So who has been coming to America via refugee “recruitment” this fiscal year

We are half way through fiscal year 2014 (it began on October 1, 2013). By the way, “recruitment” is the word being used by opponents of Gov. Matt Meads idea to resettle refugees in Wyoming, and I like it.  The word “resettlement” is getting stale and I’ve noticed the refugee industry using it less and … Continue reading So who has been coming to America via refugee “recruitment” this fiscal year

Syrians by the “hundreds” arriving in North Jersey, thousands more expected in 2015 and 2016

“Hundreds?” Well, how could that be I wondered, since we are constantly reminded that the unwelcoming US has only admitted a hundred or so Syrian refugees.  It turns out that “hundreds” of those being granted ‘temporary protected status‘ are choosing to go to established Syrian communities, like those in North Jersey, to be with their … Continue reading Syrians by the “hundreds” arriving in North Jersey, thousands more expected in 2015 and 2016

Christian Science Monitor editorial: Obama must bring in the Syrians

The mainstream media drumbeat is well underway! Noticeably absent from this editorial from last week, however, is any mention of “Christians!”   The publication also suggests that Obama relax security screening that had been put in place after 911. Demonstrating a complete misunderstanding of refugee resettlement in America (or is it an effort to mislead us) … Continue reading Christian Science Monitor editorial: Obama must bring in the Syrians