Opposition caves, Norway says it will take 8,000 Syrians before end of 2017

More ‘Invasion of Europe’ news…..

UNHCR Antonio Guterres: Got’em by the short hairs now!

The UN High Commissioner for Refugees (the same one telling the US to take 65,000 Syrians) has apparently won over the Norwegian right and now Norway has said it will take 8,000 Syrians CHOSEN BY THE UN and move them to towns across Norway (with a little cash thrown in to local governments as sweetener).

There has been enormous reluctance by most Western countries to take in Syrians (mostly Sunni Muslims who cannot be thoroughly screened) and the UNHCR had to break the logjam.

 They will now use Norway to guilt-trip other reluctant countries into opening their doors to Syrians.

Watch for it!  The next thing we will hear is that ‘If Norway can take 8,000, surely the US can take 65,000!’

Even more puzzling is that this decision, to trust the UN, was apparently made after it was learned that there were ISIS fighters in the allotment the UNHCR had already selected for Norway!
From Hurriyet Daily News:

Norway has agreed to take in 8,000 Syrian refugees by the end of 2017, under an agreement reached June 10 by most of the Scandinavian country’s political parties.

The country now plans to welcome 2,000 Syrians this year, that is 500 more than previously planned, followed by 3,000 each year in 2016 and 2017.

The new figures aim to meet a quota set by the UN refugee agency UNHCR.

A compromise came after long discussions between the right-wing minority government, which had opposed allowing in any more refugees, and centre and left-wing parties, which wanted to accept 10,000 people in two years.

Under the agreement, financial aid will be distributed to the country’s regions to encourage them to give shelter to those fleeing Syria’s four-year war.

Another 5,000 refugees who have already been granted residence permits in Norway are still living in community shelters, and need to be given homes.

“This is an important step in the right direction,” the Norwegian Refugee Council aid agency said in response to the announcement.

“NRC now urges other European countries to follow. With some exceptions, like Germany, the European countries have done far too little in response to the largest humanitarian crisis in our generation,” it added.

The UNHCR has called on the international community to resettle more people fleeing Syria’s civil war, which it says has triggered the largest humanitarian crisis since World War II.

Learn more about the Jihad Caucus and the pressure they are putting on Obama to admit 65,000 Syrians before his term ends, here

Our complete ‘Invasion of Europe’ series is here.   Click here for everything we have on Norway.

New book out in the Civilization Jihad Readers Series at Secure Freedom

Since I am headed to Texas early tomorrow, I have no time to do this justice, but investigative journalist James Simpson has taken what I began in my little book Refugee Resettlement and the Hijra to America and gone even deeper into the complex web of elitist foundations, government agencies and Leftwing organizations driving mass immigration and the colonization of America.
It’s titled:

The Red-Green Axis: Refugees, Immigration and the Agenda to Erase America (Civilization Jihad Reader Series Book 4)

You can get it here at Amazon!

Islamic charity with terror connections helping refugees resettle in America

When I first saw the news from Kentucky, here, in February my ears perked up.  I have been following the refugee issue for eight years now and until February I had never heard of any Islamic charity participating in refugee resettlement here in America.  As regular readers know, of the so-called nine ‘charities’ working with refugees, five are Christian groups, one is Jewish and three are secular.

Now we learn from a report at the Center for Security Policy by Alessandra Gennarelli that in fact there are at least three locations in the US where a charity with questionable ties to terrorism elsewhere in the world is donating some of its vast wealth to Muslim refugees here in the US.
See this important report on Islamic Relief USA!

The largest U.S. Muslim Charity, which has been linked to terrorism finance, is now playing a role in helping to settle refugees from terror torn Syria.

Islamic Relief USA (IRUSA) is an affiliate of Islamic Relief Worldwide (IRW), the largest international Islamic charity in the world, with a $240 million operating budget, nearly 300 employees, chapters in more than 12 countries with their own multi-billion dollar budgets, and operations in over 30 countries, all based in Birmingham, England.

IRUSA specializes in refugee assistance and has a history of working with the United Nations and specifically the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA), the aid agency for Palestinian refugees.

The IRUSA website specifies in detail its role in assisting incoming refugees saying:

“IRUSA assists refugees in starting their new life in the United States. Volunteers are trained to welcome refugee families to their new communities, help them access local services, and show them around their new communities. Volunteers also can help with resume building and job searches. In some instances, refugees may receive rent assistance so they have a place to stay while looking for employment.”

The charity has also been pushing for western countries to take in more Syrian refugees.  I guess they know all about the Hijra!
This is a game-changer!  Read it all here.

Invasion of Europe: UK says 500,000 migrants waiting to make Mediterranean crossing into Europe

We should call the Invasion of Europe Gadhafi’s Revenge!

I warned you!

