Obama Admin: Europe facing existential threat from migration while flinging open America's doors

These people have got to go!  Imagine this: Obama Secretary of State John Kerry is confirming what we all know: Europe is in very serious trouble as over a million migrants have flooded in over the last year because ‘leaders’ such as Germany’s Angela Merkel have welcomed them with open arms. Obama is doing the … Continue reading Obama Admin: Europe facing existential threat from migration while flinging open America's doors

Germany: 'welcoming' churches getting shaky over the migrant invasion

Invasion of Europe news…. When do the numbers get so high that even the religious do-gooders start to worry?  I guess we are seeing their limit now after a million migrants have invaded Germany. How many is too many? Next time you get into an argument with an Open Borders ‘humanitarian’ here in America (or … Continue reading Germany: 'welcoming' churches getting shaky over the migrant invasion

Germany: Police raid refugee shelters thwarting ISIS terror plot

Surprise! Not! Mama Merkel wants workers, gets terrorists!  This is probably just the beginning. Invasion of Europe news….. From Deutsche Welle (hat tip: ‘mjazzguitar’):   German police arrested three Algerians suspected of ties to the “Islamic State” militant group and of having planned a terrorist attack in Berlin. Other suspects were questioned during police raids … Continue reading Germany: Police raid refugee shelters thwarting ISIS terror plot

See American Resistance 2016! for a couple of stories that might interest RRW readers

No time to cross-post, but would love for you to see two posts at American Resistance 2016! The first is on the globalists (like Soros and Sutherland) and their plans to erase borders and destroy national sovereignty (perhaps the explanation for Angela Merkel‘s strange behavior). Click here. And, then take a trip down memory lane on … Continue reading See American Resistance 2016! for a couple of stories that might interest RRW readers

Germany: New Years Eve sexual assaults much worse than previously reported; involved Syrian refugees

Invasion of Europe news….. The news is slowly coming out about the horrific events of one week ago as New Years revelers in Cologne, Germany were assaulted by 1,000 men of “immigrant backgrounds.”  Our first story on the events of that evening is here (Merkel: Don’t blame refugees). Who hushed all this up (we know … Continue reading Germany: New Years Eve sexual assaults much worse than previously reported; involved Syrian refugees