Bill to allow NH cities to impose a moratorium on refugee resettlement gets a hearing

The New Hampshire legislature heard testimony this week from proponents and opponents of a bill that seeks a short-term moratorium on the resettlement of more refugees to that state.   Long time readers know that especially Manchester, NH has been a hotbed of controversy after the city leaders have repeatedly said the city cannot handle more … Continue reading Bill to allow NH cities to impose a moratorium on refugee resettlement gets a hearing

Formal request submitted to give TPS to Syrians in the US, volags involved

Since the open borders crowd has been so successful in keeping hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants in the US (Salvadorans, Haitians, Liberians,  Somalis etc) through Temporary Protected Status they now want to secure TPS “protection” for Syrians presently in the US due to the turmoil on-going in Syria. So who is next? — TPS … Continue reading Formal request submitted to give TPS to Syrians in the US, volags involved

Salvadoran foreign minister coming to US to lobby for extension of TPS

Readers:  This is cross-posted from Potomac Tea Party Report and I thought some of our readers here might find it interesting.   TPS is another “legal” immigration program that has gone wrong. TPS is Temporary Protected Status and is perhaps the ultimate scam and backdoor amnesty for illegal aliens in the US.   Whenever you are tempted … Continue reading Salvadoran foreign minister coming to US to lobby for extension of TPS

Immigrants send money back home, prop up world economies…..

….but what about the US economy? Every article I see on the subject of remittances casts the practice in glowing terms—isn’t it great we are told, the immigrants work hard to send money to their family members back home.  But, doesn’t that have a negative impact on the US economy?  That money isn’t being spent … Continue reading Immigrants send money back home, prop up world economies…..