Talks collapse in Germany, specter of new election rises

Talks between the leading political parties are in chaos as Angela Merkel attempts to find a ruling majority. The two key issues are climate change and REFUGEES. From the Malta Independent: German Chancellor Angela Merkel pledged early Monday to maintain stability after the Free Democratic Party pulled out of talks on forming a new government … Continue reading Talks collapse in Germany, specter of new election rises

EU officials: ISIS has been wiped out in Syria, time for refugees to go home

One of the most maddening things about our UN/US Refugee Admissions Program is that it is permanent. When we take refugees they are here to stay and on track to citizenship even if their home country goes back to relative peace. As we have watched Europe, particularly Germany ‘welcoming’ migrants, remember those flooding in to … Continue reading EU officials: ISIS has been wiped out in Syria, time for refugees to go home

Germany reaping the whirlwind of infectious diseases admitted to the country along with the migrants

Gatestone has a very informative piece this morning, thanks to reader Cathy for sending it my way.     As you read this story, do NOT forget that refugees entering the US are being permitted entry even if they have TB.  We learned just this week that the state of Minnesota was financially strapped as … Continue reading Germany reaping the whirlwind of infectious diseases admitted to the country along with the migrants