Uruguay wants only women and children Syrian refugees; men are too violent

Update February 14th:  New president says they will re-think their earlier commitment to resettle Syrians, here. Good for you Uruguay!  Only problem is that once the women and children get settled the ‘international humanitarian industrial complex’ will holler about how that policy is inhumane (and besides if they aren’t procreating how can they facilitate the … Continue reading Uruguay wants only women and children Syrian refugees; men are too violent

Syrian refugees: UK beat down, but where is the beat down of Obama?

There is something really really strange going on!  Either the United Nations, Amnesty International or the myriad members of the NGO humanitarian gang can’t bring themselves (yet!) to criticize America’s first black President, or Obama has another surprise coming for our citizens already disgusted with his open door policy to migrants of every stripe. (Despite … Continue reading Syrian refugees: UK beat down, but where is the beat down of Obama?

WND: More news on Syrian refugees headed to the US; and where are the Christians?

Leo Hohmann writing at World Net Daily today reports on the locations where Syrian (mostly Muslim) refugees will be resettling in America.  Some of his news might not be new to regular readers of RRW (he quotes us), but he includes a long section on the plight of the Syrian Christians which I did not … Continue reading WND: More news on Syrian refugees headed to the US; and where are the Christians?

Private groups in Canada expected to pay for 60% of the Syrian refugees Canada is agreeing to take

And, frankly, this is how it should be!  Private groups should put their money where their mouths are! In the US virtually 100% of the refugees are resettled with taxpayer money that is laundered through private groups masquerading as mostly “religious charities.”   Our Refugee Resettlement Program was supposed to be a public/private partnership but gradually … Continue reading Private groups in Canada expected to pay for 60% of the Syrian refugees Canada is agreeing to take

Fun with numbers! How many Syrian refugees have come to the US in FY2015 so far?

Once again readers pushed this post through the roof yesterday (What! you were spending your holiday reading about Syrian refugees coming to your cities?). Recently I came across this very cool data base maintained at the Refugee Processing Center (a US State Department data collection center).   I just tried it for Syrian refugees who entered … Continue reading Fun with numbers! How many Syrian refugees have come to the US in FY2015 so far?