Surprise (not!): ISIS-related terrorists found among UN-chosen Syrian refugees destined for Norway

Just as we have been warning! 

The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees is picking our refugees too!  And, here in Norway they have discovered Islamic terrorists among the chosen!

UN High Commissioner for Refugees, Antonio Guterres, is selecting the Syrians for your towns. They are doing a lousy job for Norway, what about for us?

When House Homeland Security Chairman Michael McCaul speculated a week or so ago that the Syrian flow to America could be a “jihadi pipeline,” he was right!  The 14 Senators of the ‘Jihad Caucus’ are willing to put you in danger when they demand that Obama admit 65,000!
From The Local (hat tip: Joanne):

Several refugees sent to Norway under the UN’s quota system turned out to have close links to the terror groups Islamic State (IS) and the al-Nusra Front, Norway’s Police Security Service (PST) has revealed.

According to the service, between five and ten of the 1,000 Syrians chosen to go to Norway by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), were discovered to have links to the one of the two terror groups.

“Unfortunately, there are some who try to exploit and abuse the refugee agency,” Police Superintendent Svein Erik Molstad told Norway’s Dagbladet newspaper. “We have discovered more quota refugees with ties to the al-Nusra front and IS,” he said.

Look at this! Norway sends its Security Service to the Middle East. Is that where the terrorists were discovered and intercepted?  Do we send the FBI to UN camps as well?

PST investigators have so far made two trips to the Middle East, where it works with Norway’s Foreign Ministry to vet refugees passed to Norway under the UN’s quota system.

According to Molstad, the investigations have also uncovered refugees with backgrounds in Syria’s feared secret police, as well as others suspected of carrying out war crime’s during the country’s ongoing civil war.

Although PST is now working in the Middle East, its officers neither interview nor have other direct contact with prospective refugees.

Dagbladet has also learned of Islamic extremists using refugee reception centres as recruiting grounds for terrorists.

Let’s do the math.  If the Norwegian secret service found 10 of 1000 UNHCR refugees with terror connections, that is 1% of the total.  If we admit 65,000, 1% is 650 (LOL! Check my math!).  650 with terror ties could sure cause a lot of mayhem here in America.
If you are new to RRW, our ‘Invasion of Europe’ series is here, and we have a pretty extensive archive on Norway as well, here.

Others, including Allen West, pick up Nashville schools to teach Arabic

I love to see stories we have posted here at RRW go out to even broader audiences. Be sure to see Daniel Horowitz writing at Conservative Review yesterday to see one such story.  Another is this one about Nashville public schools announcing that Arabic will be taught in 6 schools there in the next school year.

Follow Allen West on facebook:

See our Nashville story, here, which received thousands of hits in one 24 hour period last week.
From former Congressman Allen West who asks some very good questions:

…. the schools were chosen because there’s a high number of native Arabic speakers in the neighborhood. Why exactly do they need Arabic lessons? Wouldn’t English be more appropriate?

And why is it the public school’s role to help keep students “connected to their native culture?” I thought that was their parents’ role. But I’m old fashioned that way.

I thought the purpose of the American public school system was to keep Americans connected to their American culture. But I guess I’m old fashioned that way too.

Now perhaps none of this is cause for any sort of concern whatsoever, except if you dig a little bit, you’ll find an awful lot of imams in Tennessee with ties to the Muslim Brotherhood.

How can you help, especially if you live in Tennessee?  Go here to the ‘tn council for political justice’ and see what you can do!
By the way, we have an extensive archive, in fact a special category just on Nashville’ one of the hottest refugee resettlement sites in the nation that has also become a well-developed “pocket of resistance.”

CAIR joins the gang to celebrate Immigrant Heritage Month (to change America by changing the people?)

CAIR logoBefore you read CAIR’s press release check out the gang at  Some of CAIR’s partners include:  LaRaza, Welcoming America, SEIU, International Rescue Committee and facebook There are also colleges, public libraries and Chambers of Commerce in the group.
They are gathering immigrant “stories.”  If you haven’t noticed, leftwing community organizers love telling heartwarming STORIES.  The stories are central to their media campaign.  They are masters at this storytelling and have boatloads of money from rich foundations to do it.
There is no doubt that some immigrants shaped America in a positive way, but that was then and this is now and the numbers are too great and some of the ethnic groups we are inviting now have no intention of ever assimilating. They are here to change America!
It is our job to balance the news, to make sure the public knows the not-so-heartwarming stories as well and to speak for the average American citizen and worker who sees his or her job and unique American culture being lost!
Here is what CAIR says (hat tip: Robin):

(WASHINGTON, D.C., 5/28/15) – Today the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), the nation’s largest Muslim civil liberties and advocacy organization, announced its support of the second-annual Immigrant Heritage Month, an initiative to partner community organizations, elected officials, corporations, artists, and thought leaders to gather and share inspirational stories of American immigrants.

