HIAS Spearheading Effort to Repeal Muslim Ban in Anti-Trump PR Stunt

HIAS, for those new to refugee industry lingo, is the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society  and yesterday they launched a grassroots campaign to pressure Congress into passing legislation that would abolish Trump’s so-called Muslim ban, and make it harder for any future President to keep us safe. Nevermind that there isn’t a Muslim ban as we … Continue reading HIAS Spearheading Effort to Repeal Muslim Ban in Anti-Trump PR Stunt

“Vermont Man” Lied About his Identity to Gain Refugee Status/US Citizenship

You guessed it, the headline calls him a Vermont man, but it could have more accurately said: ‘Somali refugee lied to gain admission to the US, gets slap on wrist!’   Here is how the Lewiston Sun Journal titled its story I assume to make it sound as benign as possible (hat tip: Steven): Vermont … Continue reading “Vermont Man” Lied About his Identity to Gain Refugee Status/US Citizenship

Canada rushed to resettle thousands of Syrians who were perfectly safe in Europe and elsewhere, says Rebel Media

If you are new to RRW, check out my Canada category by clicking here to catch up on what Open Borders Justin has been doing to the country since he took office a few years ago. One of his first actions was to ‘virtue signal’ by welcoming thousands of Syrian refugees, but not apparently those … Continue reading Canada rushed to resettle thousands of Syrians who were perfectly safe in Europe and elsewhere, says Rebel Media

Arizona: Refugee couple arrested, lied on refugee application, terror connection found

I first spotted this story at Arizona Central and my first thought was—-here we go again. Although labeled as “refugees,” are they going to tell us anything about the nationality of the lying husband and wife who got in to the US during the Obama Administration? But after looking around at other stories about yesterday’s … Continue reading Arizona: Refugee couple arrested, lied on refugee application, terror connection found

New data from Pew: Americans turning more negative on refugee resettlement

My subtitle: Nearly half of US Catholics believe it is not our responsibility to resettle refugees Most of the media blames the change in attitude on Trump’s rhetoric, but I think there has been a sea change in media reporting.  There is more and more news available to the general public about the kinds of … Continue reading New data from Pew: Americans turning more negative on refugee resettlement