Washington DC gathering of Open Borders Activists/lawyers was revealing

Editor’s note: Having missed a day at the computer, especially one following the Republican debate on Wednesday night, I am woefully behind, so I have catching up to do, but this trip was well worth it.  One thing I want to make clear to faithful readers is that for most of my years writing this … Continue reading Washington DC gathering of Open Borders Activists/lawyers was revealing

Crony Christianity! When ‘religious’ charities reap tax dollars for their ‘good works’

I love it!  Crony Christianity!  It’s like crony capitalism when government and big business work hand in hand (benefiting each other) to the detriment of those paying the bills—you—but this time it’s religious charities feeding on the taxpayer teat while directing government policy. And, I am overjoyed to see that so many people, writers like … Continue reading Crony Christianity! When ‘religious’ charities reap tax dollars for their ‘good works’

It’s Sunday morning, is your church reaching into taxpayers’ pockets “for the children?”

…..it is time to find out! Decades ago ‘great minds’ in the leadership of the hard Left (ensconced in private foundations) kicked off their “greening of the churches” propaganda campaign.  It’s a long story, but I saw it up close and personal.  The concept was that the way to reach Americans and change their minds, … Continue reading It’s Sunday morning, is your church reaching into taxpayers’ pockets “for the children?”

Is illegal “sanctuary movement” back in operation in anticipation of amnesty?

It sure looks like it!  And, this time it may be sanctioned by an emboldened Obama Administration and its cheerleaders in the human rights industrial complex! Last night a reader sent me this dynamite post from the ever-vigilant Debbie Schlussel entitled: EXCLUSIVE: Obama Sends ICE Agents to Southern Border to Pick Up “Youths” Awaiting Amnesty, … Continue reading Is illegal “sanctuary movement” back in operation in anticipation of amnesty?