UN: no joint agreement reached on apportioning resettlement numbers by country

…But, those pushing the no-borders agenda are still hopeful that the special Obama-led Pow-Wow in New York in September will result in commitments for numbers of migrants individual countries will pledge to permanently admit. I’m emphasizing the word ‘permanently’ because I still run into people who think we admit refugees on a temporary basis and … Continue reading UN: no joint agreement reached on apportioning resettlement numbers by country

Carson and Cruz, first Presidential candidates to speak out on Paris slaughter—say no Syrian refugees to America

There may be others by now, but here is the first story I’m seeing before dawn today reporting on reactions by US Presidential candidates.  ***Update*** Here is a story at Breitbart that must have been posted before terror erupted in Paris last night—see where the Presidential candidates were yesterday afternoon BP (before Paris).  Bush, Kasich … Continue reading Carson and Cruz, first Presidential candidates to speak out on Paris slaughter—say no Syrian refugees to America

Add one more to the list of countries whose nationals can stay in the US forever—Nepal

The Temporary Protected Status (TPS) category, a legal immigration program, is anything but temporary.  The Obama Administration has just added Nepal to its list of countries whose citizens can stay as temporary refugees, work (and probably vote!) here forever because the temporary designation is simply extended every time it expires. I say this repeatedly, but … Continue reading Add one more to the list of countries whose nationals can stay in the US forever—Nepal

CAIR joins the gang to celebrate Immigrant Heritage Month (to change America by changing the people?)

Before you read CAIR’s press release check out the gang at Welcome.us.  Some of CAIR’s partners include:  LaRaza, Welcoming America, SEIU, International Rescue Committee and facebook!  There are also colleges, public libraries and Chambers of Commerce in the group. They are gathering immigrant “stories.”  If you haven’t noticed, leftwing community organizers love telling heartwarming STORIES.  … Continue reading CAIR joins the gang to celebrate Immigrant Heritage Month (to change America by changing the people?)