Wonders never cease: Bill Gates says African migration to Europe cannot be allowed to continue

“Europe must make it more difficult for Africans to reach the continent….” Bill Gates His ultimate solution to stop the flow is more aid to Africa, but we will skip that part (there are whole books written on how that effort has failed) and get right to the warning. The stunning thing about this is … Continue reading Wonders never cease: Bill Gates says African migration to Europe cannot be allowed to continue

Mark Steyn: Kicking the croissant down the road….it is demographic conquest stupid!

Invasion of Europe news… The first thing I thought of when I heard the news that Marine Le Pen had lost to the globalist Emmanuel Macron was Mark Steyn’s predictions in America Alone.  If you have never read it, you must.  And while you are at it don’t skip The Camp of Saints (over 40 … Continue reading Mark Steyn: Kicking the croissant down the road….it is demographic conquest stupid!

Germany has 450,000 failed asylum seekers they plan to deport!

Invasion of Europe news…. You might want to read my post on asylum here last week.  Asylum seekers differ from the refugees we normally talk about because they get to a country like Germany (or the US, or Canada) and ask for asylum claiming they will be persecuted if returned home.  The refugees we write … Continue reading Germany has 450,000 failed asylum seekers they plan to deport!

Trump Watch! Did Trump cave and agree to take Australia's rejected asylum seekers?

I sure hope Reuters has this wrong! If it is true it is truly insane! For new readers, in the waning months of the Obama Administration, Obama made a deal with Australian Prime Minister Turnbull to take off their hands somewhere between 1000-2000 migrants being held in detention on offshore islands. Australia does not want … Continue reading Trump Watch! Did Trump cave and agree to take Australia's rejected asylum seekers?

Terror around the world yesterday (thanks to these three 'leaders')

Until we get the final word from Germany about whether the Islamic killer in the Berlin CHRISTMAS market attack is a refugee from Pakistan or Afghanistan; and, until we hear about who it was that attacked a Somali mosque in Switzerland, I’m going to post other news.  And, besides all of the news, including the … Continue reading Terror around the world yesterday (thanks to these three 'leaders')