The former Libyan leader (before his untimely “demise” at the hands of a coalition of French, British and American smart people) warned that Europe would be conquered, not with guns and swords, but with an invasion by masses of humanity overwhelming the continent from Africa and the Middle East.  That is exactly what is happening.
LOL! I’m not going to let readers forget the role Obama’s gals played in this disaster!  Hillary, Susan Rice and Samantha Power were after Gaddafi’s head, and look what they got!
We live in interesting times (Chinese curse?).
Everyone must leave some letter for your grandchildren and great grandchildren about how you witnessed the end of western civilization in Europe because someone else will be writing the history of Europe (in Arabic).
This is an AP story at Earthlink (hat tip: Chaz).  Emphasis is mine:

ROME (AP) — Naval vessels from Italy, Britain, Ireland and other countries steamed toward the waters off Libya on Saturday to rescue the latest wave of migrants from smugglers’ boats. British authorities warned that up to 500,000 people could attempt the perilous crossing this summer.

Capt. Nick Cooke-Priest, on the British warship HMS Bulwark, told reporters aboard: “Indications are there that there are 450,000 to 500,000 migrants in Libya who are waiting at the border” for voyage from the North African country’s Mediterranean coast in hopes of reaching Italian shores.

Also aboard the Bulwark, part of a multi-nation patrol and rescue force, was British Defense Secretary Michael Fallon. “We could see hundreds of thousands trying to cross this summer,” Fallon told reporters who asked about the captain’s half-million figure.

During Saturday, a total of 3,480 migrants had been safely rescued in 15 separate operations, the Italian coast guard said. Calls for help went out via satellite phone earlier in the day from the smugglers boats, which included six rubber dinghies and nine fishing boats, all some 45 miles (72 kilometers) off the Libyan shoreline, the coast guard statement said.

Pitching in to save the migrants were Italian coast guard, navy and border police boats and aircraft, a tug boat, two German military ships, the Hessen and the Berlin, and an Irish naval ship LE Eithne.


Italian authorities investigating the Libya-based smuggling operations say reliable intelligence is hard to come by, given that Western diplomats have long left Libya, wracked by violence following the 2011 demise of the Moammar Gadhafi regime. Rival governments command different parts of the country, and tribal and militia clashes aggravate the chaos.

With every boat rescue the word goes back to Africa—launch the next boat.

There is no sign that any European ‘leader’ has the spine (or other body part!) to do what Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott says must be done—turn the boats back to the North African coast!

See our entire ‘Invasion of Europe’ archive by clicking here.
Regarding the spelling of Moammar Gadhafi’s name:  We have used different spellings here at RRW mostly due to whatever spelling is being used in the news story we are reporting at the time.

Syrian youths getting in to US as "academic refugees"

They may not have transcripts, but some American colleges are taking Syrian “students” to supposedly educate them to return and re-build Syria (yeh, sure!).
From Omaha.com (hat tip: Julia).  The ‘students’ featured here are at Emporia State University in Emporia, KS.
I haven’t heard much from Emporia since late 2007 and early 2008 when they had a huge Somali refugee problem there.  The Somalis had been brought in by Tyson Foods and were busy developing a Somali enclave in town.  Ultimately, the controversy got too heated and Tyson Foods actually closed the plant.  We covered it so extensively that we created an entire category just for Emporia, here.   BTW, it was the first time we came to understand the role of meatpackers working with refugee contractors to change small town America But I digress…
Here is the news about Syrian ‘students’ being placed in US colleges:

KANSAS CITY, Mo. (AP) — Brothers Molham and Mohammad Kayali spray-painted anti-government graffiti around Aleppo University in northern Syria in early 2012 and held up flags in protest against President Bashar al Assad’s government. Worried that their lives were in danger, they gave up on school and fled to Turkey in September 2012.

They were reunited last year with their younger brother, Ebrahim, at Emporia State University, a small school in Kansas, joining among about 700 “academic refugees” now in the U.S. who either fled from the long-running violent conflict, attended universities that have closed or couldn’t safely travel to schools in dangerous areas.


The New York-based Institute of International Education has helped organize a consortium of mostly U.S. and Portuguese schools and has provided 158 scholarships and 89 emergency grants to Syrian students, according to Daniela Kaisth, a vice president with the institute. Similar efforts were made to help Iraqi students after the U.S.-led invasion.

The latest data shows that the number of Syrian students attending U.S. universities swelled from 424 students in 2009-10 to 693 students in 2013-14, according to the institute’s Open Doors Report on International Education Exchange, published in partnership with the U.S. Department of State.

Some of the schools in the consortium are Emporia State, the Illinois Institute of Technology in Chicago, Monmouth College in Illinois, and Tufts University in Massachusetts.

Some enterprising investigative blogger should look into the Institute of International Education.  I wouldn’t be surprised to find George Soros and some of his ilk behind it somewhere.
Incidentally, if we can’t screen Syrian refugees, as the FBI recently told Congress, how are we screening Syrian college students?