Tyson Foods Turns to Robots; So We Can Now Stop the Importation of Refugee Labor, Right?

Here is the headline at the Wall Street Journal yesterday: Tyson Turns to Robot Butchers, Spurred by Coronavirus Outbreaks One of the huge changes coming to America thanks to the Chinese virus is, I predict, a much more rapid pace of automating many factory jobs. If you are a longtime reader of RRW you know … Continue reading Tyson Foods Turns to Robots; So We Can Now Stop the Importation of Refugee Labor, Right?

Food Processing Immigrant Labor Force Still Causing Problems Due to Chinese Virus

Large swaths of the refugee/immigrant labor force that came to America (or who were brought here by the federal government) to provide a ready supply of cheap labor for giant global corporations are still sick or are afraid to return to work in the meatpacking industry. The Chinese virus has exposed a great vulnerability not … Continue reading Food Processing Immigrant Labor Force Still Causing Problems Due to Chinese Virus

Iowa: Refugee Contractors Happy to Supply Foreign Laborers for Globalist Corporations

There was a time, a decade ago, when an article like this would not have been written. The image of a refugee resettlement agency was that of a purely humanitarian organization working with little funding solely to save the globe’s downtrodden with the help of generous volunteers. Now they are right out in the open … Continue reading Iowa: Refugee Contractors Happy to Supply Foreign Laborers for Globalist Corporations

Sander’s Iowa Campaign Successfully Organized Slaughterhouse Immigrant/Refugee Workers

But were they US citizens legally permitted to vote? As you may know I watch CNN in the morning for a few minutes so I know what the talking points and marching orders are for the Left on any given day.  Today I learned that the Bernie Sanders campaign is drumming up support from immigrant/refugee … Continue reading Sander’s Iowa Campaign Successfully Organized Slaughterhouse Immigrant/Refugee Workers

After Maryland Judge’s Decision, What is Next?

I don’t know.  I guess we wait for the Justice Department’s response to the decision that halted the President’s first effort to reform the US Refugee Admissions Program. Here is a brief statement from the White House immediately after learning of the decision. Another lawless district court has asserted its own preferred immigration policy in … Continue reading After Maryland Judge’s Decision, What is Next?