Will they make 'Austria great again?' (will they be able to SAVE Austria is the question)

Invasion of Europe news….. The European political world got a real shake-up a few days ago when the so-called “far-right” won a significant victory in the Presidential contest there.  You’ve surely all read about it —how the “anti-immigrant” forces have been energized and for the first time since WWII neither major Austrian political party will … Continue reading Will they make 'Austria great again?' (will they be able to SAVE Austria is the question)

Austria joins Hungary in warning of the end of the EU if migrant crisis continues…..

…..and there is absolutely no sign of the flow ending (predictions are that it will increase as the spring advances). Invasion of Europe News! All along, Austria had appeared to side with the “welcoming” Angela Merkel of Germany, but it looks like that relationship has frayed with Austria and Hungary warning of the death of … Continue reading Austria joins Hungary in warning of the end of the EU if migrant crisis continues…..