SOS! from Ireland to South Dakota, media covers for global migration plan

Amazing! I am sure that when State Senator Neal Tapio proposed his bill and secured a hearing on it—a bill to slow refugee flow from certain countries to SD—he couldn’t have envisioned how that failed bill has now exposed so much about the fearful ‘leaders’ and the dishonest media in that state…. ….’leaders’ who apparently … Continue reading SOS! from Ireland to South Dakota, media covers for global migration plan

In South Dakota, it is about pleasing the Chamber, about low wage workers and fear

….but the fear isn’t about fear for the safety of citizens of South Dakota, it is the fear the Left and Islamic supremacists know how to stir—the fear of being called names or appearing ‘unwelcoming’ that will be the death of the west! And, so they give us gobbledygook about the beauty of cultural diversity … Continue reading In South Dakota, it is about pleasing the Chamber, about low wage workers and fear

Long time refugee advocate and refugee agency CEO is gone

This isn’t exactly breaking news! Lavinia Limon stepped down as head of the US Committee for Refugees and Immigrants (USCRI) last October according to a statement by the head of its board of directors. However, it may not have been a voluntary retirement. Someone recently reported to me that she was “forced” out during a … Continue reading Long time refugee advocate and refugee agency CEO is gone

South Dakota legislator wants more information on refugee costs, opposed by Lutherans and Muslim activist

If you are a new reader, you might want to catch up by having a look at my South Dakota archive especially as it relates to meatpackers and manufacturers (and mayors!) there pushing for ever-greater numbers of refugee workers. South Dakota was on my 2016 road trip to see some of those situations first hand. … Continue reading South Dakota legislator wants more information on refugee costs, opposed by Lutherans and Muslim activist

Tennessee town welcomed Tyson Foods plant after residents of Kansas town revolted

For those of you following news about BIG MEAT, here is a story you need to read in its entirety at the Tennessee Star (hat tip: Joanne). Citizens of small town America are beginning to understand that the arrival of a BIG MEAT plant will change their towns forever, and they don’t like it! We … Continue reading Tennessee town welcomed Tyson Foods plant after residents of Kansas town revolted