Refugee contractor head-honcho, Lavinia Limon, gives her prescription for how America should handle the border surge

….invite in more “children” because more migrants means more money for government contractors! (she doesn’t say that! I do!) Lavinia Limon is the CEO of the US Committee for Refugees and Immigrants, known in the refugee industry as USCRI.  Below, published at the Budapest Business Journal (of all places) is her six-point prescription for what … Continue reading Refugee contractor head-honcho, Lavinia Limon, gives her prescription for how America should handle the border surge

Top 12 states “welcoming” refugees (so far) this year

The fiscal year is over in 3 months and as of June 30th the US State Department has released statistics on which refugees are going to which states.  For new readers these are the refugees in the regular Refugee Resettlement program; the stats do not include the surging border-invading migrants and “children,” asylees, temporary protected … Continue reading Top 12 states “welcoming” refugees (so far) this year

Buffalo non-profit running out of federal/local $$$ may close its doors

Not all supposed refugee resettlement agencies are in the orbit of the nine major federal contractors that monopolize refugee placement in America or they wouldn’t be running out of money. Close-reading of this article tells us that Vive Inc. in Buffalo, NY is taking care of asylum seekers and other migrants who are in legal … Continue reading Buffalo non-profit running out of federal/local $$$ may close its doors

Massachusetts professor wants to know what’s holding up Syrian flow to US

In a letter to the editor, professor Robert McAndrews (Salem State U.) wants to know what is stopping Obama from flinging open the gates to America for Syrians. I would like to know that too (not that I want it! McAndrews obviously does), because in the face of lobbying pressure we haven’t seen on the … Continue reading Massachusetts professor wants to know what’s holding up Syrian flow to US