New hearing scheduled in House Homeland Security Committee on UN sending thousands of Syrians to the US

We’ve reported on the fact that House Homeland Security Chairman Michael McCaul (R-TX), concerned for possible major security threats, has been trying to slow the flow of Syrians to your towns and cities.
Here, Leo Hohmann writing at World Net Daily today reports that McCaul will hold yet another hearing on June 24th in an attempt to get the Obama State Department under control as hundreds of Syrians have already entered the US in the last 6 months.

Syrians arrive KY
The first starving Syrians arrive in Louisville, KY which is turning into one of the biggest resettlement cities for Syrians so far (more later on that!). See my post from February where we learned that a questionable Islamic ‘charity’ is helping the ‘New Americans.’

See our latest Youtube at Secure Freedom!  Please help get it around so that more Americans are informed about what is about to happen!

From World Net Daily (please read the whole article for links and for a list of states at the end already receiving mostly Muslim Syrians.  McCaul’s Texas is one of the two top states.)

A Texas congressman who chairs the House Homeland Security Committee is calling on President Obama to abandon his plan to resettle thousands of Syrians displaced by that country’s civil war, saying the plan is “very dangerous” for America’s security.

The problem is that ISIS has already said it will infiltrate the ranks of the refugees being sent by the United Nations to various Western countries, said Rep. Michael McCaul, R-Texas.

McCaul wrote a letter to President Obama Thursday expressing concerns over the administration’s announced plans to resettle some 2,000 Syrian refugees in the United States this year. Another 10,000 to 11,000 are in the U.N. pipeline destined for America.

“Terrorists have made known their plans to attempt to exploit refugee programs to sneak terrorists into the West and the U.S. homeland,” read a statement released by McCaul’s committee Monday. “Chairman McCaul’s letter points out the potential national security threat this poses to the United States.”

In fact, it is already happening.

The police security service in Norway, which recently accepted 1,000 Syrian refugees from the U.N., found that between five and 10 had ties to Islamic terrorist groups such as ISIS and the al-Nusra Front, a Norwegian newspaper reported.

The U.N. and the nine private resettlement agencies that contract with the U.S. government have been lobbying for the U.S. to up the ante and take in at least 65,000 Syrians by the end of Obama’s term in 2016. They have criticized the U.S. for not acting quicker to absorb greater numbers of Syrians displaced by four years of civil war.

Countering the ‘Jihad Caucus’ in Senate

Also, 14 Democratic senators led by Richard Durbin of Illinois, Diane Feinstein of California and Al Franken of Minnesota wrote a letter last month asking Obama to “dramatically increase” the number of Syrian refugees allowed into the U.S., sticking with the 65,000 number recommended by the resettlement lobby. This act earned the 14 Democrats the title of “Jihad Caucus” by Refugee Resettlement Watch blogger Ann Corcoran.


New congressional hearing called for June 24

McCaul has scheduled a second hearing on the Syrian refugee program for June 24.

He held the first hearing on Feb. 11. In that initial hearing, Michael Steinbach, deputy director of the FBI’s counter-terrorism unit, said it was impossible to screen the Syrian refugees for ties to terrorism given that Syria is a “failed state” and the U.S. has no access to reliable law enforcement records or intelligence data.

There is much much more, continue reading here.   See if your state is already ‘welcoming’ Syrians!

Will contractors be in a pinch???

By the way, the nine major contractors were counting on resettling possibly 10,000-12,000 Syrians around the US this fiscal year (by Sept. 30th).  The Bhutanese flow was being stopped to accommodate the expected Syrians.  So since they are paid by the head to resettle refugees, they will be scrambling to pay their bills (for office expenses and staff) if the flow to the US of total refugees is dramatically slowed this year.
Go here (cool map!) and see that 8 months in to FY2015, the US State Department has resettled 40,000 refugees (5,000 per month).  That means that in order to reach Obama’s goal for this year of 70,000 from around the world (the 65,000 Syrians the Jihad Caucus wants would be on top of the 70,000!), they have to haul them into the US at a rate of 7,500 a month for each of the months remaining in this fiscal year (June, July, August, September)!

