Media shock over Obama plan to bring in a couple of thousand Syrian refugees growing

This is just a quick commentary. My alerts are filled with news stories about revelations last week and the week before that the Obama Administration is planning on bringing Syrian Muslim refugees to the US this year and in future years and everyone is shocked at the number being discussed—2,000. Don’t get me wrong, I … Continue reading Media shock over Obama plan to bring in a couple of thousand Syrian refugees growing

The Washington media begins to get it! Syrian refugees pose threat to national security

I laughed this morning when I saw last week’s news—that those in charge of national security have discovered an important chink in our “humanitarian” refugee program as it relates to Syrians (and frankly Iraqis and Somalis as well!)—how do you screen someone who has no paper trail? And, how do you keep them from being … Continue reading The Washington media begins to get it! Syrian refugees pose threat to national security

First Syrian refugees arriving in Louisville, KY; helped with grant from Islamic charity

Just as we have been discussing the testimony this past week by the FBI to the House Homeland Security Committee and how difficult it is to vet the thousands of Syrians in the UN’s pipeline to America, news is coming that the first Syrians are arriving. This information about a Muslim charity giving grants for … Continue reading First Syrian refugees arriving in Louisville, KY; helped with grant from Islamic charity

After promising 9,000-10,000 Syrian refugees this year, US State Department revises numbers downward

For months, State Department spokesmen (we will bring as many as our Iraqi commitment—20,000? a year) and women (processing 5,000 now, 10,000 plus annually going forward) have been bragging that finally the US was in high gear to start resettling the thousands of mostly Muslim Syrian refugees that the UN has chosen for us. Well, this … Continue reading After promising 9,000-10,000 Syrian refugees this year, US State Department revises numbers downward

US lacks intel to adequately screen Syrian refugees (no kidding!)

While I was distracted over the last two days (here), some of our readers were on top of the news.  Thanks to reader Joanne for spotting this story about why the Syrian refugee flow to America is only a trickle.  I am still puzzled why the UN and its “humanitarian” cheering squad are not squawking … Continue reading US lacks intel to adequately screen Syrian refugees (no kidding!)