Two Major Refugee Contractors Receive Millions to Move Illegal Aliens from the Border to Interior US

Because this story is so important, I’m posting it instead of a weekly round-up of refugee news. And, besides, the US Refugee Admissions Program has been stalled for some mysterious reason by the Biden gang so there isn’t a lot new since last week. I can only guess the hold-up is because they have created … Continue reading Two Major Refugee Contractors Receive Millions to Move Illegal Aliens from the Border to Interior US

Refugee News Round-up: First Week of April 2021

“Biden’s delay on welcoming refugees has been a huge disappointment for refugee advocates.” (Boston Globe columnist, Marcela García) The refugee news from the last week primarily revolves around two main themes—the ‘children’ surging across the US border and where to put them before releasing them into the country; and why Biden has yet to sign … Continue reading Refugee News Round-up: First Week of April 2021

Refugee News Round-up: Third Week of March 2021

I’ll begin this week with high praise for Georgia Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene who introduced legislation in the House of Representatives that calls for a moratorium on immigration. It will go nowhere, but she deserves much praise for doing something the Republicans rarely do—she went on the offense!    The foolish GOP chickens, time and … Continue reading Refugee News Round-up: Third Week of March 2021

Refugee News Round-up: First week of March 2021

I thought that one of the most interesting articles this week was this one from Politico where the authors suggest that President Trump has permanently damaged the general publics’ view of refugees. They suggest that, before Trump, the country loved and welcomed refugees in one big bipartisan lovefest, but now, not so much. It was … Continue reading Refugee News Round-up: First week of March 2021

Nine Refugee Contractors Will Push Legislation to Set a Floor on Refugee Numbers

To make sure a future President will never be able to do what Trump did to them! [R]eopening the doors to refugees is “how we will restore the soul of our nation.” (Chairman Joe)   We frequently talk about the refugee ceiling that a President places on the US Refugee Admissions Program, but the Open … Continue reading Nine Refugee Contractors Will Push Legislation to Set a Floor on Refugee Numbers