You must act now!  I know we don’t have much confidence in Congress these days, but you still must first, let Rep. Michael McCaul know that you are supportive of his efforts and tell your representatives in Washington, both in the House and Senate, to stall this new and massive influx of UN-chosen Middle Easterners to the US.

The Capitol switchboard is (202) 224-3121 (ask for Rep. Michael McCaul and thank him, and then tell your Reps what you think!).

Simpson: Red-Green Axis working to erase America

Here at American Thinker, investigative reporter James Simpson, tells us about his new book published by Center for Security Policy Press: The Red-Green Axis: Refugees, Immigration and the Agenda to Erase America.’

Red Green axis
Get it at Amazon!

This is essentially a follow-up (a much more detailed follow-up!) to my monograph ‘Refugee Resettlement and the Hijra to America.’  Mr. Simpson has gone much deeper into the finances and the hard Left connections that drive the resettlement of Third Worlders to your towns and cities.  If you are reading Ann Coulter’s: ‘Adios America: The Left’s Plan to Turn Our Country into a Third World Hellhole this is a good companion read! As of this time, ‘Adios America’ is second on the New York Times Best Seller list for nonfiction.
By the way, red is the traditional color of Communism, while green is considered the traditional color of Islam (LOL! they claimed it before the enviros!).
Here is Simpson:

This week, the Center for Security Policy published my latest work, The Red-Green Axis: Refugees, Immigration and the Agenda to Erase America. It reveals a malevolent component of our dysfunctional immigration system that has largely flown under the radar: refugee resettlement. This article highlights a few of its findings.

Hatched by the U.N. and the American Left, the resettlement agenda is dedicated to erasing our culture, traditions and laws, and creating a compliant, welfare-dependent multicultural society with no understanding of America’s constitutional framework and no interest in assimilation. The ultimate target is a voting base large enough for the Left’s long-sought “permanent progressive majority.”

Most people would be shocked to know that America currently takes more refugees from the world’s ghettos than all other refugee resettlement countries in the world combined. The State Department brags about it. Furthermore, most of those refugees are referred to the United States by the U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR). The refugees (and the illegal aliens flooding the southern border from Central America) are then “resettled” by taxpayer funded “Voluntary Agencies” or VOLAGs as they are called.

There are nine of them, six nominally religious, but all are in it for the money and top staff make high six figures. Together the VOLAGs are paid close to $1 billion in taxpayer dollars to resettle refugees. Two more organizations who settle most of the unaccompanied alien children (UAC) brought the total to over $1.3 billion last year.

Keep reading!  There is much more!
In this article, Simpson introduces us to the investigation he did of the Soros-spawned “Welcoming America.”  See his book for the details.

Hillary's Burma problem: Rohingya refugees on the loose

Editor’s note:  This issue of Rohingya refugees coming to the US in large numbers is on par with the Syrian refugee lobbying push!  Watch for it!
I have a boatload of information on Burma (Myanmar) I should have been posting, but I’ve been dragging my feet simply because it is so much information.  Hillary’s announcement (not really, she had already announced) that she was (surprise!) running for President of the US over the weekend, forced me to at least mention this nugget.

Hillary and Aung-San-Suu-Kyi-and-Clinton_full_600
Hillary thrilled to meet Aung San Suu Kyi in 2012. Hillary must not have heard about Suu Kyi’s great transgression—not supporting the Rohingya cause in Burma! Photo:

Longtime readers know that we have followed the issue of Rohingya refugees for nearly 8 years (see our Rohingya Reports category) mostly because of our concern that there would be a big PR campaign to bring this most fundamentalist ethnic Muslim group to America, and there is!
We are bringing them and a big media push is on to bring many thousands more!  I recently looked at the number of refugees who are getting out of Burma (Buddhist leaders want Burma to be a Buddhist nation) and being brought to your towns and cities—-over 12,000 Burmese Muslims so far!

So the Buddhists of Burma want to keep Burma as a Buddhist nation and it is our responsibility to take in the expelled minorities!  Why?

