Brigitte Gabriel: Refugee resettlement is driven by the desire for cheap immigrant labor/subsidies

Of course I couldn’t agree more.  It is not the only factor, but it is the primary reason that most Republican leaders never push for trashing or reforming the Refugee Act of 1980. (After all, Congressional leaders are playing baseball with Tyson Foods lobbyists and you, the taxpayer, are not invited!) The US Refugee Admissions … Continue reading Brigitte Gabriel: Refugee resettlement is driven by the desire for cheap immigrant labor/subsidies

Starbucks making good on promise: Will interview refugees in California for jobs as baristas

They say they ultimately want to hire 10,000 refugees because no American young people need jobs! (No they didn’t say that, but they must be thinking it!). From ABC News in El Cajon (hat tip: Joanne): EL CAJON, Calif. (KGTV)–Store managers from throughout San Diego will gather tomorrow at a Starbucks hiring event for refugees … Continue reading Starbucks making good on promise: Will interview refugees in California for jobs as baristas

Australia refugee deal murkier by the minute; poster story for refugee program gone wrong!

I’ve lost track of how many posts I’ve written on a refugee swap deal that Obama (and Anne Richard) engineered in the closing months of the Obama administration that would bring over 1,000 rejected ‘refugees’ to your towns in the coming months. (See archive here) These are mostly men illegal aliens who, with the help … Continue reading Australia refugee deal murkier by the minute; poster story for refugee program gone wrong!

Refugee resettlement is driven by a desire for cheap compliant labor, not humanitarianism

“….these are really good workers. They show up on time. They say ‘yes’ when they are told what to do. They do what is necessary for their survival.” (Lavinia Limon, CEO USCRI)   Ten years ago, when I first started writing this blog, NO ONE ever said a word publicly about refugee admissions being desirable … Continue reading Refugee resettlement is driven by a desire for cheap compliant labor, not humanitarianism