Ben & Jerry’s ice cream loves refugees too

I wonder do they hire cheap refugee laborers like Chobani Yogurt or BIG MEAT or BIG CHICKEN? Since I’ve been on the subject of food processors and their refugee hiring or promotion practices—see my two previous posts on possible new foreign-owned meatpackers in Montana, here and here, and on Chobani’s expansion in Idaho here, I thought … Continue reading Ben & Jerry’s ice cream loves refugees too

Nebraska health officials: Public safety our top concern, but we are telling you nothing about TB death

We don’t know if the person who died of TUBERCULOSIS in Nebraska in late October was an American who had been traveling or an immigrant who might have lived in that part of Nebraska as part of the ever-expanding foreign born meatpacker work force in the state.   We don’t know because health officials there … Continue reading Nebraska health officials: Public safety our top concern, but we are telling you nothing about TB death

Do Arkansas college students understand that refugees are there to supply Tyson Foods with cheap labor?

Editor:  There was an announcement posted here for an Arkansas college event for Canopy NWA to promote refugee resettlement in the state. The original photo was lost when the speech police had RRW removed from WordPress this past summer.    Canopy NWA is a relatively new subcontractor of Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service (LIRS), their … Continue reading Do Arkansas college students understand that refugees are there to supply Tyson Foods with cheap labor?

Nebraska Lutherans moan: it is as bad as it can get….

….as refugee arrival numbers drop! Well, I can envision something worse as we are hearing rumors that the major Lutheran contractor (the one responsible for moving cases to Nebraska and elsewhere) is having some internal strife. That would be Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service (headquartered in Baltimore) the same one that contracted with major meatpacker, the … Continue reading Nebraska Lutherans moan: it is as bad as it can get….

Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service trying to raise $5 million from private funding sources

It’s about time! And, if they raise $5 million privately this year it will be an all-time high for the CEO Linda Hartke who took the reins in 2010 of a refugee contractor that is on average 95% taxpayer funded. As the refugee numbers decline under Trump, LIRS, like all of the nine contractors*** are … Continue reading Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service trying to raise $5 million from private funding sources