Immigrant-Heritage-Month“While nearly eight in ten American Muslims are immigrants, the history of United States Muslim immigration goes back more than 400 years. As the most racially-diverse religious group in the U.S., we celebrate the diversity of the American Muslim immigrant experience and encourage community members to participate in Immigrant Heritage Month and share their story of how they came to be U.S. citizens,” said CAIR Government Affairs Manager Robert McCaw.

Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg is on the same team as CAIR/Hamas!

“America is a nation of immigrants. This is – and always has been – a source of incredible strength that unifies us all,” said Todd Schulte, President of “The strength, sacrifice, and contributions of the Muslim immigrant community helped build this great nation. To honor that, our goal with Immigrant Heritage Month this June is to highlight the intersections our immigrant experience and illuminate how each individual journey has been instrumental to the formation, foundation, and ongoing strength of the United States of America.”

Supporters are encouraged to connect with Immigrant Heritage Month through social media or events in their city and share their own unique immigration story.

Visit ‘’ for more information on how to share your story and learn more about our nationwide effort.

About, a non-profit organization, is dedicated to celebrating a United States that is fueled by immigrants from around the world. Immigrant Heritage Month honors the ways in which America and the immigrants who have built our country are linked in a shared, productive history.

CAIR is America’s largest Muslim civil liberties and advocacy organization. Its mission is to enhance the understanding of Islam, encourage dialogue, protect civil liberties, empower American Muslims, and build coalitions that promote justice and mutual understanding.

Temporary Protected Status for Yemeni nationals
While I visited CAIR’s website, I noticed they, and many other Arab-American groups, petitioned the US Department of Homeland Security for Temporary Protected Status (TPS) for Yemenis in the US.  I am mentioning this to remind you that there are many other legal immigration programs that must be reformed or abolished!  TPS is a scam!

Reader says Fox and Friends not a friend of free speech

Editor: From time to time we publish good comments or opinion pieces from our readers.  Previous commentary is archived in our category entitled ‘Comments worth noting/guest posts,’ click here to read previous reader opinions.  This opinion from reader ‘Julia’ is a view I share.  When Fox&Friends and other Fox News talking-heads blamed Pamela Geller for what happened in Garland, Texas, we knew the writing was on the wall and that we have no defense for free speech in the dinosaur media.  Fox (excepting perhaps Judge Jeanine!) has joined that despicable club.

From Julia:

Saturday, May 30, 2015, Fox&Friends joined an alarming trend when one of its hosts labeled former Marine Jon Ritzheimer and his fellow bikers who held a “Draw Muhammad” contest as “anti-Islamist activists.”

Is Judge Jeanine the only one left at Fox News who ‘gets it’ about free speech and Islam!

Perhaps Fox&Friends should have read the stories on “The Gateway Pundit” detailing how Islamists have made threats of violence – including murder – to attendees of the contest, published the home address of Mr. Ritzheimer, and caused Mr. Ritzheimer’s family to fear for their lives and go in hiding.

There has been a coordinated effort to characterize citizens who are concerned about the growing threats of terrorism in the U.S. as “anti-Islamic.” There are legitimate concerns about the radicalization of Muslims in America and F&F, by joining the effort to smear these individuals, is failing Fox’s “fair and balanced” approach to reporting.

What’s more is that F&F is employing the tactics of the left that one of its own contributors, Kirsten Powers, denounced in her new book, “The Silencing: How the Left is Killing Free Speech.”

Ms. Powers appeared on “Justice With Judge Jeanine” *** on Saturday, May 30, 2015, and was questioned by Judge Pirro on whether there is currently an attack on the First Amendment. Ms. Powers responded by warning that progressive scholars “have been taught that the First Amendment is not a bulwark against the government, but is an impediment to progressive policy;” that now there are “major legal scholars coming out and suggesting that maybe we need to to have hate speech laws;” . . . “and it’s terrifying.”

During this interview, Judge Pirro touched upon the movement to ridicule and ultimately marginalize those concerned about radical Islam when she suggested that “we’ve gotten to a point where even the word [Islam] is almost frowned upon.”

