’ meeting see St. Cloud, MN yesterday, here.

* Someone in the community must publicize everything you find out either in a website or blog for others to learn from!  I can’t emphasize this enough! You clearly have biased reporting going on in the local mainstream media—The Times-News and Magicvalley.com.  You must go around them with alternative media!

* Focus your grassroots campaign on two indisputable facts about refugee resettlement in America—it is secretive and costly!

More later, this is getting way too long!

Shake up in Denmark as anti-immigration party gains power

Some countries in Europe ‘get-it’ and are trying to stop the invasion of their country, but I think it might be too little too late as thousands of migrants come ashore elsewhere in the EU.

New political force in Denmark, Kristian Thulesen Dahl of the Danish Peoples Party, does not want to be co-opted and may stay out of the government to wield power from outside.

From the Guardian:

Denmark woke up on Friday to a radically altered political landscape after the anti-immigrant Danish People’s party finished second in the country’s general election and demanded stricter border controls to stem the movement of migrants.

The DPP took more than 21% of the vote and 37 seats in the country’s 179-seat parliament. On a night of political contradictions, the centre-left Social Democrats, who increased their vote and were easily the biggest party, conceded defeat and Helle Thorning-Schmidt, Denmark’s first female prime minister, resigned as party leader.


Despite becoming the new strongman of Danish politics, Kristian Thulesen Dahl, the DPP leader, held out the prospect that he would stay out of government, preferring to wield influence by propping up a minority coalition of the centre-right while maintaining his party’s independence, even at the expense of ministerial positions.

Dahl is wary that the party’s image may be damaged by power, as has happened in Norway where the anti-immigrant Progress party has suffered a sharp loss of popularity since joining a coalition with the Conservatives. In Finland, the rightwing populist Finns party entered a coalition government in April.

In a speech on Thursday night, Dahl listed four priorities for the DPP: cutting the number of asylum seekers; reintroducing border controls; reforming the EU, with Britain as a close ally, to prevent migrants claiming benefits; and raising welfare spending on sick and elderly people.

For our complete archive on the ‘Invasion of Europe’ click here.  And, for our previous posts on Denmark, go here.

What about America?  Anyone with guts here?

I’m watching Donald Trump, the only US Presidential candidate willing to make the case about the problem of mass immigration.  Here he is on twitter this week:

Druggies, drug dealers, rapists and killers are coming across the southern border. When will the U.S. get smart and stop this travesty?