Canadian Libs too funny! Want to persuade asylum seekers from US to stay away

Calling it “irregular migration,” Canadian members of Parliament are coming to the US to try to stem the flow of US excess aliens from moving north into Canada. The funny part (besides the fact that they can’t even use the word “illegal”) is that it was only a few days ago we reported that Canada … Continue reading Canadian Libs too funny! Want to persuade asylum seekers from US to stay away

Jihadist Uzbek Diversity Visa Lottery winner kills eight near World Trade Center

You don’t need me to give you that news, but let’s first talk about the Diversity Visa Lottery (aka Green card lottery) which we have discussed often on these pages over the previous ten years.  It is one more LEGAL immigration program that must go! (Here is my archive on the program.  And, I’ll say it again. … Continue reading Jihadist Uzbek Diversity Visa Lottery winner kills eight near World Trade Center

Trudeau’s ticking time bomb: Trump immigration policy

“Canada is presented as the best way out of this complicated situation” Abdullah Kiatamba, executive director of African Immigrant Services (MN)   This story is more along the lines of what we reported here two days ago. I was delighted to learn that the Trump Administration is seriously considering letting Temporary Protected Status lapse for … Continue reading Trudeau’s ticking time bomb: Trump immigration policy