Michael Bloomberg’s Plan for Immigration: We Need More! (including 125,000 refugees per year)

Editor: This is cross-posted from my other blog ‘Frauds and Crooks.‘ I pay fairly close attention to the 2020 campaign news and especially when it comes to the Dem candidate’s plans for immigration should they regain the White House. But, I think it’s odd that with all the other news about Michael Bloomberg, there is … Continue reading Michael Bloomberg’s Plan for Immigration: We Need More! (including 125,000 refugees per year)

Dallas: Refugee Contractor Expands Role, Works to Stop Deportations of Illegal Aliens

As the Trump Administration slows the flow of refugees into the US, the refugee contractors including the mack daddy of the whole bunch—the International Rescue Committee––is now going to provide lawyers for migrants who are scheduled for deportation as a way of expanding its financial base and its influence. I’ve been telling readers for a … Continue reading Dallas: Refugee Contractor Expands Role, Works to Stop Deportations of Illegal Aliens

Leftwing Writer: President Trump Wants to be Like his Idol Hungary’s Viktor Orban

That is one of the latest Leftwing media attacks on the President, but when I saw this headline (below) my reaction was WOW! that would be great! Trump’s Dream Is to Become America’s Viktor Orbán But, before I get to the news (a change of pace from the daily dribble of reports about weak-kneed Republican … Continue reading Leftwing Writer: President Trump Wants to be Like his Idol Hungary’s Viktor Orban

CAIR, Church World Service, Others, Plan “Civil Disobedience” at US Capitol this Week

For new readers, Church World Service is one of the nine federal resettlement contractors with subcontractor office spread throughout the US.  They receive millions of federal dollars amounting to 62% of their entire budget from you—the US taxpayer.  See here. Here they plan to join the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) on the Capitol … Continue reading CAIR, Church World Service, Others, Plan “Civil Disobedience” at US Capitol this Week