Are Miliband and Albright purposefully misleading the media about numbers of refugees coming to the US?

David Miliband is the former British Foreign Secretary being handsomely paid to head a US refugee resettlement contracting agency and Madeleine Albright was Bill Clinton’s Secretary of State, and here they jointly bemoan the state of affairs in the world regarding mostly Muslims from the Middle East wanting to come to American towns and cities … Continue reading Are Miliband and Albright purposefully misleading the media about numbers of refugees coming to the US?

George Soros: EU must take in one million migrants a year…..

……for the foreseeable future! Invasion of Europe News….. We told you about the role of Hillary pal George Soros here the other day.  But, since everyone is talking about it, be sure to see Soros’ manifesto on how to bring down European borders forever. Out of his own mouth (hat tip: Skip).  The asylum seekers … Continue reading George Soros: EU must take in one million migrants a year…..

Germany investigating terror suspects in refugee flow (surprise!)

Invasion of Europe news…. From The Telegraph: Germany is examining 10 cases of refugees accused of being a member of a terror organisation or taking part in war crimes abroad in an admission by the country’s police chief that will raise fears of terrorists among migrants. Holger Muench, head of the BKA federal police, said … Continue reading Germany investigating terror suspects in refugee flow (surprise!)