Obamacare applies to legal immigrants—all 150 varieties!

Before you read this, here is my disclaimer:  Like most Americans, I don’t know what the heck Obamacare does or doesn’t do, but this is one supposed expert’s view on whether legal immigrants (although they may be non-citizens) must also sign-up for Obamacare.  Yes! says the expert (with some caveats!). From About.com: The Affordable Care … Continue reading Obamacare applies to legal immigrants—all 150 varieties!

2,000 Syrian “refugees” already in the pipeline on the way to US

According to Northern Voices Online (a publication from Northern India), 2,000 Syrians have already been approved to come to the US in 2013, along with 30,000-40,000 additional Iraqis!  I guess this is another bit of new information for the Republican immigration wizards, those boys in a bubble—Rubio and Graham. WASHINGTON, Up to 2,000 Syrian refugees … Continue reading 2,000 Syrian “refugees” already in the pipeline on the way to US

Michelle Malkin gets TPS scam out to a broader audience

We have been writing a lot about Temporary Protected Status lately, here’s our archive, but having Michelle Malkin pen a piece at Human Events assures the topic a much broader audience.  I heard her discussing it on Fox News over the weekend as well. Entitled, ‘Object Lesson: “Temporary” amnesty never dies,’ it begins: Does America … Continue reading Michelle Malkin gets TPS scam out to a broader audience

NAACP, SEIU and CASA de Maryland launch war on American workers and taxpayers tomorrow

Editors note:  This is cross-posted from Potomac Tea Party Report. The civil rights of American taxpayers and our Nation’s sovereignty will be assaulted tomorrow in the opening salvo of the amnesty battle of 2013 as a cabal of pro-amnesty organizations hold a press conference in Washington (ice storm predicted for tomorrow?) If you were involved … Continue reading NAACP, SEIU and CASA de Maryland launch war on American workers and taxpayers tomorrow