Hillary had been bragging that during her reign as Secretary of State she was working her magic diplomacy on the Burmese government and getting them to calm down.  Guess that didn’t work out so well as all the news is about the thousands of Rohingya getting into boats and sailing to Malaysia and Indonesia so they can be picked up by the US and brought to rural America!
By the way, the famous human rights activist, Aung San Suu Kyi, released from house arrest in Burma after 15 years, is not taking up the Rohingya cause much to the consternation of groups that comprise the human rights industrial complex.  (See our many posts on that subject here).

The Podesta Group sent to Burma to help save Hillary’s legacy! 

From the Washington Free Beacon (hat tip: Cathy):

As Myanmar backslides into religious conflict, a lobbying firm founded by Hillary Clinton’s campaign chairman is working to rehabilitate its image.

The Southeast Asian nation inked an $840,000 contract in March with the Podesta Group, founded by Clinton campaign chief John Podesta and his brother Tony. The firm will work to “strengthen the ties between … Myanmar and United States institutions,” according to its contract.

That could involve meetings with members of Congress, the White House, reporters, and policy groups, according documents filed with the Justice Department’s National Security Division.

The liberalization of Myanmar was once seen as one of Secretary of State Clinton’s few success stories. However, recent humanitarian crises have drawn stern rebukes from top U.S. officials and human rights organizations.

The United Nations’ Human Rights division on Wednesday condemned the country’s government for jailing an activist who spoke out against state-sanctioned violence against the country’s Muslim Rohingya minority.

“Rather than prosecuting individuals, who brazenly call for the Rohingya to be killed, for hate speech and incitement to violence, the authorities have jailed a peaceful advocate who dared to question the misuse and manipulation of religion for extremist ends,” the United Nations wrote.

Surrounding countries now face a refugee crisis as tens of thousands of Rohingya flee the country.

For everything you want to know on Rohingya Muslims, see our Rohingya Reports category (this is the 180th post archived there). Be sure to scroll through the posts and see that Buddhist monks want the OIC (Organization of Islamic Cooperation) to stay out of Burma!

Poll: Most Brits do not want to 'welcome' more refugees, especially Muslims

This information didn’t surprise me at all, but why I found it so worthy of posting is that once again we have the “charity” Islamic Relief involved.  They did the poll.
We told you about Islamic Relief USA plowing funds into the US refugee program just last week, here (please read it!).
Even if our ‘leaders’ don’t get it, the Islamists understand how significant the Hijra is to the advancement of Islam throughout the West!

Islamic Relief UK director Jehangir Malik (right): “….public attitudes towards Muslims are hugely negative and attitudes towards refugees have hardened significantly.” Photo:

From the UK Independent (emphasis is mine):

Almost half of British people think refugees – including those who have escaped the civil war in Syria – should be turned away from the UK, new research has revealed.

In what Islamic Relief said was a “dramatic hardening of views” against people displaced by war, a poll commissioned by the charity and compiled by YouGov showed that 42 per cent of Britons do not think foreign nationals seeking safety from conflict or persecution should be welcomed to UK shores. Last year, a similar survey found that 31 per cent of Britons believed the UK should not let refugees in.

When it comes to the Syrian crisis specifically, attitudes are even more steadfast – 47 per cent of the 6,000 people polled said the UK should not provide refuge. Only 29 per cent were in favour.


Islamic Relief believes part of the problem could be linked to an increasingly negative view of Muslim people.  [no kidding!—ed] As the religious holy month of Ramadan begins, the organisation wants to celebrate the role British Muslims play in society, and the donations they give to fund aid.

“The results of this poll are extremely worrying because they show that public attitudes towards Muslims are hugely negative and attitudes towards refugees have hardened significantly,” said Islamic Relief UK director Jehangir Malik.


The research sample found a crucial difference in public agreement to house refugees. While 34 per cent of people said they think refugees should be welcomed, just 29 per cent said the same when asked about those from Syria and the Middle East.

It also asked respondents what three words or phrases people associate with the term Muslim, and found perceptions portrayed a “worrying” trend. The top answer, at 12 per cent, was “terrorism”. Other words that ranked highly were “misogynist” and “extremist”.

