By ‘welcoming’ Biden’s Promised 125,000 Refugees to America, we will heal the country says federal contractor

Say what! Editor: To my dedicated readers here at RRW (some of you have been with me since 2007) I have been distracted by the nightmare unfolding in Washington and have been busy posting at my other blog Frauds and Crooks in the wake of the great Election Steal of 2020. You might like to … Continue reading By ‘welcoming’ Biden’s Promised 125,000 Refugees to America, we will heal the country says federal contractor

Americans Last! Groups Revitalized by Biden Promises to Immediately Increase Refugee Admissions

Last Friday “faith based” groups huddled (virtually) with demented Joe‘s proposed head of Homeland Security and declared themselves “refreshed” by promises from their dear leader. According to Religion News Service, here are the attendees, in addition to Mark Hetfield of the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society (HIAS), who are especially thrilled at the prospect of more … Continue reading Americans Last! Groups Revitalized by Biden Promises to Immediately Increase Refugee Admissions

Time Magazine: Open Borders Agitators Begin to Lower Expectations on What a Biden Administration Might Get Done on Immigration

“There’s going to be a lot of questions about how much they can accomplish in the first 100 days, and really how much they can accomplish in four years.” (Sarah Pierce, MPI policy analyst)   Well, well, what do you know!  Apparently President Trump put some things in place to slow the flood of migrants … Continue reading Time Magazine: Open Borders Agitators Begin to Lower Expectations on What a Biden Administration Might Get Done on Immigration

Lutheran Refugee Agency Blasts Trump (again) Over Proposed Immigration Ban

In their usual knee-jerk response, Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service came right out of the box on Monday (before anything is even on paper) to blast the President over a reportedly non-existent ban on immigration to America during the Chinese virus crisis. Never mind that the President’s draft plan is pablum (see my comments at … Continue reading Lutheran Refugee Agency Blasts Trump (again) Over Proposed Immigration Ban

Actor Ben Stiller Joins Chorus: NY Taxpayers Must Shell Out for Refugees

My first thought when I saw this news was, everywhere we are told by the likes of Michael Bloomberg’s New American Economy that refugees are working and bringing economic boom times to dying cities, so why do they need more taxpayer dollars? And, my second thought was, why can’t a bunch of entertainers like Stiller … Continue reading Actor Ben Stiller Joins Chorus: NY Taxpayers Must Shell Out for Refugees