Get US Conference of Catholic Bishops off the US taxpayer dole!

Your tax dollars! [Editors note, when I first wrote this none of the USCCB links opened, they do now] Nothing gets my blood boiling more than the Catholic Bishops running to Washington to beg for money for themselves! That is right, you might think they are standing up for the “poor and vulnerable,” but they … Continue reading Get US Conference of Catholic Bishops off the US taxpayer dole!

To March on America organizers—shame on you

Update:  Any doubt about the demonstrations socialist agenda, see photos here.  This morning, NumbersUSA has a 7 minute clip on their attempt to report from the March on America yesterday that was supposed to support immigrant rights in America and push for passage of the Comprehensive Immigration Reform legislation that might be moving ahead in Congress.  Everyone must watch this … Continue reading To March on America organizers—shame on you

Far-Left USCCB is not being straight with Catholics

Your tax dollars: Last night I came upon this typical puffy article where Archbishop John Nienstedt (Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis) writing in The Catholic Spirit tells Catholics what great charitable work they are doing taking care of refugees.  Here is how his article begins: Throughout the world, we find areas where war, strife or persecution have … Continue reading Far-Left USCCB is not being straight with Catholics