Elissa works for the International Rescue Committee in Thailand

I’ve taken down this post because I do believe that Elissa or any young (or old) woman should not be posting her photo and location in Thailand.   I continue to be shocked that the IRC doesn’t instruct its employees to be more careful about personal details.  My apologies to readers who arrive here and wonder what … Continue reading Elissa works for the International Rescue Committee in Thailand

“Fake refugees!” Immigration fraud charges in Thai refugee camps, some claim UN workers involved

We are resettling tens of thousands of Burmese refugees presently housed in UN run camps in Thailand.  Resettlement agencies in the US are quick to tell us that most are Karen or Chin Christians who fought in the democracy movement in Myanmar (aka Burma), but here is a story that confirms rumors we have been hearing.  Some refugees … Continue reading “Fake refugees!” Immigration fraud charges in Thai refugee camps, some claim UN workers involved

Refugees arrested in Roanoke, VA for plot to kidnap women for ransom

Update August 13th:  The four plead guilty in July, here. I was away over the Mother’s Day weekend and missed this shocking story when it first broke. Hat tip to Brenda Walker, VDARE author, for bringing it to my attention.    From WDBJ TV-7 in Roanoke which published the original federal press release: United States Attorney Julia C. … Continue reading Refugees arrested in Roanoke, VA for plot to kidnap women for ransom