To date, 843 Syrian refugees admitted to the US; 92% are Muslims

Editor’s note:  I have so much news to post, but internet connection is dropping today.  If I disappear, know that I am frustrated about not getting it to you or posting your comments! Or, answering your many e-mails. Since everyone is talking about the number of Syrians admitted to the US as refugees (see yesterday’s … Continue reading To date, 843 Syrian refugees admitted to the US; 92% are Muslims

Illegal alien advocacy group alerts non-citizens to states where they can vote without ID

And, there are twenty, twenty! states including my Maryland that allow voters to show up (and vote!) at a polling place without any identification. It is not just the illegals…. Remember also, we are not talking only about someone who recently sneaked across the border, but millions of legal immigrants who are here as refugees, … Continue reading Illegal alien advocacy group alerts non-citizens to states where they can vote without ID

Obama’s illegal alien “Dreamers” (cheaters!) are voting

  And, you can be sure that many LEGAL refugees, diversity visa lottery winners and temporary protected status holders among other “legal” immigrants are voting too. The legal refugees and others have to wait five years before seeking citizenship, but you can be sure that anyone who barely speaks English (Somalis for example) who show … Continue reading Obama’s illegal alien “Dreamers” (cheaters!) are voting

Denmark limits family reunification for asylum seekers; fears domino effect in Scandinavia

As invasion of Europe continues, some countries get it (but is it already too late?) Update October 11:  See Does Dhimmitude in Denmark Describe Our Destiny? Remember readers that in certain European countries, Syrian (and presumably others recognized for asylum status) are sometimes limited in how long they stay.  It is expected that when the … Continue reading Denmark limits family reunification for asylum seekers; fears domino effect in Scandinavia

Feds won’t say if Ebola patient is Liberian national

But, the Liberian community of Dallas apparently thinks so. Update October 2:  See Center for Immigration Studies on the Liberian Ebola patient—a visa mistake! Let’s send in Senator Jack Reed, Liberian defender par excellence to tell us the full story. Reed was thrilled recently to get Obama to once again extend Temporary Protected Status for … Continue reading Feds won’t say if Ebola patient is Liberian national