Al-Shabaab throws UN out of Somalia (?), calls US the head of world infidels

I started to write this post yesterday, but had no time to finish it.  First I had received the press release purportedly from Al-Shabaab (below) saying the Jihadists had raided and closed United Nations offices and thought the story was new, but it isn’t.  It is a couple days old.  I found this Bloomberg article from Monday … Continue reading Al-Shabaab throws UN out of Somalia (?), calls US the head of world infidels

Fjordman’s declaration: possible impact on recent EU elections?

I just happened to come across this 2007  “A European Declaration of Independence” from notorious European blogger Fjordman and couldn’t help wondering if, in light of the EU’s recent rightward shift, Europe isn’t coming closer to Fjordman’s view of things afterall. We demand that all Muslim immigration in whatever form should be immediately and completely … Continue reading Fjordman’s declaration: possible impact on recent EU elections?