Turkey: Syrian refugees wait in grand hotel for boats to take them to Europe as the invasion continues

50,000 Syrians wait in a Turkish hotels to be smuggled into Germany, Sweden, Finland and Belgium. There is so much news today, I don’t know what to write about first!  But, be sure to see my previous post about the US Justice Department letting a Somali (refugee) terrorist leave the country with vital information about … Continue reading Turkey: Syrian refugees wait in grand hotel for boats to take them to Europe as the invasion continues

Silly season in Mexico as the country considers ‘welcoming’ Syrian refugees

Have you ever heard anything so ridiculous! As Mexico happily unloads its poor on America and allows Central Americans easy passage through Mexico so they too can ‘benefit’ from US generosity, the government of Mexico is considering becoming a recipient of impoverished Syrian refugees (and most will be Muslims). They think they might like to … Continue reading Silly season in Mexico as the country considers ‘welcoming’ Syrian refugees

Asst. Secretary of State on Syrian refugees: If only you could meet them….

…..your heart would melt (she didn’t exactly say that!). This is from one more article on the growing conflict about how many Syrian Muslim refugees we should admit to the US.  Frankly, there are so many of these stories, I’m having trouble keeping track!   This one is from the Associated Press, here. Anne C. Richard, … Continue reading Asst. Secretary of State on Syrian refugees: If only you could meet them….

Who are the 525 Syrian refugees admitted to the US in recent years; where have they been resettled?

Everybody is talking about the Syrian refugees admitted to the US, including the British press, here at the Daily Mail.  But, let me be clear, most news outlets are reporting that we are going to quadruple the number already here from recent Syrian crisis to around 2,000 in the coming year. Please remember that the … Continue reading Who are the 525 Syrian refugees admitted to the US in recent years; where have they been resettled?

Mark Levin: A government that can’t run a website is going to keep us safe by vetting Syrian refugees?

Breitbart reports that radio talk show host Mark Levin weighed in on the Syrian refugee resettlement plan on Friday. To better understand how the resettlement is evolving, check our post yesterday about how everyone is now talking about the planned Syrian refugee resettlement (driven by pressure from resettlement contractors and the UN). And, PLEASE go … Continue reading Mark Levin: A government that can’t run a website is going to keep us safe by vetting Syrian refugees?