RRW goes to Washington for Senate Homeland Security hearing

I got up very early yesterday and joined thousands of commuters from western Maryland to make the trek to Washington, DC (lucky for me it’s only the rare occasion that I join them!)    As I reported here last night, Senator Joe Lieberman’s Homeland Security Committee held a hearing on the missing Somali “youths”, former refugees or … Continue reading RRW goes to Washington for Senate Homeland Security hearing

UN temporarily halts refugee program for Burmese, suspects fraud?

This story comes from a blog (Art of Patience Free Burma) and I didn’t find it on official websites so I cannot verify this report.   However, sources knowledgeable about these camps have told me privately that fraud is occurring and people not eligible to enter the US are doing so. The United Nations refugee agency, … Continue reading UN temporarily halts refugee program for Burmese, suspects fraud?

Father kills daughter in Georgia–was it an honor killing?

Very latest update:   Judy’s post today on this story. Latest update:  The murder suspect appears in court here.  Also, see this website called News By Us and its analysis of the coverage of this case in the Chicago Tribune. Update:  Hot off the press at Jihad Watch!  It was an Islamic honor killing!  One commenter at Jihad … Continue reading Father kills daughter in Georgia–was it an honor killing?

Confusing the folks in Frederick, MD, asylee or refugee?

When our refugee issue boiled up in Hagerstown, MD we learned that the largest city close to us, Frederick, MD, was also receiving refugees.    That was way back last spring.    So, I was surprised that a well-connected Frederick woman called a month or so ago to ask about the Burmese she had heard, through the grapevine, … Continue reading Confusing the folks in Frederick, MD, asylee or refugee?