There is more, continue reading here.
How about a poll right here in America?
For more on the ‘Invasion of Europe,’ click here.

US readers!  We will be getting thousands of Syrian refugees placed in your states if you don’t act now and tell Congress NO!  If you live in one of the states represented by the 14-member Jihad Caucus you must hound them too!

And, if you think the proposal to bring 65,000 Syrians to the US in the remaining months of the Obama Presidency is so crazy it would never happen, think again!

Invasion of Europe continues unabated as thousands come through the Western Balkans

Americans pay attention to Europe!  We are not far behind because our ‘leaders’ in Washington are spineless!

There is a lot happening in the ‘Invasion of Europe’ and really too much to post it all here, but this morning here (below) are several stories making the news.

Western Balkans.

For new readers, we have a large archive of posts on the ‘Invasion of Europe’ which you can find by clicking here.
First, from the UN News Centre refugees are streaming into the Western Balkans (emphasis below is mine):

12 June 2015 – Southern Europe’s migrant and refugee crisis has reached the Western Balkans where an increasing number of asylum-seekers are using the region’s migration routes to flee their home countries, the United Nations refugee agency (UNHCR) has confirmed.

Addressing a press conference in Geneva earlier today, UNHCR spokesperson Adrian Edwards told reporters of a dramatic uptick in the number of men, women and children using the so-called ‘Western Balkans route’ as they seek to reach Western Europe. Many are also registering for asylum in the Western Balkans – a region which has seen a four-fold increase in the number of asylum-seekers since 2012. In 2015, Mr. Edwards added, Serbia alone has seen over 22,000 asylum claims lodged in the first four months of the year.

As migrants and refugees – many of whom originate from refugee-producing countries such as Syria, Afghanistan, Iraq, Eritrea, and Somalia [mostly Muslim countries by the way—ed]– course across mountain paths and train tracks in order to pierce through the Western Balkans’ borders, they remain dangerously vulnerable to violence, abuse and accidents. According to UNHCR, many have been also moving through the region irregularly with the help of smugglers, only adding to the dangers to which they are exposed.

Overall, the UN’s official figures show that as of 8 June a total of 103,000 refugees and migrants have arrived in Europe: 54,000 in Italy, 48,000 in Greece, 91 on Malta and 920 in Spain. The latest tally includes around 6,000 migrants and refugees who were disembarked in southern Italy last weekend in a major rescue operation coordinated by the Italian Coast Guard and joined by navy ships deployed by Frontex and from Italy, Germany, Britain, Ireland, and Spain.

Nevertheless, Mr. Edwards warned, a growing number of refugees are accessing Europe via the Western Balkans following a surge in the number of sea arrivals in Greece – the second major front in Southern Europe’s migration crisis.


In Germany, Chancellor Angela Merkel has promised more money to beleaguered states and cities of Germany struggling to cope with the masses of asylum seekers that in fact the government in Berlin has encouraged by sending out words of “welcoming” to the hordes of largely Muslim migrants flooding into Europe.   See Reuters here in a story entitled, ‘As refugees pour into Germany, Berlin doubles funds for states.’


Italy is one of the countries receiving a major hit from the invaders and talks about a plan to distribute them more equitably across Europe seem to be going nowhere.  See AFP story entitled, ‘Italy threatens to ‘hurt’ Europe if it gets no help with migrants.’


The Austrian government is going to stop processing asylum claims until other EU countries step up to share the burden.  See the Times of Malta story, here, entitled ‘Austria stops processing asylum requests amid EU row.’

Sheesh, just looking around for a few minutes I can see I could go on all morning with news on the invasion.

Readers, if you see any really hot juicy stories today from Europe, please send them my way and I will add them to this list!
Someone who loves Western Civilization should consider writing an entire blog (or a whole book!) on the ‘Invasion and colonization of Europe!’  In the end, it could be an important historic document (especially when the history of Europe could one day be written in Arabic!).

Endnote:  Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott has the only answer for the massive Mediterranean invasion—STOP the boats, but European leaders are spineless (just like American ‘leaders.’).