Leo Hohmann at World Net Daily recently reported on the plans of refugee resettlement contractors to quash the efforts of persons and groups opposing the resettlement of refugees in their communities. Part of these contractors’ plans include coordinating their offense with the Center for New Community and the Southern Poverty Law Center – groups known for ridiculing their opponents and associating them with hate speech.

Much has been written about an alliance between Islam and the left – be it Marxism, communism, etc. This targeting of persons and groups concerned about the spread of radical Islam in the United States suggests the reality of such alliance. That is, Islam is being used as a tool of the left to limit free speech and perhaps ultimately eliminate the First Amendment protections of speech in the U.S. Constitution.

This is why F&F’s joining in the chorus of the left’s demonization of Mr. Ritzheimer is so problematic. Inasmuch as Mr. Ritzheimer titled the protest the Freedom of Speech Rally Round II, Mr. Ritzheimer and the other contest attendees intended to act as “free speech proponents.”

F&F dropped the ball. They owe Mr. Ritzheimer an apology.

In addition, perhaps F&F can demonstrate its support of free speech by investigating and reporting on law schools that teach “that the First Amendment is not a bulwark against the government, but is an impediment to progressive policy.”

We won’t be holding our breath waiting for Fox&Friends to utter an apology!  Why? Can you hear that sound (after the ad)?
*** Watch the Judge Jeanine interview with liberal Kirsten Powers about how the Left is killing free speech, here, beginning at the 1:57 mark.

Bowling Green, KY: Arrests made in Sunni vs. Shiite tussle


So where is Rand?

Did Grover get to Rand Paul? Or, was it big business donors (meatpackers maybe?) who caused Paul to go wobbly on the refugee issue?

Daniel Greenfield writing at Frontpage magazine directs us to a brief news story from Presidential candidate Rand Paul’s home town.
Here is Greenfield:

Welcome to Bowling Green, Kentucky, the latest front in the Sunni – Shiite unholy war tearing apart the Middle East.

He then directs us to this news story about how a Shia Muslim claims he was assaulted by a Sunni Muslim in a dispute about their religious beliefs.
Then Greenfield closes with this:

Now how many Sunnis and Shiites do you need for there to be enough critical mass for these conflicts to turn violent? 

Why is this so interesting to me? 

The article does not tell us the nationalities of the two who scuffled, but I will bet a buck they were both Iraqis because we know many Iraqis have been resettled in Kentucky including those two refugee terrorists arrested in Bowling Green in 2011, on trial here in 2012.
At that time there was a glimmer of hope for Senator Rand Paul on this issue as he was very vocal in asking:  Why are we bringing so many Iraqis to the US?  See this post!  I was originally thrilled!

Now he has completely shut up on the issue!
By the way, Kentucky is an important refugee resettlement state and neither Senator Mitch McConnell or Senator Paul say a word about it.

The US State Department is admitting almost equal numbers of Shiite and Sunni Iraqis to the US, so you can expect more conflicts ahead!  Is that insane or what!

Again, we don’t know if these two Bowling Green squabblers are Iraqis, but this (below) will give you some idea of our foolishness.  I couldn’t get the State Department data base to open just now, but found my notes from a search  I did at the beginning of March.
From 1/1/14 to 2/28/15 (a little over a year) we admitted 22,446 Iraqis to your towns and cities.  The State Department data breaks them out by religion as follows:

Moslem (that is how they spell it): 351

Moslem Shiite: 7,747

Moslem Suni: 9,176

So the Muslims totaled:  17,274
All the other religions, or no religion accounted for the remaining 5,172 (23%).

So, is this kerfuffle in Kentucky the tip of the iceberg?  We’ll see!

See our Kentucky archive here, and don’t miss this post about the suspicious donation (for Syrian refugees) to a contractor from a Muslim “charity.”  See also Kentucky mosques cropping-up due to growing Muslim refugee population.

Make this issue (immigration and national security) a top concern for 2016 Presidential candidates!

If you have an opportunity to meet candidates ask them what their position is on refugee resettlement (look for a deer-in-the-headlights look!).

See NumbersUSA scorecard, here.  Paul has an abysmal D+ on immigration and jobs.
About the photo:  One of the earliest important stories we ever wrote nearly 8 years ago was about Grover Norquist lobbying for large numbers of Iraqi refugees to be resettled in the US.   And, see Grover here with RINO pals (including Jeb Bush) just last year urging the GOP to support the idea of more refugees coming to America!  Grover has been spreading the lie that Ronald Reagan signed the Refugee Act of 1980 into law. He is wrong.  It was outgoing President Jimmy Carter who is responsible.